
Central location of the project is the Institute for Musicology at University Münster. Here, the main (ethno)musicological tasks of the project as well as the textual edition of the manuscripts are carried out, and other tasks undertaken by associates in Bonn and Istanbul are organisationally supervised. 

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ralf Martin Jäger, assisted by Zeynep Helvacı, the sources of Ottoman art music of the 19th century are fully transcribed and critically edited here. Ersin Mıhçı is entrusted with this task since project start, since the beginning of 2020 joined by Marco Dimitriou, Semih Pelen and since April 2021 Dr. Nejla Melike Atalay.

The editions will make a large corpus of material internationally available to researchers and performers. The editing process, organized in two phases, is made up of several complementary stages, wich are described in detail in the Project Description.

Besides a large corpus of instrumental works, the sources contain hundreds of vocal pieces with both melodic and textual dimensions. In parallel with the critical edition of music manuscripts, the CMO project will therefore publish editions of the accompanying song texts in collaboration with the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Münster. Since February 2024 Dr. Nazlı Vatansever is entrusted with this task.