Dr. Nazlı Vatansever

Research associate of the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies

Fields of interest

  • Ottoman manuscript studies
  • Ottoman literature
  • History of printed books
  • Press and publishing history
  • History of book advertising
  • Vita

    Nazlı Vatansever received her BA and MA in Turkish language and literature at in Istanbul (Yıldız Teknik and Mimar Sinan university). PhD studies (finished October 2022) at th University of Vienna, Institute for Oriental Studies in the Department of Turkish Studies. In her doctoral thesis, she analysed the reading and writing habits of a classical Ottoman scholar, Sahhaflarşeyhizade Vakanüvis Esad Efendi (1789-1848), analysed on the basis of his personal manuscript collections.

    2012-2018 she worked as research assistant for the project Database for Ottoman Inscriptions (DOI), which, with the support of the Foreign Language University of Tokyo and the Turkish Historical Society, documented and published architectural inscriptions in all former Ottoman countries.

    2019-2023 she worked at the Institute for Oriental Studies and at the Institute for History of Arts at the University of Vienna and also 2022-2023 at the Ruhr-University Bochum at the Institute for of Arabic and Islamic Studies. Since 2019 she contributed to several FWF and ERC projects as research assistant and translator. Her research interests include the significance of reading and writing in Ottoman society, Ottoman manuscript culture and the history of printing.

    Since 2024 Nazlı Vatansever works as a research associate for the procject Corpus Musicae Ottomanicae (CMO) at the University of Münster.

  • Publikationen/Publications/Yayınlar

    • Artikel (peer reviewed): "Books as a Career Shaper: The Reading Activities of Ṣaḥḥāflarşeyḫizāde Esʿad Efendi (1789-1848) at the Beginning of the Rise of His Career" in Authors as Readers (Hrsg. Élise Franssen), Venedig: Edizioni Ca'Foscari, 2022.
    • Artikel (peer reviewed): "Sahhaflarşeyhizade Esad Efendi'nin Kendi Kaleminden Bir Otobiyografi Denemesi" in Toplumsal Tarih Akademi, no:1 (Güz 2023).
    • Artikel (peer reviewed): "The Types of Text Compiling as Practiced by Ṣaḥḥāflarşeyḫizāde Esʿad Efendi," in Personal Manuscripts: Copying, Drafting, Taking Notes (Hrsg. Jürgen Paul, David Durand- Guédy), Berlin: De Gruyter (Studies in Manuscript Cultures), 2023.
    • Artikel: "Bir Dîvân Koleksiyoneri Olarak Sahhâflarşeyhizâde Vakanüvîs Esʿad Efendi" in Osmanlı Dünyasında Kitap Koleksiyonerleri [BüchersammlerInnen in der osmanischen Welt], (Hrsg. Hatice Aynur und Tülay Artan), Istanbul: Dergah Yayınları, 2023.
    • Buch Review: Kitaplara vakfedilen bir ömre tuhfe: İsmail Erünsal’a Armağan [Festschrift für Ismail Erünsal]. Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 24 (2014, Istanbul): 291-94.
    • Conference Review: XVIII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Kitap Koleksiyonerleri, Bilgi Üretimi ve Dağılımı [Osmanische BuchsammlerInnen im 18. Jahrhundert: Wissensgenerierung und - verteilung] Müteferrika vol. 49 (2016/1): 317-320.