Dr. Semih Pelen
Research associate
Fields of interest
- Music Sociology
- Turkish Music Modernism
- Music Theory
- Turkish Music Paleography
- Temperament Systems
Research associate
Semih Pelen started his career as a graduate student and research associate in Musicology Department of Ankara State Conservatory of Hacettepe University in 2013. After receiving M.A degree in 2016, he has started his doctoral studies at Musicology and Music Theory department of Istanbul Technical University, where he attended Turkish Music Theory, History, Sociology and Paleography classes. Between 2015-2017, he actively took part in the board of directors of an association called BESOM which has the Turkey's leading composers and musicologists as members. Between 2018-2020, he worked as research associate and lecturer in piano classes at Atatürk University Musicology Department. Late 2023 he finished his PhD thesis which focuses on Turkish Music Modernism based on letters of Kemal Ilerici (1910-1986) who is mostly known with his Harmonic System which offers a polyphonic method to perform Makam Music on equally tempered instruments. He works for CMO project since February 2020.
Pelen, S. (2016). “Türkiye’de Müzik Teknolojisi Eğitimi: Üniversitelerin Eğitim Programları ve Stüdyo Olanakları Bakımından Karşılaştırmalı Analizi [Music Technology Education in Turkey: A comparative analysis of Universities Undergraduate Education Curriculums and Recording Studio Capabilities]”. Emrah Lehimler, Koray Çelenk, eds. 1. Erzurum Ulusal Müzik Bilimleri Sempozyumu Bildiriler, Cilt 2. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları: 772-789.
Pelen, S., and Özbayrak, O. V. (2016). “Türkiye’nin Müzik Yolculuğuna Bir Bakış: Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası’nın 1960’lı ve 1970’li Yıllardaki Eser Seçimlerinin Karşılaştırılması”. 1. Ulusal Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Sempozyumu, Ankara State Conservatory of Hacettepe University, Ankara.