Music Production in the 14th Century Jalayirid and Timurid Courts: The Life and Legacy of Abd al-Qadir Maraghi
CMO participates in international symposium in Istanbul
Research Institute of Turkology at Istanbul University, one of CMO’s cooperation partners, organized an international symposium on “Hüseyin Sadettin Arel and Turkish Music” on 13.-14.12.2017 in Istanbul in collaboration with Atatürk Culture Centre (part of T.R. Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History). Arel Collection at Institute’s library was one of the major focuses of the event. With kind permission of Istanbul University, CMO is currently editing several manuscripts from this collection. Following the kind invitation of Institute’s Director Prof. Dr. Fikret Turan, Prof. Dr. Ralf Martin Jäger and Dr. Jacob Olley presented papers concerning the significance and the content of this collection. Several members of CMO Academic Advisory Board, namely Prof. Rûhî Ayangil, Prof. Dr. Nilgün Doğrusöz-Dişiaçık and Prof. Songül Karahasanoğlu participated in and partly co-organized this event.
You can download the complete program of the symposium here: Programm
Research Institute for Turkology also published some photos of the event on their homepage.
Research on the ritual music of Mevlevi lodges
Scholar and percussionist Osman Öksüzoğlu, PhD, will conduct a comparative research on ritual and music in Mevlevi lodges in Turkey and Germany as a guest at CMO. Öksüzoğlu arrived in Germany to organize and carry out field research in Germany in November 2017. Funded by TÜBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), the one-year-long project aims not only to shed light on the (ethno)musicological aspect of the subject, but also to contribute to a better understanding of the ways people adapt ritualized forms of religion to suit their immediate socio-cultural setting

Ottoman Music: Theory, Notation, Performance
New member of the “Specialist Group of Independent Research Institutions”
At this year’s meeting of the Society for Music Research (GfM) in Kassel, CMO has been accepted as a member of the “Specialist Group of Independent Research Institutions” (Fachgruppe der Freien Forschungsinstitute - fffi).
CMO on the stage
CMO held an informative concert within the framework of Cusanuswerk’s vacation academy "SLM. Peace, Devotion, Submission. An approach to Islam" on 30.08.2017 at Franz-Hitze-Haus (Münster). The program included, among others, compositions edited as a part of the project. The performing ensemble consisted of guest musicians Muharrem Cenker (short-necked lute ud) and Osman Öksüzoğlu (percussion), as well as CMO members Salah Eddin Maraqa (box zither kanun) and Jacob Olley (rim-blown flute ney). Prof. Dr. Ralf Martin Jäger informed the audience about the cultural and musical background and answered numerous questions at the end of the performance. Participants of the vacation academy showed a great interest in the concert and received the program with enthusiasm.
You can find a selection of audio and video recordings, and pictures from the event in the “Media” section.

We mourn the loss of our esteemed colleague Prof. Ş. Şehvar Beşiroğlu

Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East
CMO Events in Istanbul
On 06 and 07 March 2017, CMO realized an event consisting of a specialized workshop and presentations for the wider scholarly audience.
See also: Media.
CMO’s contribution to the ”Integrated Authority File”
Data on individuals from the Ottoman Empire, especially musicians and poets, accumulated in the course of the project are now incorporated into the “Integrated Authority File” (Gemeinsame Normdatei – GND). Through the entry of these data, CMO contributes to updating and expanding the integrated authority file.
GND is a directory of standardized information on persons, corporate bodies, conferences, geographical terms, subject headings and work titles, managed by the German National Library and used by all German-speaking library networks, Union Catalogue of Serials (Zeitschriftendatenbank – ZDB) and by many other institutions. They serve as a resource for cataloguing in libraries and are increasingly used by archives, museums, projects and web applications.
Revised and new information on over 300 persons provided by CMO is an important step towards standardization and adaptation of research data in the field of Ottoman music and culture, which can facilitate web-based searches through inclusion of deviating names, thus enabling new search possibilities based on the standardized data.
CMO will continue providing newly accumulated data on relevant persons during the course of the project.
Forum Musicology Münster
Dr. Salah E. Maraqa: "Die Unterhaltungskultur im Paris des 19. Jh. in den Augen arabischer Reisender"
Tuesday 13th December 2016. Begin: 18:00 s.t.
Bibliotheksraum II (EG rechts), Philippistr. 2b, 48149 Münster.
“Numerous Arab travellers visited Europe in the nineteenth century under various circumstances. Paris was by far the most popular destination, which was considered ‘the capital of the nineteenth century’ by Europeans as well as Arabs. Many of these travellers put their experiences and impressions into writing. This lecture focuses on a selection of representative testimonies of Arab travellers on different types of entertainment of the nineteenth-century Paris. These testimonies are of considerable importance for the research on the Arabic culture itself in the nineteenth century, as well. They reveal the perception of Western culture prevalent in the Arab world in this time period and they contribute significantly to illuminate processes of cultural transfer, change and westernization.”
Inauguration of the Münster Archive of Oriental Music (MAMO)
Inauguration of the Münster Archive of Oriental Music (MAMO) will be celebrated with a ceremony on Thursday, October 27, 2016, at 18.00 (s.t.) in the gallery of the ULB Münster (Krummer Timpen 3, 48143 Münster). Director of the archive, Dr. Salah Eddin Maraqa cordially invites the interested public to this event.
MAMO is a cooperation project between the WWU Department of Musicology and the University and State Library Münster (ULB). The archive provides access to a significant collection of digitized sources for music and music theory of the Middle East for scholarly studies.
To participate, please register until 20.10.2016 at maraqa@uni-muenster.de.

“People’s award” for Anna Plaksin’s poster presentation!

RISM published a report on CMO

List of standardized musical terms

The CMO Homepage is online!