Falling Walls Lab Brazil 2023

On 12 September, the Falling Walls Lab Brazil 2023 will be held on the campus of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). The event is a competition that awards a "falling walls" creative solution in the field of science and technology, which can be research, a social initiative or an innovative business plan.
Researchers from all fields of knowledge can apply until 25 July 2023, who are either enrolled at a higher education institution or must have completed a degree no more than ten years ago, a master's degree seven years ago or a doctorate five years ago. 15 applicants will be selected to have their 3-minute pitches evaluated by a jury. The audience will also be able to choose their favourite.
The best "falling walls solution" will be presented in the final of the global Falling Walls Lab on 7 November in Berlin.
In Brazil, the Falling Walls Lab Brazil competition is organised annually by the German Centre for Research and Innovation São Paulo (DWIH-SP) – this year also in cooperation with the DAAD, the German Federal Foreign Office and the Unifesp Agency for Technological Innovation (agitsunifesp).
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