“Postdoc in Germany" information events in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo

Since 2016, a consortium of German universities has been organising an information symposium in Brazil and Argentina for young researchers interested in a postdoctoral research stay in Germany. The event, which has proved very successful over the years, attracting many participants, will be held in April in the cities of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
At each location, representatives from Germany's top universities will present the research opportunities at their institutions. In addition, funding agencies from Germany and the European Union will also be present to provide information about their grant and research funding programmes in the country. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, including to Brazilian researchers who are former scholarship holders in Germany, and also for individual consultations with the representatives of each institution present:
Technical University of Berlin
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
University of Münster
Technical University of Munich
University of Heidelberg
University of Potsdam
University of Tübingen
Technical University of Darmstadt (only in São Paulo)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH)
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
The event will be held entirely in English, in person. There will be no online broadcast. You must register in advance by 12 April using the forms for the respective events (links below).
Dates and venues:
Buenos Aires:
- 12 April, Friday
German Embassy
Villanueva 1055, C1426BMC
- 13 April, Saturday
Goethe Institute
Av. Corrientes 319, C1043 AAD
Registration: https://uni.ms/f3yt2
Rio de Janeiro
- 16 April, Tuesday
Brazilian Centre for Physics Research - CBPF
R. Dr Xavier Sigaud, 150, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
Registration: https://uni.ms/mz9q8
São Paulo:
- 20th April, Saturday
Goethe Institute
R. Lisboa, 974, Pinheiros, São Paulo
Registration: https://uni.ms/z6098
The events in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are being held with the support of the German Center for Research and Innovation in São Paulo (DWIH-SP) and with the support of the Goethe Institute and the Brazilian Centre for Physics Research (CBPF).