Dr. Theresa Krampe
Theresa Krampe received her PhD from the University of Osnabrück and is now working at the Department of Society, Culture and Technological Change at the University of Tübingen. Further information can be found here.
Theresa Krampe completed her BA in British and American Studies with Law as a minor subject at Bielefeld University. She also holds an MA in National and Transnational Studies from Uni Münster. Her master thesis, entitled “No Straight Answers: Queering the Political Aesthetics of Video Gaming”, focusses on the representation of queer characters in contemporary role-playing videogames. She recently defended her PhD about the forms and functions of metareference in videogames.
Research interests:
· Videogame Studies
· Forms and aesthetics of narrative across media
· Identity politics and popular culture
· Gender-, masculinity-, and queer studies
Selected publications:
Krampe, Theresa. “No Straight Answers: Queering Hegemonic Masculinity in BioWare’s Mass Effect.” Game Studies 18.2 (2018). http://gamestudies.org/1802/articles/krampe.
Conference talks:
“On the Political Aesthetics of Playing Queer in BioWare’s Mass Effect.” GAPS Annual Conference. Nationalism and the Postcolonial. University of Mainz, 10-12 May 2018.
“Rewriting the Global Metropolis: The Construction of Place and Migrant Identity in Elaine Proctor’s Rhumba.” Faces of Migration. Bielefeld University, 1 December 2017.
“With the Idea of a Gun: Resistance, Identity, and the Power of Imagination in Sherman Alexie’s ‘The Trial of Thomas Builds-the-Fire’”, Self in the Making – Narrative and Performative Constructions of Identity. WWU Münster. 13 June 2015.
Communicating Texts and Theories (winter term 2017/18)