© T. Krampe

Theresa Krampe

Theresa Krampe is now a PhD Student at the International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture  (GCSC) in Gießen.

Theresa Krampe completed her BA in British and American Studies with Law as a minor subject at Bielefeld University. She also holds an MA in National and Transnational Studies from WWU Münster. Her master thesis, entitled “No Straight Answers: Queering the Political Aesthetics of Video Gaming”, focusses on the representation of queer characters in contemporary role-playing videogames. She is currently working on her PhD project on self-reflexive strategies in videogames.

Research interests:

·         Videogame Studies

·         Forms and aesthetics of narrative across media

·         Identity politics and popular culture

·         Gender-, masculinity-, and queer studies


Krampe, Theresa. “No Straight Answers: Queering Hegemonic Masculinity in BioWare’s Mass Effect.” Game Studies 18.2 (2018). http://gamestudies.org/1802/articles/krampe.

Conference talks:

“On the Political Aesthetics of Playing Queer in BioWare’s Mass Effect.” GAPS Annual Conference. Nationalism and the Postcolonial. University of Mainz, 10-12 May 2018.

“Rewriting the Global Metropolis: The Construction of Place and Migrant Identity in Elaine Proctor’s Rhumba.” Faces of Migration. Bielefeld University, 1 December 2017.

“With the Idea of a Gun: Resistance, Identity, and the Power of Imagination in Sherman Alexie’s ‘The Trial of Thomas Builds-the-Fire’”, Self in the Making – Narrative and Performative Constructions of Identity. WWU Münster. 13 June 2015.


Communicating Texts and Theories (winter term 2017/18)