With its research in Postcolonial, Transnational and Transcultural Studies (PTTS), the Chair of English, Postcolonial and Media Studies locates itself at the intersections of historical and contemporary debates in literary and cultural studies as well as diaspora and transnational studies. Its approach to cultural representation, historical contexts, and geographical spaces is deliberately transmedial and interdisciplinary, sketching the manifold border-crossings that are inherent to and affect cultural textualities and the discourses that shape them. The PTTS research is sparked by questions that emerge from postcolonial theory and contributes to a variety of international, third-party funded research groups, including the Afroeuropeans Network, and PIN – Postcolonial Intellectuals and their European Publics. Individual projects span across anglophone literatures of the Caribbean, Africa, and India, postcolonial ideologies, film and national identities, black and Asian British writing, audiovisual texts and British grime culture, British settler cultures, and contemporary anglophone Arab cultural production. Postcolonial, transnational and transcultural studies is part of the curriculum at the English Department, spanning various degree programmes and the collaborative Study India Certificate.
What is Postcolonial, Transnational and Transcultural Studies? The About PTTS page helps in answering this question, by providing a brief background about this field of study, along with a list of topics that can be covered within its domain.
The PTTS website provides information about relevant courses/teaching and events that are taking place at the department as well as elsewhere in the university. A list of staff members who comprise the PTTS team, along with the relevant research interests and projects can also be accessed here.
The News & Events section has the latest news related to events, publications and ideas revolving around the realm of PTTS in Münster and beyond. Information on guest lectures, conferences and readings, along with an archive of past events, can be accessed here.
Our Study area helps students with information for their studies. It provides a FAQ for research papers and exam preparations, gives additional information on research papers in a separate subsection and contains a download link for presentation guidelines. Additionally, this section covers research facilities, guidelines on how to use quotations and an anti-plagiarism form that needs to be attached to all essay submissions. It also includes PTTS resources, i.e. compiled lists of journals and organisations in the intersecting research fields of Postcolonial, Transnational, and Transcultural Studies. Information of publications, research journals and organizations related to PTTS within Germany as well as around the globe can also be found here. A reading list complemented with author profiles and visual aid can also be access here.
Find out what is trending, coming up, or taking place right now at the PTTS chair in our Now section. It showcases the most current event at a particular time, including guest lectures, conferences, or any other significant activity organised by the PTTS team.
The English Department offers two research-oriented MA programmes and some students apply to both of them at the same time which is fine. So what’s the difference between these two programmes, what do they share? And, what is specific to the MA NTS?
Both programmes are international in their outlook and student intake, and both MAs are well-established and successful. Thematically, the programmes overlap considerably and many of the classes offered in one programme will also be options in the sister programme. Both focus on book studies, on English linguistics, and on anglophone literatures and cultures from any of the over fifty nation states in which these are produced. In addition, the MA NTS focuses on questions of transnationalism and nationalism, and on globalisation and diaspora. These focal themes are also studied in inter- and transdisciplinary terms: the MA NTS accepts students with a wider range of undergraduate degrees than the MA BAPS does, and NTS students sometimes have the option to go beyond literary studies or linguistics, for example when it comes to their MA thesis.
You can find detailed information on the MA NTS, its contents, and admission requirements on the programme's website.