Details on how to register

Answers to the questions most frequently asked can be found in our FAQ.

Who can become a member?

Everyone can become a member who was a student (also a temporary student), an employee (except in a freelance contract) or a visiting researcher from abroad at the University of Münster, the Conservatory of Music Münster and the former school of education ("Pädagogische Hochschule") Münster (both of which have been integrated into the University). Even if you are still enrolled or actively working at the University of Münster, you are welcome to become a member already.

Alumni of other colleges in Münster, such as, for example, the Münster University of Applied Sciences, unfortunately cannot become members.

Activation of the registration

Please bear in mind that your registration will be activated by us manually and that it may take time before you receive your email confirming your registration. Please be patient to avoid double registrations.

Using the email address of the University of Münster

You will find all the information about the email addresses here.