The climbing project of the Institute of Sports Science, the University Hospital Münster and the Children's Cancer Aid Münster e.V. was honored as a special project for children and young people at the award ceremony for the Citizens' Prize of the City of Münster. The special feature: Children and young people between the ages of 8 and 18 decide on the funding of the individual projects in the newly founded funding forum of the city of Münster. The climbing project was the only project to receive the maximum amount of funding.
The departments of Education and Culture in Sport and Education and Teaching in Sport were well represented at the 47th annual conference of the Sports Education Commission of the German Society for Educational Science in Oldenburg Castle. Dr Kathrin Kohake, Andre Magner, Uta Kaundinya and Ute Große-Westermann each gave a presentation on didactic issues relating to the education of PE teachers at universities, putting Münster's teaching and examination concepts up for discussion.
At the 3rd Cologne Day of School Sport, Dr Marion Golenia (Dept. of Physical Education and Teaching Research) and Junior Professor Dr Helga Leineweber (Dept. of Education and Culture in Sport) held a theoretical and practical workshop for PE teachers in which they presented current scientific findings on the connection between body images in social media and body images among children and young people. Following on from this, they tested and discussed ways of addressing the topic in PE lessons together with the teachers. The content and materials developed as part of the BMBF-funded ComeSport project were thus subjected to an initial ‘rigorous test’. Further ideas and materials for sports lessons on this complex topic are now being successively developed and trialled.
The aim of the project is a demand-oriented development of physical activity for children and adolescents with disabilities with a focus on the health promotion of the target group. The basis for this is a scientific needs assessment for the professional implementation of which we are now looking for support.
Further information can be found here.
Applications will be accepted by 17 July 2024. e-mail
Dr. Maria Campos from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) came to visit the IfS to coincide with the Special Olympics State Games, most of which took place at the University Sports Campus. Maria Campos is one of this year's fellows of the Women in Research (WiRE) program of the University of Münster. Together with JProf. Dr. Helga Leineweber, Dep. Education and Culture, she is conducting the project "Fostering Physical Education 4 All Abilities". This transnational project aims at analyzing the self-efficacy of prospective physical education teachers in Portugal and Germany in order to develop professional skills in inclusive settings.
This year, the German Sports Teachers' Association DSLV (NRW state association), in cooperation with Unfallkasse NRW, is once again awarding the prize for the best university thesis in the subject of sport. The prize is awarded to both Bachelor's and Master's theses and is endowed with a total of €3,000.
We encourage all students with outstanding theses in the above-mentioned subject area to take part. The prerequisite for application is a grade of 1.0 or 1.3 for the submitted thesis (please enclose proof). You can find more details in the announcement text or under this link.
As part of the BMBF joint project ComeSport, the members of ComeNet 5 met at Paderborn University from 29 to 30 April 2024 to discuss the topic of "Body images and social media in school sport". The participants from the universities of Leipzig, Münster and Paderborn are jointly developing training courses for PE teachers on the ComeNet topic. At this project meeting, initial ideas for the individual training modules at the locations were presented and discussed.
The Institute of Sport Science was represented at this meeting by staff from the Education and Culture in Sport and Education and Teaching in Sport departments.
A research day was held on Wednesday, 22 May, to mark the start of the Special Olympics NRW state games. The event, which was jointly organized by the Department of Education and Culture in Sport (Prof. Dr. Helga Leineweber) and the Department of Sport Psychology (Dr. Lena Henning) in cooperation with the Willibald Gebhardt Institute, aimed to bring together different stakeholders in the field of sport for people with intellectual or multiple disabilities. Scientists and students from Leipzig, Münster, Stuttgart and Graz not only gave presentations on current teaching concepts and research findings, but also discussed practical implications and further research and development needs with representatives from Special Olympics Germany and some state associations as well as athletes, coaches and supervisors. The event was supported by Unfallkasse NRW.
We would like to thank you for the exciting exchange and the stimulating discussions.
The chapter "Collegiate Esports in South Korea and the United States" by Prof Dr Lars Dzikus with Yoonkyu as co-author has been published in the book "Critical Perspectives on Esports".
The chapter introduces the history and governance of collegiate Esports and compares how Esports developed within colleges in their respective countries and outlines difficulties that arise, especially in relation to power
The cooperation project with the university hospital took place again in Kleinwalsertal in March. Students from Module 10 were involved in the project. The team, led by Eike Boll, offered ski courses at all skill levels for the 22 participating children and young people and their families and was also able to adequately resolve therapy-related restrictions. As a pilot project, two of the participating patients were tested in advance using the "Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC-2)" motor skills test. Initial results in the re-test showed strikingly positive results, particularly in the area of balance. The project is financially supported by Kinderkrebshilfe Münster e.V.
The Special Olympics National Games will take place in Münster from 22 May to 25 May 2024. The organisers are still looking for motivated helpers who can support them in exciting and varied activities.
Registration and further information can be found here.
The FaBiS (Fachliche Bildung im Sportunterricht) project group with Prof. Dr Ilka Lüsebrink (PH Freiburg), Prof. Dr Vera Volkmann (Uni Hannover) and Prof. Dr Petra Wolters (Uni Vechta) came together at the Sports Institute at the invitation of JProf. Dr Helga Leineweber (Uni Münster) for the third working meeting. Over the course of two days, the staging of exercise processes in PE lessons and the resulting activities of the learners were analysed using instructional videos. The results will be presented at a conference in the summer.
Announcement Special Olympics Research Day on 22 May 2024 The fifth Special Olympics NRW State Games will take place in Münster in May 2024. On the occasion of this event, we would like to invite you to a scientific research day immediately beforehand. The aim of this day is to bring together and discuss the current state of knowledge on the topic of sport by and with people with intellectual and multiple disabilities from different perspectives and disciplines and to exchange ideas with each other. Further information can be found here.
The weekly event series "Olympia" in spring/summer 2024 will take place on Mondays from 16.00 to 18.00 (start: 08.04.2024 | end: 08.07.2024) in seminar room Ho101.
The event takes place hybrid. After registering, you will automatically receive a Zoom link by e-mail.
The "Education and Culture" department is looking for a student assistant (approx. 6-8 hours/week) to start as soon as possible.
If you are interested, you can apply to Junior Professor Dr. Helga Leineweber by February 20 with a short letter of motivation stating the number of semesters, IT skills and other previous knowledge.
The cooperation project between the Institute of Sports Science and Münster University Hospital, led by Eike Boll, is being expanded to include climbing and bouldering. The aim is to introduce children and young people with cancer to new exercise options. Students from the Institute of Sports Science support this project by teaching safety techniques and accompanying all participants on their way to independent climbing.
As part of the BMBF joint project ComeSport, the kick-off meeting of ComeNet 5 on the topic of "Body images and social media in school sport" took place from 2 to 3 November in Münster. The meeting focussed on deepening the joint research work and preparing the upcoming work phases.
The universities of Leipzig, Münster and Paderborn are involved in the project. The Institute of Sport Science was represented by staff from the Education and Culture in Sport and Education and Teaching in Sport departments.
On September 13 and 14, this year's second research meeting of the project team on "Subject-based Education in Sport", FaBiS for short, took place. The focus was on the joint research work, in which exercise processes in physical education were analyzed on the basis of instructional videos. In addition, initial preparations were made for a research proposal. Four universities are involved in the project: Ilka Lüsebrink (missing on the photo) from PH Freiburg, Vera Volkmann from the University of Hildesheim, Helga Leineweber from the University of Münster and Petra Wolters from the University of Vechta.
From August 10 to 11, the conference of the Accident Insurance Fund NRW took place at the WTB Sports School. The topic was the sensitization of teacher trainees with regard to children and adolescents who are unsafe (using the example of school sports) as a challenge in teacher training.
Eike Boll (AB Education and Culture in Sport) led a practical workshop this year. The subject leaders of sport of the training location in Westphalia got an insight into differentiated movement possibilities in the area of the backstroke games and discussed these.
We from the field of education and culture in sport are looking for a logo. This subfield of sports science includes, among others, sports pedagogy and sports history.
Send us your designs for our new logo! The selected contribution will be compensated with an expense allowance of 100 Euro.
As part of the BMBF's ComeSport joint project, the Education and Culture in Sport and Education and Teaching in Sport work areas have approved a project on the digitalization of sports teacher training.
The project addresses the question of how physical education teachers can address students' body images, which are influenced by social media.
Do you want to be up close and personal at the Paralympics 2024 in Paris? Then apply now as a young reporter for the Paralympics Zeitung.
The Paralympics Zeitung is a joint project of the Tagesspiegel and the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). We are looking for young and committed journalists with a keen interest in journalism who would like to report on the Games in Paris.
The Special Olympics World Games will take place in Berlin from 17.06. to 25.06.2023.
Already last week (12.06.-15.06.2023) the delegation from the Netherlands was welcomed and hosted in Münster in the course of the 'Host-Town-Program'.
In an interview with Münster aktiv, Junior Professor Dr. Helga Leineweber explains the significance of the Special Olympics in connection with inclusion and inclusive sports.
At the world's largest inclusive sports event, the Special Olympics World Games, several thousand athletes with intellectual and multiple disabilities compete with and against each other in 26 sports.
This year, the Special Olympics World Games will take place in Berlin from June 17 to 25, 2023, and thus for the first time in Germany.
As part of the project seminar "Special Olympics", the Sports Institute will also participate in the Host Town Project in Münster from June 12 to 15, 2023. A subsequent visit to the Special Olympics World Games is also part of it.
The fifth State Games of Special Olympics NRW for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities will take place in Münster from May 22-25, 2024. For this purpose, the joint framework agreement was signed by the Lord Mayor Markus Lewe and the President of Special Olympics NRW - Gerhard Stiens - on May 22, 2023. The event is expected to attract 7,000 athletes and showcase 18 sports. Students are also welcome to attend.
Junprof. Dr. Helga Leineweber coordinates the implementation of the event with a working group, consisting of all work areas, at the IfS.
Within the framework of a staged integration project, the barriers to entry into club sports are to be structurally evaluated and approaches to eliminating them sought, the solutions found are to be introduced and established through practice-oriented localization, and the sustainable anchoring in club sports is to be evaluated.
For this a wiss. Accompaniment is looked for. If you are interested, please contact us for further information.
As part of a cooperation project between the DSHS Cologne, the University of Leipzig and the WWU Münster, joint digital teaching events again took place during the week of December 12-16.
The teaching cooperation developed in the course of the project Schulsport 2030 (School Sport 2030) within the framework of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education and has now established itself as a fixed component of the teaching program at the three locations.
Helga Leineweber has been teaching and researching as an juniorprofessor at the Institute of Sport Science since September 2022, where she heads the research area Education and Culture in Sport. The work area was established for the winter semester 2022/23 and thus represents the most recent expansion at the Institute of Sport Science and underscores the importance of qualified (training) education for future sport teachers.
Cand. Phil. Yoonkyu Song, PhD student at the Institute of Sport Science in the Department of Education and Culture in Sport, represented the Willibald Gebhardt Institute (WGI) at the First International Olympic Research Conference in India/ Ahmadabad.
The megacity is a promising candidate to host the 2036 Olympic Games.
In one of his two lectures, Yoonkyu presented the WGI's work on Olympic education and history. The other lecture was about his dissertation on sports development in divided nations using the example of Germany and Korea.
We are thankful to Yoonkyu Song for his commitment to the WGI and sports education in Münster.
The Education and Culture in Sport and Education and Teaching in Sport departments are working in cooperation with the universities of Leipzig and Paderborn in the BMBF joint project ComeSport, which is part of the lernen:digital competence network. The first conference entitled ‘Shaping digital transformation for schools and teacher training’ took place in Potsdam from 30 September to 2 October 2024. Ulrike Franken from the Department of Education and Culture in Sport took part on behalf of the University of Münster.
The current work in the ComeNet 5 project ‘Body images and social media in school sport’ was presented in a lecture. Specifically, the individual contribution dealt with the needs analyses of the three locations Münster, Leipzig and Paderborn and the consequences to be drawn from this for the conception of the planned training project.
After analysing the needs and determining the consequences, the task now is to implement these in training modules and design demand-oriented units.
For the excursion "Mountain Sports" from September 6 to 13, a position as an sports-assistant is available. The main tasks are to support the preparation and running of the event. Experience in mountaineering/mountain hiking, via ferrata or mountain biking is required, licenses or coaching certificates are desirable. Long-term support for the excursion is desirable. If you are interested, please contact Eike Boll or Eric Eils by 28.06.2024 with a short letter of motivation stating the number of semesters, experience in the sports and other skills.