© Helga Leineweber

Teaching cooperation with the University of Leipzig

As part of a cooperation project between the DSHS Cologne, the University of Leipzig and the WWU Münster, joint digital courses were again held during the week of December 12-16. As a representative of the WWU, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Helga Leineweber designed a unit on the topic of "Professional Perception in Physical Education" in the teaching seminar "Diversity and Inclusion I" with the Leipzig colleague Prof. Dr. Heike Tiemann. Further lectures were held by colleagues from Cologne in cooperation with members of Prof. Tiemann's department.
The teaching cooperation developed in the course of the project "Schulsport 2030" (School Sport 2030) within the framework of the "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" (Quality Offensive Teacher Education) and has meanwhile established itself as a fixed component of the teaching program at the three locations.