Edda van Meurs

Edda van Meurs

Horstmarer Landweg 62B, room Leo-Campus 17.21, Raum 114
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-32400

Consultation Hours

Wednesdays, on request

Academic Profiles

External Profile

  • Research Areas

    • Social facilitation during motor performance
    • Home advantage
    • Performance development in athletics
  • CV


    PhD at the department of sport psychology, WWU Münster
    M.Sc. Sports, Exercise and Human Performance
    B.Sc. Human Movement in Sports and Exercise


    Student Assistant at the Department of Sport Psychology
    Scientific internship at the Australian Open 2019 in Melbourne, Australia
    Scientific internship at Tennis Australia and Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia
  • Publications

    Research Articles (Journals)
    Review Articles (Book Contributions)

    Books (Edited Collections)
    Research Articles (Journals)

  • Scientific Talks

    • Beier, Marius; van Meurs, Edda; Strauss, Bernd (): ‘A model of social influence in sports’. SCAPPS 2023 Conference (SCAPPS), Kingston, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Kofoth, Mara; Strauss, Bernd (): „The triangular relationship of home advantage: Spectators, players and referees“. 26. sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der dvs (dvs), Bochum, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Beier, Marius; Raab, Markus; Klatt, Stefanie; Strauss, Bernd (): ‘A model of social influence in sports’. 2023 Annual Conference NASPSPA (NASPSPA), Toronto, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Beier, Marius; Raab, Markus; Klatt, Stefanie; Strauss, Bernd (): „Social influence in sport: mediating and moderating factors“. Human Performance, Assessment, Intervention und Analysen 55. Jahrestagung der asp (Institut für Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart), Stuttgart, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Rehr, Jan-Philipp; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Strauss, Bernd (): ‘Examining drivers of the home advantage in German volleyball’. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology), Montreal, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Rehr, Jan-Philipp; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Strauss, Bernd (): ‘Examining drivers of the home advantage in German volleyball’. FEPSAC 2022 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology (FEPSAC), Padua, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Rehr, Jan-Philipp; Raue-Behlau, Charlotte; Strauss, Bernd (): „With and without spectators: the home advantage of the last 25 years in the German 1st volleyball leagues“. Ein Gehirn, viel Bewegung – Variabilität und Plastizität über die Lebensspanne 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp), Münster, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Greve, Jona Anders; Strauss, Bernd (): ‘Moving in the presence of others: A systematic review and meta-analysis on social facilitation’. 2022 NASPSPA Annual Conference, Hawaii, .
    • Banning, Alexander; van Meurs, Edda; Dreiskämper, Dennis (): „The Curious Case of Tokyo: Performance Development in Athletics“. Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung 25. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der dvs (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), virtuell, .
    • Greve, Jona; van Meurs, Edda; Strauss, Bernd (): ‘“...and the crowd goes wild” – The effects of crowds, simulated crowd noise, and no crowds on performance in elite darts players.’ 53. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp), Tübingen, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Greve, Jona; Strauß, Bernd (): „Social facilitation during motor tasks: A meta-analysis“. asp 2020 (Fachbereich Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft), Lodron Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Österreich, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Utesch, Till; Dreiskämper, Dennis (): ‘Cross-lagged relations between physical fitness, motor competence and executive function indicators in childhood’. Annual Conference of SCAPPS, Vancouver (BC), Kanada, .
    • van Meurs, Edda; Utesch, Till; Dreiskämper, Dennis (): „Cross-lagged relations between physical fitness, motor competence and executive function indicators in childhood“. 51. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Deutschland, .