Senate Committee for Diversity

The Rectorate Committee for Diversity is an advisory committee of the Rectorate, whose members are appointed by the Rectorate at the recommendation of the Senate. It advises the Rectorate on matters of diversity and equal opportunity with respect to all members of the University of Münster. The Rectorate Committee is part of the University’s proactive, anti-racist diversity policy committed to ensuring equitable participation of all University members regardless of their social background, ethnicity (race), age, gender, (dis)abilities, religious affiliation or sexual orientation. Its stated mission is to identify discriminatory institutional, systemic, and interpersonal treatment and develop suitable strategic countermeasures, which the Rectorate can adopt and implement accordingly.


Beate Tollkühn

Stellvertretende Vorsitzende:

Uta Kaundinya
Rektoratsmitglied: Prof. Dr. Maike Tietjens
Mitglieder der Kommission:  
Hochschullehrer_innen: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nitsche
Prof. Dr. Elsemieke Daalder
akademische Mitarbeiter_innen: Dr. Martin Hoffmann
Uta Kaudinya
Studierende: Martha Lappen
Ronja Reese
Mitarbeiter_innen in Technik und Verwaltung: Beate Tollkühn
Franziska Heitmann
in der Universitätsverwaltung:

Tanja Beck