Simon Breil
© Simon Breil

Voice to the focus area Psychological Analysis of Social Dynamics

Simon Breil

I work as…

…Manager People Analytics at BabyOne, the largest specialist store for baby and toddler supplies in Germany.

Here, I deal with…

…all data, figures, and facts relating to our applicants and employees (e.g., results of surveys, salary data, performance measurement, fluctuation). I relate these figures to other company data (e.g., productivity, turnover). In this way, I can analyze business-critical issues and derive recommendations for action.

In current projects, for example, we are working on…

…optimizing our recruiting processes. Here, I analyze via which channels we receive applications and how high the click rates are for specific jobs. We use these findings to adjust the process and, for example, to post jobs on certain channels that perform particularly well.

...understanding the satisfaction and needs of our employees. We are particularly interested in what the strongest influencing factors are for overall satisfaction. To this end, we developed and conducted a survey and evaluated it. Both in the development of the survey (i.e. how do I specify constructs, how do I formulate items) and in the evaluation (i.e. factor analysis, multiple regression) I was able to draw on knowledge from my studies.

Ich still benefit from my time as student and research associate in Münster…

…because I have learned to analyze problems and solve them effectively. In addition to the psychological knowledge (e.g., questionnaire development, personnel selection), it is above all the analytical skills I have learned (e.g., statistics and statistical tools) that help me to successfully organize my everyday work.

The Master PASD is a perfect basis for the work in my area…

…because with the methodical basis and the psychological knowledge learned, one will positively stand out in any company.