Curriculum Vitae
2007 Diploma in psychology (University of Muenster)Diploma in psychology (University of Muenster) 2011 PhD in Psychology (Dr. phil., University of Muenster) Professional Positions
Since 05/2012 Research associate, Institute of Psychology in Education, University of Muenster, Department for Assessment and Intervention in Education 2011 –2012 Research associate, German Police University, Muenster, Department of Social-, Work- and Organizational Psychology 2008 –2010 Research associate, Institute for Statistics and Methods, University of Muenster Research
- Scientific thinking of (pre-service) teachers
Knowledge about scientific methods are part of teacher proficiency as this knowledge – among others - constitutes a foundation of reflecting efficient teaching actions. Within this framework, not only epistemological beliefs but also transfer competences are necessary to apply scientific understanding efficiently. There are conceptual overlaps between scientific thinking and episte-mological beliefs, nature of science (NOS), and scientific literacy. Scientific thinking involves also understanding of scientific functioning and scientific actions as well as appreciation of science for practical purposes and applications.
To measure scientific thinking of (pre- and in-service) teachers, a questionnaire which captures specific beliefs and application knowledge is developed.- Modeling of learning trajectories for reading and mathematics (1st to 4th grade)
Repeated measurement of competences as reading and mathematics (learning progress assess-ment) provides several advantages compared to status assessment, e.g. insight into stability of performance and reliable, in-time identification of students at risk of developing persisting diffi-culties.
Statistical modeling of such longitudinal data requires adequate methods to gain information about initial status and growth rate of whole samples as well as possible latent subgroups which differ remarkably from each other regarding intercept and/or learning rates. For these purposes, latent growth curve modeling (LGCM) and latent class growth analysis (LCGA) are powerful and well-interpretable instruments. We consider student samples from German schools tested with computer-based reading and mathematics tests in order to describe intial status and learning rates and to identify latent subgroups of students differing between each other concerning learn-ing rates. Theoretical and practical implications for diagnostics and educational instruction are de-rived.- Test construction and rule-based item generation
Rule-based item construction constitutes an exact, safe and sophisticated way to generate valid, reliable and verifiable items based on difficulty-generating basic parameters for tests in many are-as. Furthermore, rule-based item construction can be an important help for automatic item gen-eration, item cloning and adaptive testing. To investigate item quality and adequacy of theoretical basis as well as its operationalization in test items, (among others) linear logistic test models (LLTMs) and cognitive diagnostic models (CDMs) can be applied.
Journal Articles
Zeuch, N., Förster, N. & Souvignier, E. (2017). Assessing Teachers’ Competencies to Read and Interpret Graphs from Learning Progress Assessment: Results from Tests and Interviews. Learning Disabili-ties Research and Practice, 32 (1), 61–70.
Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2015). Wissenschaftliches Denken bei Lehramtsstudierenden: Fragebogen-entwicklung und latente Profile. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 43, 245-262.
Salaschek, M., Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2014). Mathematics growth trajectories in first grade: Cumula-tive vs. compensatory patterns and the role of number sense. Learning and Individual Differ-ences, 35, 103-112.
Zeuch, N., Holling, H., & Kuhn, J.-T. (2011). Analysis of the Latin Square Task with linear logistic test mod-els. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 629-632.
Zeuch, N., Geerlings, H., Holling, H., van der Linden, W. J., & Bertling, J.P. (2010). Regelgeleitete Kon-struktion von statistischen Textaufgaben: Anwendung von linear logistischen Testmodellen und Aufgabencloning [Rule-based generation of statistical word problems: Application of linear logistic test models and item cloning]. In E. Klieme, D. Leutner, & M. Kenk (Eds.), Kompetenzmodellie-rung. Zwischenbilanz des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms und Perspektiven des Forschungsansat-zes. 56. Beiheft der Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (pp.52-63). Weinheim u.a.: Beltz.
Holling, H., Bertling, J. P., & Zeuch, N. (2009). Automatic item generation of probability word problems. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 35, 71-76.
Book Chapters
Souvignier, E., Förster, N. & Zeuch, N. (in Druck). Lernverlaufsdiagnostik. In K. Seifried, S. Drewes & M. Haselhorn (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schulpsychologie.
Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2014). Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zum wissenschaftlichen Denken bei (angehenden) Lehrkräften [Construction of a scientific thinking questionnaire for (pre-service) teachers]. In M. Krämer, U. Weger & M. Zupanic (Ed.), Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation X (pp. 309-318). Aachen, Germany: Shaker.
Fischbach, A., Decker, C., Zeuch, N. & Lichtenthaler, P.W. (2011). Unterschiedliche Wertschätzungserfah-rungen in der Alten- und Krankenpflege [Different experiences of appreciation in patient and ge-riatric care]. In K.-G. Ciesinger, A. Fischbach, R. Klatt & H. Neuendorff (Eds.), Berufe im Schatten (pp. 53-78). Münster: LIT-Verlag.
Fischbach, A., Wohlers, C., Lichtenthaler, P.W., Zeuch, N. & Decker, C. (2011). Service erfolgreich gestalten –
Wertschöpfung durch Wertschätzung im Einzelhandel [Successful service creation -adding value by appreciation]. In K.-G. Ciesinger, A. Fischbach, R. Klatt & H. Neuendorff (Eds.), Berufe im Schat-ten (pp. 111-142). Münster: LIT-Verlag.Bertling, J. P., Zeuch, N., Kuhn, J.-T. & Holling, H. (2010). Unfaire Fragen? Eine Überprüfung der Ge-schlechtsfairness des Studentenpisa-Tests [Unfair questions? Testing for gender-fairness of the "Studentenpisa" test]. In S. Trepte & M. Verbeet (Eds.), Allgemeinbildung in Deutschland: Er-kenntnisse aus dem SPIEGEL-Studentenpisa-Test (pp. 243-253). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Holling, H., Bertling, J. P., Zeuch, N. & Kuhn, J.-T. (2010). Automatische Itemgenerierung [Automatic item generation]. In F. Preckel, W. Schneider & H. Holling (Eds.), Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik: Tests und Trends, Band Hochbegabung (pp. 211-231). Göttingen: Ho-grefe.
Conference presentations (Talks and Posters)Souvignier, E., Jost, J., Karstens, F., Meudt, S.-I., Schmitz, A., & Zeuch, N. (2017, March). Bedingungen erfolgreicher Implementation von Leseförderkonzepten in der Sekundarstufe I - Erste Ergebnisse aus dem BiSS-Evaluationsprojekt EILe [Requirements for successful implementation of reading skill promotion concepts – First results of the evaluation project BiSS EILe]. Poster at the 5th meeting of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (Heidelberg, March, 13-15, 2017).
Zeuch, N., Meudt, S.-I., & Souvignier, E. (2017, March). Unterstützung von Implementationsprozessen durch die Schulleitung: Effekte auf das Arbeitsengagement der Lehrkräfte und den Einsatz innova-tiver Materialien [Support of implementation processes by school leaders: Effects on work enga-gement of teachers and on usage of innovative materials]. Poster at the 5th meeting of the Socie-ty for Empirical Educational Research (Heidelberg, March, 13-15, 2017).
Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2016, May). Wissenschaftliches Denken bei Lehramts- und Psychologiestudie-renden [Scientific thinking in pre-service teachers and Psychology students]. Talk at the 11th Con-ference on Didactics of Psychology and Evaluation (Witten, May, 06-07, 2016).
Zeuch, N., Förster, N., & Souvignier, E. (2015, September). Lesekompetenz: Lernverläufe in der dritten und vierten Klasse [Reading competence: Progress monitoring in 3rd and 4th grade]. Talk at the 15th meeting of the section Educational Psychology of the German Psychological Society (Kassel, Sep-tember, 14-16, 2015).
Zeuch, N., Förster, N., Kuhn, J.-T. & Souvignier, E. (2015, March). Regelgeleitete Aufgabenkonstruktion am Beispiel eines Lesekompetenztests für zweite Klassen [Rule-based item generation in a reading competence test for 2nd grade]. Poster at the 3rd meeting of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (Bochum, March, 11-13, 2015).
Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2014, September). Evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisgewinnung und wissenschaftli-ches Denken bei Lehramtsstudierenden und aktiven Lehrkräften [Evidence-based knowledge gai-ning and scientific thinking in pre- and in-service teachers]. Symposion at the 49th Congress of the German Psychological Society (Bochum, September, 21-25, 2014).
Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2014, May). Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zum wissenschaftlichen Denken bei (angehenden) Lehrkräften [Construction of a scientific thinking questionnaire for (pre-service) teachers]. Talk at the 10th Conference on Didactics of Psychology and Evaluation (Witten, May, 30-31, 2014).
Zeuch, N., Salaschek, M. & Souvignier, E. (2014, March). Lernverläufe mathematischer Kompetenzen im 1. Schuljahr [Mathematics progress monitoring during 1st grade]. Poster at the 2nd meeting of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (Frankfurt am Main, March, 03-05, 2014).
Zeuch, N. & Souvignier, E. (2013, September). Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zum wissenschaftlichen Denken bei (angehenden) Lehrkräften [Construction of a scientific thinking questionnaire for (pre-service) teachers]. Poster at the 14th meeting of the section Educational Psychology of the Ger-man Psychological Society (Hildesheim, September, 23-25 2013).
Zeuch, N., Fischbach, A., Lichtenthaler, P.W., Hänsel, J. & Weißert, J. (2011, September). Anforderungen an weibliche und männliche Führungskräfte [Requirements for female and male leaders]. Talk at the 7th meeting of the section Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology of the German Psy-chological Society (Rostock, November, 07-09, 2011).
Zeuch, N., Wagner, C. & Fischbach, A. (2011, May). Women’s career success: Career motivation as a medi-ator of the career booster-career success relationship. Talk at the 15th conference of the Europe-an Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) (Maastricht, Netherlands, May, 25-28, 2011).
Zeuch, N. (2009, September). Modellierung von statistischen Textaufgaben und Item-Cloning mit linear logistischen Test- und 2-Parameter-logistischen Modellen [Modeling statistical word problems with linear-logistic test models and 2-parameter logistic models]. Talk at the 9th meeting of the section Methods and Evaluation of the German Psychological Society (Bielefeld, September, 10-12, 2009).
Zeuch, N., Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. (2008, October). Measuring cognitive capacity with Latin Squares: Psy-chometric properties and longitudinal analysis. Talk at the 4th International Conference on Intelligence and Creativity (ICIC) (Münster, October, 09-11, 2008).