Editor's Pick
Pseudospin-2 in photonic chiral boropheneP. Menz, H. Hanafi, D. Leykam, J. Imbrock, C. Denz
Photon. Res. 11, 869 (2023)
DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.486916
Editor's Picks serve to higlight articles with excellent scientific quality and are representative of the work taking place in a specific field.
New publication in APL Photonics
Localized dynamics arising from multiple flat bands in a decorated photonic Lieb latticeH. Hanafi, P. Menz, A. McWilliam, J. Imbrock, and C. Denz
APL Photonics 7, 111301 (2022); DOI:10.1063/5.0109840