Presenting in English: Training Session for Communication Science - Gruppe 1

27.11.2019, 9 bis 12 Uhr


Topics and issues covered can include (depending on the times available):
1. Bases of good communication and presentation, including rhetoric, the use of voice, body language and gestures and so on.
2. Specific presentation techniques: including the use of slides, charts and other visual media. Further issues include good and confidant appearance and creating the right impression, overcoming stage fright.
3. Content: focusing on preparing (and practising) the presentation, the main sections: introductions, the main body of the talk, conclusions, questions and answers (Q &A), structure, quantity and, logic.
4. The use of humour and other means of maintaining interest and attention, with a particular focus on the foreign language aspect, including accent.
5. Improving your presentation English: common mistakes made by Germans and how to prevent them. Some grammatical input, consideration of such issues as tenses, false friends, prepositions and so on. A major focus is also placed on pronunciation – a serious and much underrated problem for non-native-speakers.

We should be able to cover the above at least to some extent, with a focus on the use of English.

Max. Teilnehmer*innen: 4


Dr. Brian Bloch (Specialist in Academic English, WWU Münster)




27.11.2019, 9 bis 12 Uhr


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