Religion as a Resource in European and International Climate Governance

Project B3-31 at the Cluster of Excellence 'Politics & Religion' at the University of Muenster

The research project addresses the research issue if and under which circumstances religion can serve as a resource for communication. The objective of the project is (1) to identify, if religion is used for communication in the European and international climate governance, (2) if there are common arguments and cooperation between religious and other actors or if normative conflicts occur which hinder communication, (3) if religious and non-religious actors perceived a potential in the use of religion in climate governance and (4) if and under which circumstances religion indeed forms the basis for cooperation. Therefore, the institutionalization of the relation of religion and politics at the EU and UNFCCC will be examined.
Based on discourse research and aspects of secularization theory the project uses Digital Humanities and qualitative methods to analyze the research interest.

Project Leader: Doris Fuchs, Prof. Ph.D.

Researcher: Hannah Klinkenborg, M.A.

Homepage of the project at the Cluster of Excellence