Completed Research Projects

Reducing Electricity Consumption in Private Households (TRANSPOSE) (2008-2011)

Having been sponsored by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) the TRANSPOSE project focussed on the possibilities of political guidance on the electricity consumption of private households. TRANSPOSE was a network project under the joint coordination of the Institute for Political Science at the University of Münster and the Research Center for Environmental Politics at the Free University Berlin. 

Private Retail Governance in the Agri-Food System

with Agni Kalfagianni, University of Stuttgart.
This project examined the implications of the standards developed by the food trade (e.g. GlobalGAP) for the ecological and social sustainability of the global food system and the democratic legitimacy of governing in this system. More information on the Agri-Food Governance Project.

Agro-Food Corporations and Global Governance (2006-2007)

with Jennifer Clapp, University of Waterloo, financed by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Center for International Governance and the University of Waterloo.

This project investigated transnational corporations' power in the global food system. An international workshop was held in this context at theUniversity of Waterloo.

The Implications of Private Food Governance for Climate Change Politics

Project leader: Karsten Ronit, University of Copenhagen
This project examined the potential and limits of private governance in food policy for global climate