1st Münster Graduate School of Evolution Symposium - Evolution across Fields
17-18 February 2011
Venue: Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, Hüfferstraße 1
Topic Sections
- Earth System Evolution
- Deciphering the History of Life
- Molecular and Genome Evolution
- Evolutionary Ecology of Rapid Adaptations
- Towards Evolutionary Medicine
- Philosophy of Evolution and Education Research
Keynote Lectures
- Thomas Junker (Tübingen) on Thursday evening followed by a buffet and refreshments and a chance to network and socialise ...
- Sudhir Kumar (Tempe) on Friday Morning
Claudia Acquisti, Gerold Alsmeyer, Darisuren Anhlan, Rebecca Bast, Nicole Bender, Katherine Bermingham, Stefan Bletz, Erich Bornberg-Bauer, Jürgen Brosius, Juliette De Meaux, David Diekrup, Janine Dittmar, Jasmin Dröge, Hendrik Eggert, Sonja Grath, Rebecca Heiming, Milan Hiersche, Christiane Hillesheim, Christian Illing, Marcin Jakalski, Christian Jenke, Janina Jördens, Hans Kerp, Thorsten Kleine, Vanessa Kloke, Joachim Kurtz, Florian Kurzweil, Matthias Löwe, Stephan Ludwig, Wojciech Makalowski, Alexander Mellmann, Barbara Milutinovic, Alice Montinaro, Kai Müller, Klaus Müller, Nadine Neumann, Robert Peuss, Christoph Preuss, Andrew Putnis, Anna Reineke, Marlene Reuschel, Norbert Sachser, Bastian Schäferhoff, Erik E. Scherer, Jürgen Schmitz, Eric Schulze-Bahr, Roman Seyer, Katja Siegeler, Monika Stoll, Harald Strauß, Alexander Suh, Kazutaka Takeshita, Barbara Teichert, Susann Wicke, Thomas Wotte, Benjamin Zipser, ...