Field of teaching:
Theological ethics
Fields of research:
Political ethics and religious policy
Peace ethics
Environment ethics: especially animal ethics
Sexual ethics, family ethics, and ethics of marriage
Christian faith and living environment
History of theology in the 19th and 20th century
Interreligious hermeneutics
Liberalization strategies in contemporary Jewish and Islamic thought
Brief C.V.:
Born in 1961. Studies in theology, history, and philosophy in Kiel, München, and Tübingen. 1987 first theological exams (Lutheran church of North Elbia). 1989-1991 work as a vicar for the Lutheran church. 1991 second theological exams and promotion (Dr. in Theology). 1991 Ordination. 1991-1993 research assistant at the university of Kiel. 1993-1998 assistant at the university of Hamburg. 1997 habilitation in systematic theology. 1997-2003 professor for social ethics and history of theology at the university of the German Bundeswehr in Hamburg. 2003 professor for philosophy of religion, dogmatic, and ethics at the University of Osnabrück. During the college period 2009/10: Fellow at the center for religion, economics, and politics of the Collegium Helveticum at the university of Basel. Since October 2014 professor for theological ethics and director of the institute for ethics and related social science (IfES) at the University of Münster. Since Oktober 2022 dean of the Protestant Faculty at the University of Münster.
Memberships in scientific associations:
North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
International Schleiermacher Society (board member and treasurer)
„Schleiermachersche Stiftung“ (member of the board of trustees)
German scientific association of Theology
Theological Chamber of the Evangelical Church in Germany (2015-2021)
Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen (EZW) (Chairman of the board of trustees) (2017-2022)
Theologischen Ausschuss der Vereinigten Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Deutschland (member of the theological committee of the United Lutheran-Protestant Churches in Germany)
German Ernst-Troeltsch-Society
Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence „Religion and Politics“ (WWU Münster)
Centrum for "Religion und Moderne" at WWU (Spokesperson)