Students who enroll in Münster or transfer to the WWU (degree programs: magister degree in theology/ minister's office) should contact the dean with any questions which may arise. Students who are already enrolled to become a minister or in a magister degree in theology should contact one of the residing chairs with any questions that may arise. Please contact Professor Dr. von Scheliha for documents as proof of academic achievements. [BAföG]
- since Octobre 2023: Faculty Manager and Quality Management Representative
- since Octobre 2021: Faculty Manager and Student Counselor
- since April 2015: Research Assistant in the Dean's Office (Research Interest: Old Testament)
- since 2018: EU project proposal RESILIENCE to create and establish a infrastructure for religious studies in Europe
- 2018: Dissertation and doctoral viva
- 2017-2018: Advanced Training for Personnel Officer (IHK)
- 2013-2015: Instructors for Special Assignments in Subjects Old and New Testament
- 2013: First Theology Exam at EKHN
- 2012: Merit-Based Scholarship of the Hessische Lutherstiftung
- 2011: Student Assistant at the Faculty of Jewish Studies in Mainz
- since 2008: Study of Protestant Theology in Marburg, Mainz and Münster
- 2007: High Schoold Diploma at the Liebigschule in Gießen
- born 2nd January '88 in Herrenberg
Acadamic Function
- Faculty Advisor for Teacher Training Students
- General Faculty Advisory
- Erasmus-Coordination
- National and International Projectmanagement:
Coordination TheoReS (NFDI) and RESILIENCE (Leadership Workpackage 2 "Exploration and Mapping")
Teaching Field
- Old Testament
Research Interests
- Anthropology(ies) in the Old Testament, espec. der Psalms
- Semantic and syntactic Dimensions of Self-Reflection in Old Testament
Doctoral AbstractThesis
Die "Ich-Sphäre" des Beters. Eine anthropologische Untersuchung zur Selbstreflexion des Beters am Beispiel von Psalm 42–43
- Supervisor
- Professor Dr. Reinhard Achenbach
- Doctoral Subject
- Evangelische Theologie
- Doctoral Degree
- Dr. theol.
- Awarded by
- Department 01 – Protestant Theology
Die Arbeit führt den Begriff der "Ich-Sphäre" in die alt-hebräische Anthropologie ein und ermöglicht somit erstmals eine methodische Erschließung von Vorgängen der Selbstreflexion in der alttestamentlichen Literatur.Teaching
- Tutorial: Hermeneutic of the OT - A Feministic Reading of the Book of Psalms (with Hebrew) [014169]
- Tutorial for the Lecture "Hilstory of Israel" (with Hebrew) [014168]
- Tutorial: Hermeneutic of the OT - A Feministic Reading of the Book of Psalms (with Hebrew) [012006]
- Tutorial for the Lecture "Hilstory of Israel" (with Hebrew) [010171]
- Bachelor China Studies (ends in summer semester 2022) [010171]
- Übung zur Einführungsvorlesung Altes Testament/Vorbereitung MAP Lehramt [010170]
- Anthropologien des Alten Testaments [018019]
- "Elohistischer Psalter" oder "elohistische Redaktion"? - Die Genese des Psalters [018007]
- Workshop: Workshop: Conceptions of Man in the Old Testament (mit Hebr.) [016019]
- Tutorial: Changes in Sacred Texts [016015]
- Workshop: Workshop: Conceptions of Man in the Old Testament (mit Hebr.) [014019]
- Tutorial: Hebrew for Returners [014020]
- Übung: Psalmenübersetzungen (mit Griechisch und Hebräisch) [012147]
- Übung: Anthropologie(n) des Alten Testaments (mit Hebr.) [012026]
- Übung: Was ist der Mensch? - Anthropologie(n) des Alten Testaments (mit und ohne Hebr.) [011507]
- Tutorial: The Biblical Scriptures in Overview [011200]
- Proseminar: Introductory seminar: Introduction to the exegesis of the New Testament (no Greek required) [011126]
- Proseminar: Introductory seminar: Introduction to the historical-critical exegessis of the Old Testament (without Hebr.) [011111]
- Tutorium: Tutorium: Introduction to the Content of the Old Testament Scriptures(ZPF) (ZPL) [011145]
- Proseminar: Proseminar: Einführung in die wissenschaftlichen Methoden der Exegese des Alten Testaments (ohne Hebräisch) [011090]
- Proseminar: Introductory seminar: Introduction to the historical-critical exegessis of the Old Testament (without Hebr.) [011086]
- Tutorial: The Biblical Scriptures in Overview [011215]
- Proseminar: Introductory seminar: Introduction to the exegesis of the New Testament (no Greek required) [011067]
- Proseminar: Proseminar: Einführung in die wissenschaftlichen Methoden der Exegese des Alten Testaments (ohne Hebräisch) [011048]
- Tutorium: Tutorium: Introduction to the Content of the Old Testament Scriptures(ZPF) (ZPL) [011086]