Critical new edition of Emanuel Hirsch's “Leitfaden zur christlichen Lehre” (guide to Christian doctrine)

Institute for ethics and related social science

Responsible Researchers: Prof. Dr. Arnulf von Scheliha und Justus Bernhard, M.Ed.

Student assistants: Kira Schall und Janica Schneider

In his 1938 published "Leitfaden" the Gottingen theologian Emanuel Hirsch (1988-1972) treats the whole field of philosophy of religion, dogmatic, and ethics. In an amount of 130 paragraphs Hirsch determines the content of Christian faith in dispute with modern understanding of truth. Since his critical consideration leads him to a radical Transformation of Christian thinking the opus magnum is rated as an outstanding work within the protestant Theology in the 20th century.  

The research project addresses a critical new edition including explanations and additions which Hirsch added for the purpose of his dogmatic lectures. To enable the analysis of the main text as well as the extensions the edition will be published as a textbook in two volumes. Moreover, the project will provide an introduction into the history and the research related to the "Leitfaden". In addition, a comparison with student papers concerning the lectures is planned as well as a completed index including persons, items, and biblical passages. The critical apparatus will also contain references to Hirsch’s later work. Thus the edition shall allow the readers to recognize continuities and discontinuities inside Hirsch’s theology.

third-party funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)