© ETF - Seminar für KG II
© Religion und Politik
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Torah and Prophecy. The Role of the Pentateuch in the Emergence of Prophetic Literature
The Conference investigates the correspondence between the redaction history of the Pentateuch compared with the Prophetic Scriptures. It will be an integral part of the research project on “Distinction and Integration in Scribal Discourses between Torah and Prophets” (R. Achenbach), which investigates the correlation between the process of scribal formation in the Pentateuch and the Prophets and the different positions with respect to integration and distinction of foreigners in Judean and Samaritan Communities during the Persian and Hellenistic period. The redaction critical analysis of the priestly scribal work in the Pentateuch has been analyzed intensively during the last decade by several scholars, but only some of them have also taken the prophetic scriptures into account. Christophe Nihan has published a series of papers on the relation between Ezekiel and the priestly texts in Leviticus, and the relation between the Holiness Code and Ezekiel is the habilitation project of Lars Maskow. The conference brings together scholars who have worked in both fields with experts on the history of Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Law, Ancient Near Eastern and Israelite Prophetism and specialists for certain corpora of the prophetic literature including the special problems of the Hellenistic Septuagint text tradition.
The attempt to discuss the discourses behind the scribal formation of the biblical scriptures in a comparative way on the fundament of redaction critical studies in a joint venture of scholars has not been undertaken before. It will be an initiative that is surprisingly new and innovative. By this conference we want to set an impulse in a new field of comparative and intertextual research, that is not confined to one prophetic book only, but considers the collection of the Tanakh as a whole. After we have published a series of studies in that field we want to bring together a group of internationally acknowledged distinguished scholars with young research fellows to discuss the matter in a broad range of aspects and perspectives.

Registration by September 13th at Dr. Lars Maskow (l.maskow@uni-muenster.de)