Every semester, we invite our fellows to present their current research projects at the Fellow Lecture series and to discuss them with the audience. The lecture programme is supplemented by external speakers who can provide new impulses for our joint research work. The event is open to the public.
There are no Fellow Lectures this semester. Instead, please have a look at the fellows' presentations on Welcome Day (October 16th, 2024) and during the Tea Time Talks.
Thu, 20.07.2023 | Olaf Zenker (Halle-Wittenberg)
„Land Restitution, Expropriation without Compensation and the Quest for Redistributive Justice in South Africa“
Thu, 13.10.2022 | Susanne Lepsius (LMU Munich)
Unity Through Codification vs. Polyphonic Voices in the Glosses: Some Reflections on the Oldest Apparatus to the Constitutions of Melfi (1231 AD)
Wed, 26.10.2022 | Dieter Gosewinkel (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Ausbürgern und töten. Zur Ausstoßung von "Staatsfeinden" aus der Rechtsgemeinschaft – ein Forschungsprojekt (at the same time: Rechtshistorisches Abendgespräch (Legal History Evening Talk), start: 7.30 pm, in lecture hall JUR 2, Juridicum)
Thu, 17.11.2022 | Hans Beck (University of Münster)
Rechtsvielfalt als Norm. Beobachtungen zur lokalen Kodierung griechischen Rechts in der Antike
Thu, 01.12.2022 | Mia Korpiola (University of Turku)
Dealing with Growing Diversity: Swedish Dynastic Change, Diplomacy and the Law, 1520-1620
Thu, 12.01.2023 | Andrea Nicolas (Käte Hamburger Kolleg Münster)
Law-making, and the New Democracies: Oromo (Neo-)Traditional Legislative and Juridical Procedures (Ethiopia)
Wed, 25.01.2023 | Kaja Harter-Uibopuu (University of Hamburg) DATE CANCELLED!
Fremde und ihr Zugang zu den Gerichten in der griechischen Polis: lokale Modelle, gemeinsame Perspektiven (in cooperation with Altertumswissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium, in lecture hall F4, Fürstenberghaus)
28.04.2022 | Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz (University of Helsinki)
Ports, Law and Material Culture: Negotiating Commercial Practice in the Roman Empire
05.05.2022 | Dorothea Schulz (University of Münster)
Between Law, Bureaucracy and De Facto Politics: Studying the Regulation of “Religion” in Uganda
23.06.2022 | Eva Schlotheuber (University of Düsseldorf)
Neue methodische Zugänge zur Goldenen Bulle 1356 als erster schriftlichen Verfassung des römisch-deutschen Reichs
POSTPONED !!! | Susanne Lepsius (LMU Munich)
Vereinheitlichung durch Gesetz und Vielfalt der Perspektiven in der Glossierung am Beispiel der Konstitutionen von Melfi (1231)
NEW: 30.06.2022 | Peter Oestmann (University of Münster)
Rechtsvielfalt als Problem der Rechtsgeschichte
Venue: Lecture hall JO 1 | Johannisstraße 4 | 48143 Münster Start: 6.00 pm c.t.
The winter semester marks the launch of the first public lecture series ("Abendvorträge") of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg. The lectures take a look at very different phenomena of the tension between legal unity and plurality from Roman antiquity to the late Middle Ages.
Fellows and members of the Kolleg as well as guest speakers will contribute to the event. The lectures impressively show how societies at all times have been shaped by legal pluralism. It can occur as contradictions between norms, as competition between different jurisdictions, or as unequal treatment of individuals. At the same time, we can usually observe efforts to limit and standardize plurality. Under the theme "Exception and Plurality," this year's focus is on the question of how the inherent tension between unity and plurality corresponds to the relationship between rule and exception.
!!! There have been changes in the event format !!!
The lecture series will take place both on-site (with 2G proof) and via Zoom. For online participation, register at wiko.evir@uni-muenster.de.
25.11.2021 | 7.30 – 9.00 pm
Karl-Bender-Saal (JUR 322, Juridicum) | Universitätsstraße 14-16 | 48143 Münster Prof. Dr. Karl Ubl (Köln)
Aufstieg des Westens und Politische Theologie: Zwei Narrative der mittelalterlichen Rechtsgeschichte
(at the same time: 30. Rechtshistorisches Abendgespräch)
09.12.2021 | 6.00 – 7.30 pm
Lecture Hall F2 (Fürstenberghaus) | Domplatz 20-22 | 48143 Münster
and via Zoom Dr. Clara Harder (Münster/Köln)
Illegitimate Clergy in the Middle Ages, or: How does an Exception become the Rule?
20.01.2021 | 6.00 – 7.30 pm
Lecture Hall F2 (Fürstenberghaus) | Domplatz 20-22 | 48143 Münster
and via Zoom Prof. Dr. Patrick Sänger (Münster)
Legal Consultants in the Time of the Severan Dynasty (193–235 CE). Papyri and the Emperor’s Law