Käte Hamburger Kolleg Münster
"Legal Unity and Pluralism"

The Käte Hamburger Kolleg „Legal Unity and Pluralism” (EViR) at the University of Münster has been funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research since 2021. Fellows from all over the world, together with scholars from Münster, examine the dynamic tension between legal unity and pluralism from antiquity to the present. This is the first attempt to systematically investigate the phenomenon in its entire historical depth and across disciplinary boundaries.

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Job offer

The Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism" at the University of Münster is seeking to fill the position of Research Associate (E 13 TV-L) from 1 June 2025, subject to approval by the external funding body. A part-time position (55%) will be offered until 31.05.2029 for the duration of the externally funded project. This will be increased to 100% with funds from the chair of Prof. Dr. Nora Markard; the 45% from chair funds is linked to the usual teaching obligation. (Job advertisement in German)


Sebastian M. Spitra is new research professor

The legal historian Dr Sebastian M. Spitra from the University of Vienna has taken over the research professorship at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘Legal Unity and Pluralism’ (EViR) on 1 October 2024. He succeeds Dr Gregor Albers and will help shape the programme of the Kolleg as part of the management team until May 2025.

A wood engraving in black and white, showing several men in armour holding long weapons. A wood engraving in black and white, showing several men in armour holding long weapons.
© Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, RB.H.bell. f. 1, Bl. 66. Foto: Gerald Raab, CC BY-SA 4.0

16 January: Public discussion on the Peasants' War of 1525

To mark 500 years of the Peasants' War, the Käte Hamburger Kolleg is hosting a public discussion with Prof. Dr. Gerd Schwerhoff on 16 January 2025. The early modern historian from the Technical University of Dresden has just published a highly acclaimed comprehensive account of the Peasants' War 1525. The event begins at 19.00 in the Stadtbücherei Münster. Admission is free, registration is not required. The event language is German.

A wood engraving in black and white, showing several men in armour holding long weapons. A wood engraving in black and white, showing several men in armour holding long weapons.
© Titelblatt „Zwölf Artikel der Bauern“ (1525) (Wikimedia Commons)

Masterclass on the Peasants' War with Lyndal Roper and Gerd Schwerhoff

On Friday, 17 January 2025, the Käte Hamburger Centre for Advanced Study in the Humanities will host a masterclass with Lyndal Roper and Gerd Schwerhoff in cooperation with the Bielefeld CRC 1288 ‘Practices of Comparison. Ordering and Changing the World‘ and the profile area “History of Pre-Modernity” at Bielefeld University, a masterclass with Lyndal Roper and Gerd Schwerhoff on the Peasants’ War will take place.