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Münster Glossary on Legal Unity and Pluralism

For several years, phenomena of legal unity and pluralism have been intensively researched from the perspectives of various disciplines and in different periods of time. A mutual understanding of central terms and concepts is key to a productive exchange between the different research communities. The Münster Glossary on Legal Unity and Pluralism brings together articles from different disciplinary and epochal perspectives. It aims to facilitate interdisciplinary research by providing a brief introduction into different approaches of the disciplines involved.

The Glossary will be successively expanded and is published twice a year as part of the EViR Working Papers (ISSN: 2749-8166 (print), 2749-8174 (online)) freely accessible in open access. Each issue comes with a citable URN and DOI. It is planned to publish the entire glossary in print at a later date.

Click here for the latest edition of the Münster Glossary on Legal Unity and Pluralism

Ulrike Ludwig
Peter Oestmann
Benjamin Seebröker
João Figueiredo
Claudia Lieb
Sophia Mösch

Editorial Office
Benjamin Seebröker

For contributors:
Guidelines Münster Glossary

If you have any questions or are interested in contributing, please contact Dr Benjamin Seebröker, benjamin.seebroeker@uni-muenster.de.

Dr Benjamin Seebröker
© khk / Heiner Witte

“A cross-disciplinary understanding is urgently required”

In an interview for the University's dossier "Connected & interdisciplinary", editor-in-chief Dr. Benjamin Seebröker explains the concept of the "Münster Glossary on Legal Unity and Pluralism" and describes the challenges which have to be overcome in interdisciplinary understanding.

Click here for the interview

List of all lemmas published (as of May 2024)

Appellation (Mittelalter) – Susanne Lepsius

Ausnahme – Gregor Albers

Begnadigung im Kontext des Strafrechts (Frühe Neuzeit/Mittelalter, christliches Europa) – Ulrike Ludwig/Quentin Verreycken

Centre and Periphery, Geographical – Benjamin Seebröker

Centre and Periphery, Temporal Pluralism – João Figueiredo

Citizenship, Concept of – Dieter Gosewinkel

Constitutio Antoniniana – Jakub Urbanik

Dispute Settlement (Premodern Europe) – Sophia Mösch

Droit Commun Coutumier – Marie Seong-Hak Kim

Droit Coutumier – Marie Seong-Hak Kim

Droit Écrit – Marie Seong-Hak Kim

Föderalismus – Jan Matthias Hoffrogge

Forum Shopping – Éva Jakab

Gemeines Recht (ius commune) – Peter Oestmann

Gerichtslandschaften – Josef Bongartz

Gerichtsvielfalt – Éva Jakab/Ulrike Ludwig

Gewohnheitsrecht – Peter Oestmann

Handelsbrauch – Sonja Breustedt

Infrajustiz/Infrajudiciaire – Karl Härter

Justice, the Biblical-Christian Elements of Iustitia Sophia Mösch

Justiznutzung – Karl Härter

Kodifikation – Peter Oestmann

Law as Culture (Recht als Kultur) [Ger] – Andrea Nicolas

Law as Culture (Recht als Kultur) [Eng] – Andrea Nicolas

Law as Process [Ger] – Andrea Nicolas

Law as Process [Eng] – Andrea Nicolas

Legal Materiality (Antiquity) – Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz

Legal Plurality (Roman Egypt) – Jakub Urbanik

Legal Transplants – Heikki Pihlajamäki

Letter of Marque – Leslie Carr-Riegel

Lex Mercatoria – Leslie Carr-Riegel

Living Law (Eugen Ehrlich) – Ferdinando Mazzarella

Multinormativität – Thomas Duve

Norm, rechtlich (Rechtsnorm) – Gregor Albers

Norm, sozial – Ulrike Ludwig

Normenkonkurrenz, historisch – Hillard von Thiessen

Norm-Praxis-Konflikt – Clara Harder/Benjamin Seebröker

Peasants (Latin America) – Armando Guevara Gil

Petitions (Modernity) – Alexey Tikhomirov

Privilegium (Antike) – Salvatore Marino

Rechtseinheit (Nationalstaat) – Dieter Gosewinkel

Rechtsvielfalt – Peter Oestmann

Slavery (Antiquity) – Salvatore Marino

Statutenanwendungslehre – Sebastian M. Spitra

Statutenkollisionslehre – Kristin Boosfeld

Tribing and Tribalization – João Figueiredo

Verkehrssitte – Peter Oestmann

Volksrecht und Juristenrecht – Hans-Peter Haferkamp