Embarking on doctoral research is not only exciting. It is also challenging – all the more so for doctoral researchers from abroad. You not only have to familiarise yourself with the new academic environment – you also have to acclimatise yourself in a new country. Often without being able to speak German.
The Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes) endeavours to network emergent researchers across faculty borders and to support them in doing so. With the buddy programme, our aim is to promote peer-to-peer support right at the beginning of the doctoral process, bringing together new doctoral researchers and those who have already completed their first year.
Peer-to-peer exchanges open up space for
- a friendly welcome and better orientation for new doctoral researchers
- extending interdisciplinary networking
- actively shaping a doctoral culture characterised by openness, curiosity and solidarity
How it works
An experienced buddy (an advanced doctoral researcher) can look after a group of up to five newbies (new doctoral researchers). The buddy groups are formed at the beginning of the semester (April to May 15, and October to November 15).
At the end of March or September the buddies take part in a crash course entitled “How can I best support new doctoral researchers in Münster?” in which they are given all necessary information and where they can network with other buddies. There is then a process of matching newbies to more experienced participants – and, after that, the phase of peer-to-peer support.
- Registration period: 01.03.-15.05., and 01.09.-15.11.
- Crash course “How can I best support new doctoral researchers in Münster?”: End of March and end of September
- Matching: 01.04.-15.05., and 01.10.-15.11.
- Peer-to-peer support: 01.04.-30.09., and 01.10. - 31.03.
Duration: one semester as a rule, with intensive peer-to-peer support at the beginning of the semester.
1. Who can register as a buddy?
Doctoral researchers at Münster University who have already completed their first year can register as buddies.
2. What is expected of a buddy?
Buddies have themselves experienced the highs and the lows that come at the beginning of the doctoral process. They welcome newbies, listen to them, give them information and tips, and introduce them to peer networks.
3. What should not be expected of a buddy?
Buddies can give tips, but they are not responsible for newbies’ work and problems.
4. Must I be able to speak German to register as a buddy?
No. As a rule, two buddies take on a group, and we try to ensure that in each group there is one buddy who speaks German.
5. How are the buddy groups put together?
First of all, every newbie gets a buddy. A buddy can be allocated up to five newbies. Parallel to this, two or three buddies form a buddy group. Together with the newbies they have been allocated, they form the buddy group (2-3 buddies, 2-10 newbies).
6. The semester has already begun. Can I still register?
As a newbie, you have time until 15.05. or 15.11. to register for the buddy programme. If you arrive in Münster after these dates, we recommend that you register for the buddy programme in the next semester.