Researchers develop sensors for the “charge” of biological cells© Markus SchwarzländerVincent Kaltenbach's Master thesis was awarded with the Prize for the Best Plant Science Master Thesis© Vincent KaltenbachNew insights into the immune response of plants© Uni MS – Linus PeikenkampStrasburger Hot Topic: Co- and Posttranslational Control in Chloroplasts© Uni MS - Florian KotnikWhere two are fighting, a third rejoices© Julia WindmüllerMetabolic alteration to increase the stress tolerance of tobacco plants© Uni MS - Antje von SchaewenNew DFG priority programme to the 'chitosan code'© NEeGResearchers find new mechanism for sodium salt detoxification in plants© Chen C. et al./The EMBO Journal (2023)e113004Plants use their roots to measure manganese concentration available in the soil© Uni MS - AG KudlaResearchers provide new insights into photosynthesis© Uni MS - Lando Lebok
JuniorgroupsDr. Janina Epping - Establishment of yam as a potential crop in Europe Dr. Guillaume Née - Seed germination and protein modifications Scientific staff with special functionDr. Rainer Waadt - iMoPLANT coordinator - Plant Abiotic Stress Signaling and Response