Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen

Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen

Universitätsstr. 14-16
48143 Münster

s: gottfriedvossen


Nach Vereinbarung

Akademisches Profil

Externe Profile

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Geschäftsprozessmodellierung
    • Internet und Web - technische und soziale Auswirkungen
    • Paradigmen zur Behandlung von "Big Data"
    • Spezielle Fragen des Cloud Computing
  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Habilitation und Erlangung der Venia legendi für Informatik an der RWTH Aachen, Habilitationsthema: "Transaktionsverarbeitung in Datenbanksystemen unter Ausnutzung semantischer Information"
    Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der RWTH Aachen, Dissertationsthema: "Entwurf und Bearbeitung von Datenbanken im Universalrelationen-Datenmodell", Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Walter Oberschelp
    Studium der Informatik an der RWTH Aachen
    Abschluss des Studiums als Diplom-Informatiker an der RWTH Aachen

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Universitätsprofessor (C4), Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Informatik im Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster
    Direktor des European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) der WWU Münster
    Gastprofessuren an der Karlstad Universitet, Schweden, der Marmara- Universität, Istanbul, am Hasso-Plattner-Institut in Potsdam und an der University of Waikato, Hamilton, Neuseeland
    Universitätsprofessor (C3) für Informatik an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik, insbesondere Informatik der RWTH Aachen (Leitung: Prof. Dr. W. Oberschelp)
    Vertretungsprofessuren an den Universitäten Kiel, Düsseldorf und Koblenz
    Visiting Assistant Professor am Computer Science Department der University of California, San Diego, USA

    Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten in Gremien

    Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Lenkungsgremiums von Cert-IT, Bonn
    Mitglied der IEEE Computer Society, USA
    Wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Deutschen Informatik-Akademie (DIA), Bonn
    Vizepräsident und Schatzmeister der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
    Co-Editor-in-Chief der Zeitschrift "Information Systems"
    Mitglied der Association for Information Systems (AIS)
    Mitglied der Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA
    Mitglied der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.


    Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg – abgelehnt
  • Publikationen

    • Martins, Denis Mayr Lima; Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘Self-Organizing Maps for Data Purchase Support in Data Marketplaces.’ In Computational Collective Intelligence, edited by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, János Botzheim, László Gulyás, Manuel Núñez, Jan Treur, Gottfried Vossen, Adrianna Kozierkiewicz, 43–55. Basel : Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-41456-5.
    • Brigitta Königg-Ries, Stefanie Scherzinger, Wolfgang Lehner, Gottfried Vossen (Eds.): . Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web. 1. Aufl. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
    • Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, János Botzheim, László Gulyás, Manuel Nunez, Jan Treur, Gottfried Vossen, Adrianna Kozierkiewicz (Eds.): . Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence . 1. Aufl. Basel : Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-41774-0.
    • Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Search Engines and Algorithms.’ In Handbuch Digitalisierung, edited by Roth Stefan, Caorsten Hans, 525–541. 1. Aufl. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
    • Pohlmann, Petra; Vossen, Gottfried; Everding, Jan; Scheiper, Johanna. . „Künstliche Intelligenz, Bias und Versicherungen – eine technische und rechtliche Analyse.“ Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft 111, Nr. 2: 135–175. doi: 10.1007/s12297-022-00528-1.
    • Carvalho TBA, Martins DML, Lima Neto FB, Vossen G. . ‘Recommending View Bundles in Data Marketplaces.’ In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, October 9-12, 2022, edited by IEEE, 3403–3408. New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/SMC53654.2022.9945110.
    • Maleszka M., Maleszka B., Krol D., Hernes M., Martins D., Homann L., Vossen G. . ‘A Modular Diversity Based Reviewer Recommendation System.’ In Intelligent Information and Database Systems , edited by Paweł Sitek, Marcin Pietranik, Marek Krótkiewicz, Chutimet Srinilta, 550–561. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-3380-8_48.
    • Martins D., Lechtenbörger J., Vossen G. . ‘Supporting Customers with Limited Budget in Data Marketplaces.’ Contributed to the 6th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), Guayaquil, Ecuador.
    • Vossen Gottfried. . „Daten, Analytics, KI: Wird die Zukunft naughty oder nice?DOAG Business News 6, Nr. Fall 2019: 24–26.
    • Mohan C., Ooi B.C., Vossen G. . ‘Distributed Computing with Permissioned Blockchains and Databases.’ In Dagstuhl-Report, edited by Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 69–94. 9. Aufl. Wadern: Dagstuhl Publishing. doi: 10.4230/DagRep.9.6.69.
    • Lima Martins, Denis Mayr; Lechtenbörger, Jens; Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘Supporting Customers with Limited Budget in Data Marketplaces.’ Contributed to the 6th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence LA-CCI, Guayaquil. doi: 10.1109/LA-CCI47412.2019.9037038.
    • Hümmecke Aaron, Lechtenbörger Jens, Vossen Gottfried. . „Digitale Lehre - der FB4 als Vorreiter.“ In 50 Jahre Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der WWU Münster - Historie und Perspektiven, herausgegeben von Theurl Theresia, 305–309. 1. Aufl. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    • Vossen Gottfried, Lechtenbörger Jens. . ‘Structuring What You Are Doing: 20 Years of Business Process Modeling.’ In The Art of Structuring - Bridging the Gap Between Information Systems Research and Practice, edited by Bergener Katrin, Räckers Michael, Stein Armin, 227–238. 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer Nature.
    • Jürgens M, Meisy D, Möllers D, Nolte Felix, Storck E, Vossen Gottfried, Werner C, Winkelmann Hendrik. . ‘Bluetooth Mesh Networks for Indoor Localization.’ Contributed to the 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) 2019, Hong Kong China.
    • Nolte Felix, Vossen Gottfried. . „Gamification in der Unternehmensplanung.“ DOAG Business News 1: 20–22.
    • Westerkamp Peter, Vossen Gottfried. . „Reporting- und Analyseinfrastrukturen in Banken.“ DigiPraktiker - Digitalisierung Banking & Finance 2: 8–19.
    • Carnein Matthias, Homann Leschek, Trautmann Heike, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘A Recommender System Based on Omni-Channel Customer Data.’ Contributed to the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI' 19), Moscow, Russia.
    • Homann Leschek, Martins Denis, Vossen Gottfried, Kraume Karsten. . ‘Enhancing Traditional Recommender Systems via Social Communities.’ Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 6, Nr. 1: 3–16. doi: 10.1142/S2196888819500040.
    • Lechtenbörger Jens, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Structuring What You Are Doing: 20 Years of Business Process Modelling.’ In The Art of Structuring: Bridging the Gap Between Information Systems Research and Practice, edited by Bergener Katrin, Räckers Michael, Stein Armin, 227–238.
    • Homann, Leschek; Martins, Denis; Vossen, Gottfried; Kraume, Karsten. . ‘Enhancing Traditional Recommender Systems via Social Communities.’ The Scientific World Journal 6, Nr. 1: 3–16.
    • Hoeren Thomas, Vossen Gottfried. . „Softwareverletzung – Missverständnisse bei der Feststellung der Schutzfähigkeit von Computerprogrammen.“ Kommunikation & Recht : K & R 21, Nr. 2: 79–84.
    • Homann Leschek, Maleszka Bernadetta, Martins Denis, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘A Generic Framework for Collaborative Filtering Based on Social Collective Recommendation.’ In Computational Collective Intelligence, edited by Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Elias Pimenidis, Zaheer Khan, Bogdan Trawiński, 238–247. Basel : Springer International Publishing.
    • Hümmecke, Aaron; Lechtenbörger, Jens; Vossen, Gottfried. . Digitalisierung der Lehre am Fachbereich 4 der WWU Münster: Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 141, .
    • Homann, Leschek; Vossen, Gottfried; Kraume, Karsten. . „Analytisches CRM unter Einbeziehung von Social Media-Daten.“ In BI & Analytics in der Cloud, herausgegeben von Finger, R., 105–125. 1. Aufl. Heidelberg: dpunkt Verlag.
    • Dillon, Stuart; Rastrick, Karyn; Stahl, Florian; Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘Using the Web While Offline: A Case Comparison.’ In Handbook of Research on Contemporary Perspectives on Web-Based Systems, edited by Elçi A., 108–124. 1. Aufl. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
    • Martins, Denis; Vossen, Gottfried; Buarque de Lima Neto, Fernando. . ‘Discovering SQL Queries from Examples using Intelligent Algorithms.’ Contributed to the 5th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI) 2018, Guadalajara, Mexiko.
    • Martins, Denis; Vossen, Gottfried; Maleszka, Marcin. . ‘Supporting Online Data Purchase by Preference Recommendation.’ Contributed to the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan. doi: 10.1109/SMC.2018.00627.
    • Homann, Leschek; Maleszka, Bernadetta; Martins, Denis; Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘A Generic Framework for Collaborative Filtering Based on Social Collective Recommendation.’ Contributed to the 10th International Conference (ICCCI) 2018, Bristol, UK. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-98443-8_22.
    • Buarque de Lima Neto, Fernando; Martins, Denis; Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘A Semiotic-Inspired Machine for Personalized Multi-Criteria Intelligent Decision Support.’ Data & Knowledge Engineering 117: 225–238.
    • Pflanzl, Nicolas; Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘What do Business Process Modeling and Super Mario Bros. have in Common? A Games-perspective on Business Process Modeling.’ International Journal of Conceptual Modeling | Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architecture 13: 69–76.
    • Hümmecke Aaron, Lechtenbörger Jens, Vossen Gottfried. . Digitalisierung der Lehre am Fachbereich 4 der WWU Münster: Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 141, .
    • Martins Denis, Buarque de Lima Neto Fernando, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Learning Database Queries via Intelligent Semiotic Machines.’ Contributed to the 4th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), Arequipa, Peru. doi: 10.1109/LA-CCI.2017.8285698.
    • Carnein Matthias, Homann Leschek, Trautmann Heike, Vossen Gottfried, Kraume Karsten. . ‘Customer Service in Social Media - An Empirical Study of the Airline Industry.’ In Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and Web (BTW '17), edited by Bernhard Mitschang and Norbert Ritter and Holger Schwarz and Meike Klettke and Andreas Thor and Oliver Kopp and Matthias Wieland, 33–40. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
    • Carnein Matthias, Heuchert Markus, Homann Leschek, Trautmann Heike, Vossen Gottfried, Becker Jörg, Kraume Karsten. . ‘Towards Efficient and Informative Omni-Channel Customer Relationship Management.’ In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'17), edited by de Cesare Sergio, Ulrich Frank, 69–78. Basel : Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70625-2_7.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Vetter Alexander, Hussong Kai, Oberweis Andreas, Vossen Gottfried. . „Horus Gamification: Ein Prototyp zum Einsatz von Gamification im Rahmen des Social BPM.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proc. 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik 2017, Chemnitz, Germany.
    • Martins Denis, Vossen Gottfried, Buarque de Lima Neto Fernando. . ‘Intelligent Decision Support for Data Purchase.’ Contributed to the 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), Leipzig, Germany. doi: 10.1145/3106426.3106434.
    • Carnein Matthias, Homann Leschek, Trautmann Heike, Vossen Gottfried, Kraume Karsten. . ‘Customer Service in Social Media: An Empirical Study of the Airline Industry.’ In Workshopband der BTW 2017, 33–40. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
    • Vossen Gottfried, Dillon Stuart, Schomm Fabian, Stahl Florian. . ‘A Classification Framework for Beacon Applications.’ Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT) 3, Nr. 1: 1–11.
    • Vossen Gottfried, Schönthaler Frank, Dillon Stuart. . The Web at Graduation and Beyond ‐ Business Impacts and Developments. 1. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Name Your Own Price on Data Marketplaces.’ Informatica - An International Journal 28, Nr. 1: 1–26.
    • Lehmann Dennis, Fekete David, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Technology Selection for Big Data and Analytical Applications.’ Open Journal of Big Data (OJBD) 3, Nr. 1: 1–25.
    • Nguyen Ngoc-Thanh, Papadopoulos George, Jedrzejowicz Piotr, Trawinski Bogdan, Vossen Gottfried (Eds.): . Computational Collective Intelligence - Proc. 9th International Conference ICCCI, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2017, Part 2. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Nguyen Ngoc-Thanh, Papadopoulos George, Jedrzejowicz Piotr, Trawinski Bogdan, Vossen Gottfried (Eds.): . Computational Collective Intelligence - Proc. 9th International Conference ICCCI, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2017, Part 1. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Lu Heidi, Dillon Stuart, Rastrick Karyn, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Assessing the Perceived Value of Cloud-based Technologies in Natural Disasters: The Case of New Zealand Emergency Management.’ Contributed to the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Münster, Germany.
    • Stahl Florian, Schomm Fabian, Vomfell Lara, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Marketplaces for Digital Data: Quo Vadis?Computer and Information Science 10, Nr. 4: 22–37.
    • Lange Juliane, Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . „Datenmarktplätze in verschiedenen Forschungsdisziplinen: Eine Übersicht.“ Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik 41, Nr. 3: 170–180.
    • Trautmann Heike, Vossen Gottfried, Homann Leschek, Carnein Matthias, Kraume Karsten. . Challenges of Data Management and Analytics in Omni-Channel CRM ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 28. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Quandt T., Shegalov G., Sjovaag H., Vossen G. . Analysis, Interpretation and Benefit of User-Generated Data: Computer Science meets Communication Studies Dagstuhl-Reports, Nr. 6, .
    • Namani H., Deakins E., Dillon S., Vossen G. . ‘Achieving Government-Citizen Dialogue in Arab Nations via Social Media: Contextual Considerations.’ Electronic Government, An International Journal 12, Nr. 4: 357–374.
    • Stahl, Florian Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘Fair Knapsack Pricing for Data Marketplaces.’ Contributed to the 20th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Vossen, Gottfried Witt, Kurt-Ulrich. . Grundkurs Theoretische Informatik: Eine anwendungsbezogene Einführung - Für Studierende in allen Informatik-Studiengängen. 6. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Classe Tadeu, Araujo Renata, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Designing Serious Games for Citizen Engagement in Public Service Processes.’ Contributed to the 9th Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software (BPMS2 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.
    • Vossen G., Witt, K.-U. . Grundkurs Theoretische Informatik. 6. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.
    • Stahl F., Vossen G. . ‘Fair Knapsack Pricing for Data Marketplaces.’ In Advances in Databases and Information Systems, edited by Pokorný J., Ivanović M., Thalheim B., Šaloun P., 46–59. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Lechtenbörger J., Vossen G. . „Hauptspeicherdatenbanken: Denkgeschwindigkeit für alle?DOAG Business News 3-2016: 5–7.
    • Stahl Florian, Schomm Fabian, Vossen Gottfried, Vomfell Lara. . ‘A Classification Framework for Data Marketplaces.’ Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 3, Nr. 3: 137–143. doi: 10.1007/s40595-016-0064-2.
    • Fekete David, Vossen Gottfried. . „Mit GOBIA zu zielgerichteten Business-Intelligence-Architekturen.“ DOAG Business News 15, Nr. 1-2016: 9–10.
    • Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Data Quality Scores for Pricing on Data Marketplaces.’ In Intelligent Information and Database Systems, edited by Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Trawinski Bogdan, Fujita Hamido, Hong Tzung-Pei, 215–224. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Lechtenbörger Jens, Vossen Gottfried. . „NoSQL, NewSQL, MapReduce und Hadoop.“ In Analytische Informationssysteme: Business Intelligence-Technologien und -Anwendungen , herausgegeben von Chamoni P, Gluchowski P, 205–223. 5. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Vossen Gottfried. . „Gamification = Erfolg durch Spaß im Business.“ DOK.magazin für Technologien, Strategien & Services für das digitale Dokument 5: 48–52.
    • Haselmann Till, Vossen Gottfried, Dillon Stuart. . ‘Cooperative Hybrid Cloud Intermediaries — Making Cloud Sourcing Feasible for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.’ Open Journal of Cloud Computing 2, Nr. 2: 4–20.
    • Fekete D., Vossen G. . ‘The GOBIA method: Towards goal-oriented business intelligence architectures.’ In Proceedings of the LWA 2015 Workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDB, edited by Bergmann R., Görg S., Müller G., 409–418. Aachen: CEUR-WS.
    • Dillon Stuart, Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Towards Future IT Service Personalization: Issues in BYOD and the Personal Cloud .’ In Advanced Research on Cloud Computing Design and Applications , edited by Aljawarneh Shadi, 102–119. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
    • Stahl F., Vossen G. . ‘Data Quality Adjustments for Pricing on Data Marketplaces.’ Contributed to the LWA 2015, Trier, Germany.
    • Vomfell Lara, Stahl Florian, Schomm Fabian, Vossen Gottfried. . A Classification Framework for Data Marketplaces ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 23, .
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Bergener Katrin, Stein Armin, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Information Systems Freshmen Teaching: Case Experience from Day One.’ International Journal of Information and Operations Management 6, Nr. 1: 49–69. doi: 10.1504/IJIOME.2015.073158.
    • Lechtenbörger Jens, Ling Jie, Vossen Gottfried. . Hauptspeicherdatenbanken – Denkgeschwindigkeit auch für KMU? Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 136. Münster, .
    • Vossen Gottfried, Lechtenbörger Jens, Fekete David. . Big Data in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen – eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 135. Münster, .
    • Vossen Gottfried,. . „Big Data: Daten sammeln, aggregieren, analysieren, nutzen.“ In Big Data in Marketing - Chancen und Möglichkeiten für eine effektive Kundenansprache, herausgegeben von Vossen, Gottfried, 35–54. 1. Aufl. Freiburg im Breisgau: Haufe Verlag.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Vossen Gottfried. . „Gamification im Unternehmenseinsatz.“ DOAG Business News x, Nr. Frühjahr: 5–7.
    • Forster C, Bruland P, Lechtenbörger J, Breil B, Vossen G. . ‘Connecting Clinical Care and Research: Single-Source with x4T - Process Design, Architecture, and Use Cases.’ Information Technology 57, Nr. 1: 63–72.
    • Dillon Stuart, Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘BYOD and Governance of the Personal Cloud.’ International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 5, Nr. 2: 23–35.
    • Lechtenbörger Jens, Stahl Florian, Volz Vanessa, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Analyzing Observable Success and Activity Indicators on Crowdfunding Platforms.’ International Journal of Web Based Communities 11, Nr. 3/4: 264–289.
    • Stahl Florian, Godde Adrian, Hagedorn Bastian, Köpcke Bastian, Rehberger Martin, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘High Quality Information Delivery: Demonstrating the Web in Your Pocket for Cineast Tourists.’ Contributed to the BTW 2015, Hamburg, Deutschland.
    • Dillon S, Vossen G. . ‘SaaS Cloud Computing in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparison between Germany and New Zealand.’ International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence 3, Nr. 2: 87–104.
    • Stahl Florian, Löser Alexander, Vossen Gottfried. . „Preismodelle für Datenmarktplätze.“ Informatik-Spektrum 38, Nr. 2: 133–141. doi: 10.1007/s00287-013-0751-7.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Vossen Gottfried. . „Social BPM – Die Aktivierung der "Weisheit der Masse".“ DOK.magazin 3, Nr. 2015: 6–11.
    • Haselmann Till, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘EVACS: Economic Value Assessment of Cloud Sourcing by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.’ EMISA Forum 34, Nr. 1: 18–31.
    • Vossen, Gottfried. . ‘Big Data as the New Enabler in Business and other Intelligence.’ Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 1, Nr. 1: 1–12.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Challenges of Social Business Process Management.’ Contributed to the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
    • Stahl F, Schomm F, Vossen G. . The Data Marketplace Survey Revisited ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 18. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Stahl F, Godde A, Hagedorn B, Köpcke B, Rehberger M, Vossen G. . Implementing the WiPo Architecture ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 20. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Stahl Florian, Schomm Fabian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Data Marketplaces: An Emerging Species.’ In Databases and Information Systems VIII, edited by Haav Hele-Mai, Kalja Ahto, Robal Tarmo, 145–158. 270. Aufl. .
    • Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . „Sicherung der Privatheit in einer experimentellen Bankfiliale bei Facebook.“ DOAG Business News 2014, Nr. 3: 2521.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Bergener Katrin, Stein Armin, Vossen Gottfried. . Information Systems Freshmen Teaching: Case Experience from Day One (Pre-Version of the publication in the International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education (IJIOME)) ERCIS Workingpapers, Nr. 21. Münster, .
    • Dillon S., Rastrick K., Stahl F., Vossen G. . ‘Cases for the Web your the Pocket (WiPo): Surviving Offline with Online Data.’ International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 9, Nr. 3: 40–54.
    • Vossen Gottfried. . „Big Data: Der neue Katalysator für Business und andere Intelligenz.“ In Leitfaden Marketing Automation, herausgegeben von Schwarz Torsten, 51–72.
    • Stahl F, Godde A, Hagedorn B, Köpcke B, Rehberger M, Vossen G. . ‘Implementing the WiPo Architecture.’ Contributed to the EC Web, München.
    • Stahl Florian, Schomm Fabian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘The Data Marketplace Survey Revisited.’ In Proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems , edited by Haav Hele-Mai, Kalja Ahto, Robal Tarmo, 135–146. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press.
    • Abello A., Darmont J., Etcheverry L., Golfarelli M., Mazon J.N., Naumann F., Bach Pedersen T., Rizzi S., Trujillo J., Vassiliadis P., Vossen G. . ‘Fusion Cubes: Towards Self-Service Business Intelligence.’ International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining 9, Nr. 2: 66–88.
    • Pflanzl Nicolas, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Human-Oriented Challenges of Social BPM: An Overview.’ In Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA 2013), edited by Jung Reinhard, Reichert Manfred, 163–176. Bonn: Köllen.
    • Dillon Stuart, Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried, Rastrick Karyn. . ‘A Contemporary Approach to Coping with Modern Information Overload.’ Communications of the ICISA: An International Journal 14, Nr. 1: 1–24.
    • Childerhouse W, Luo Ch, Basnet HJ, Ahn H, Lee G, Vossen G,. . ‘Evolution of Inter-Firm Relationships: A Study of Supplier-Logistical Services Provider-Customer Triads.’ International Journal of Industrial Engineering 20, Nr. 1-2: 126–140.
    • Schomm F, Stahl F, Vossen G. . ‘Marketplaces for Data: An initial Survey.’ ACM SIGMOD Record 42, Nr. 1: 15–26.
    • Haselmann Till, Vossen Gottfried. . „Data Streaming im Verkehr.“ In Das weite Feld der Ökonomik: Von der Wirtschaftsforschung und Wirtschaftspolitik bis zur Politischen Ökonomik und Wirtschaftsethik, herausgegeben von Pies Ingo, 111–123. 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
    • Schomm Fabian, Vossen Gottfried. . „Mobile-Device-Management im Zeitalter von IT Consumerization.“ DOAG Business News 2013: 27–29.
    • Vossen Gottfried. . ‘The Process Mining Manifesto --- An interview with Wil van der Aalst.’ Information Systems 37: 288–290.
    • Löser Alexander, Stahl Florian, Muschalle Alexander, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Pricing Approaches for Data Markets.’ Contributed to the Workshop Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise, Istanbul, Turkey.
    • Dugas Martin, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘CityPlot - Colored ER Diagrams to Visualize Structure and Contents of Databases.’ Datenbank-Spektrum 12, Nr. 3: 215–218. doi: 10.1007/s13222-012-0102-x.
    • Stahl F, Schomm F, Vossen G. . Marketplaces for Data: An initial Survey ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 14. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Häsel M, Quandt Th, Vossen G. . Towards A Multi-Discipline Network Perspective.
    • Häsel M, Quandt Th, Vossen G. . Perspectives Workshop: Social, Supply-Chain, Administrative, Business Commerce, Political Networks: a Multi-Discipline Perspective , .
    • Vossen G, Haselmann T, Hoeren Th. . „Kapitän an Bord - Der "Chief Cloud Officer".“ iX Kompakt 4: 27–29.
    • Vossen G, Haselmann T, Hoeren Th. . „Eingebaut - Integration von Cloud-Diensten in bestehende Systeme und Migration.“ iX Kompakt 4: 22–26.
    • Stahl F, Vossen G. . ‘From Unreliable Web Search to Information Provisioning based on Curated Data.’ EMISA Forum 32, Nr. 2: 6–20.
    • Ahn HJ, Childerhouse P, Vossen G, Lee H. . ‘Rethinking XML-Enabled Agile Supply Chains.’ International Journal of Information Management 32, Nr. 1: 17–23.
    • Dillon Stuart, Stahl Florian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Towards The Web in Your Pocket: Curated Data as a Service.’ In Advanced Methods for Computational Intelligence, edited by N.T. Nguyen et al., 25–34. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Vossen Gottfried, Haselmann Till, Hoeren Thomas. . Cloud-Computing für Unternehmen : technische, wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und organisatorische Aspekte. 1. Aufl. Heidelberg: dpunkt Verlag.
    • Vossen Gottfried, Haselmann Till. . „Die neue Rolle des "Chief Cloud Officers".“ IT-Governance (Zeitschrift des ISACA Germany Chapter e.V.) 12: 12–16.
    • Thies Gunnar, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Identification, Specification, and Development of Web-Oriented Architectures.’ International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector 4, Nr. 1: 1–22.
    • Hagemann Stephan, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Web-Wide Application Customization: The Case of Mashups.’ International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 3, Nr. 1: 23–47.
    • Schönthaler Frank, Vossen Gottfried, Oberweis Andreas, Karle Thomas. . Business Processes for Business Communities. 1. Aufl. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Forster Christian, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Exploiting XML Technologies in Medical Information Systems .’ In BLED 2012 Proceedings, 70–83.
    • Vossen G, Witt U K. . Grundkurs Theoretische Informatik - Eine anwendungsbezogene Einführung für Studierende in allen Informatik-Studiengängen. 5. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.
    • Haselmann Till, Vossen Gottrfied, Lipsky Stefanie, Theurl Theresia. . ‘A Cooperative Community Cloud for Small and Medium Enterprises.’ Contributed to the Proc.\ 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
    • Schneider M, Vossen G, Zimanyi E. . Data Warehousing: from Occasional OLAP to Real-time BI , .
    • Vossen G. . ‘Web 2.0: From a Buzzword to Mainstream Web Reality.’ In e-Business and Telecommunications, edited by Obaidat MS, Filipe J, 53–67.
    • Haselmann T, Vossen G, Lipsky St, Theurl Th. . ‘A Cooperative Community Cloud for Small and Medium Enterprises.’ Contributed to the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER), Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
    • Haselmann T, Röpke C, Vossen G. . Empirische Bestandsaufnahme des Software-as-a-Service-Einsatzes in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 131. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Haselmann T, Vossen G, Lipsky S, Theurl T. . ‘Cooperative Community Clouds for Small and Medium Enterprises.’ Contributed to the 1st Int'l. Conf. on Cloud Computing and Service Science, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
    • Haselmann T, Vossen G. . ‘Software-as-a-Service in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Attitude Assessment.’ In Web Information System Engineering – WISE 2011: 12th International Conference, Sydney, Australia, October 13-14, 2011. Proceedings, edited by Bouguettaya, Athman; Hauswirth, Manfred; Liu, Ling, 43–56. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-24434-6_4.
    • Vossen Gottfried. . „Cloud-Computing.“ WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium 2012, Nr. 6: 1316–1322.
    • Loos P, Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G, Zeier A, Krüger J, et al. . ‘In-Memory-Datenmanagement in betrieblichen Anwendungssystemen.’ Wirtschaftsinformatik 53, Nr. 6: 383–390. doi: 10.1007/s11576-011-0296-9.
    • Dziuballe Philipp, Forster Christian, Breil Bernhard, Thiemann Volker, Fritz Fleur, Lechtenbörger Jens, Vossen Gottfried, Dugas Martin. . ‘The Single Source Architecture x4T to Connect Medical Documentation and Clinical Research.’ In User Centred Networked Health Care - Proceedings of MIE 2011, edited by Moen Anne, Andersen Stig Kjær, Aarts Jos, Hurlen Petter, 902–906. Bristol: IOP Publishing. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-806-9-902.
    • Vidyasankar K, Vossen G. . ‘Multi-Level Modeling of Web Service Compositions with Transactional Properties.’ Journal of Database Management (Special Issue on Service-Oriented Computing) 22, Nr. 2: 1–31.
    • Schönthaler Frank , Vossen Gottfried, Oberweis Andreas, Karle Thomas. . Geschäftsprozesse für Business Communities: Modellierungssprachen, Methoden, Werkzeuge. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
    • vom Brocke J, Becker J, Maria Braccini A, Butleris R, Hofreiter B, Kapočius K, de Marco M, Schmidt G, Seidel S, Simons A, Skopal T, Stein A, Stieglitz S, Suomi R, Vossen G, Winter R, Wrycza S. . ‘ Current and Future Issues in BPM Research: a European Perspective from the ERCIS Meeting 2010 .’ Communications of the Association for Information Systems 28, Nr. 1: 393–414. doi: 10.17705/1CAIS.02825.
    • Hagemann S, Vossen G. . Web-Wide Application Customization: The Case of Mashups ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 8. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Haselmann Till, Vossen Gottfried. . Database-as-a-Service für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen Arbeitsberichte des IAI. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Hagemann St, Vossen G. . ‘Web Page Augmentation with Client-Side Mashups as Meta-Querying.’ Contributed to the 2nd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS), Hue, Vietnam.
    • Deakins E, Vossen G. . ‘Women Leading and Learning through Present-Day Web Linking Technology.’ International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 6: 1–27.
    • Hoeren Thomas, Vossen Gottfried. . „Die Rolle des Rechts in einer durch das Web 2.0 dominierten Welt.“ Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 34, Nr. 7: 463–466. doi: 10.1007/s11623-010-0130-3.
    • Vossen G. . „Der Umgang mit Information in Aus- und Weiterbildung: inflationär oder deflationär?“ In Die digital-vernetzte Wissensgesellschaft - Aufbruch ins 21. Jahrhundert, herausgegeben von Redwitz G, 433–443. München: Piper Verlag.
    • Vossen G, Hagemann St. . Serwis Web 2.0 - Od Pomyslu Do Realizacji. Gliwice, Poland: Wydawnictwo Helion.
    • Haselmann Till, Thies Gunnar, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Looking into a REST-based API for Database-as-a-Service Systems.’ In 12th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, 17–24. Shanghai, China.
    • Haselmann T, Winkelmann A, Vossen G. . ‘Towards a Conceptual Model for Trustworthy Skills Profiles in Online Social Networks.’ In Information Systems Development - Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development, edited by J. Pokorny, V. Repa, K. Richta, W. Wojtkowski, H. Linger, Ch. Barry, M. Lang, 285–296. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . ‘Creating High-Quality Learning Object Metatdata Based on Web 2.0 Concepts.’ In ICTs for Modern Educational and Instructional Advancement: New Approaches to Teaching; Information Science Reference, edited by Tomei L, 32–47. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
    • Vossen G. . DaaS-Workshop und das Studi-Programm Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 122. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Sattler KU, Schöning H, Vossen G. . Database-as-a-Service (Workshop des AK Web und Datenbanken im Rahmen der 13. GI Fachtagung BTW 2009) , .
    • Vossen G, Long DDE, Xu Yu J,. . Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE).
    • Grundspenkis J, Morzy T, Vossen G. . Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS).
    • Lytras MD, Damiani E, Carroll JM, Tennyson RD, Avison DE, Naeve A, Dale A, Lefrere P, Tan F, Sipior JC, Vossen G. . Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society - A Web Science Perspective.
    • Dugas M, Breil B, Thiemann V, Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘Single Source Information Systems to Connect Patient Care and Clinical Research.’ In Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe - Proceedings of MIE 2009 – The XXIInd International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, edited by Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Bernd Blobel, John Mantas, Izet Masic, 61–65. Bristol: IOP Publishing. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-044-5-61.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Web 2.0: a Buzzword, a Serious Development, Just Fun, or What? Contributed to the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B), Milan, Italien.
    • Hoeren Thomas, Vossen Gottfried. . ‘Manifest: The role of law in an electronic world dominated by Web 2.0.’ Computer science - research and development = Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung 23, Nr. 1: 7–13. doi: 10.1007/s00450-009-0054-z.
    • Hagemann St, Vossen G. . ‘ActiveTags: Making Tags More Useful - Everywhere on the Web.’ Contributed to the 20th Australasian Database Conference (ADC); Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Wellington, New Zealand.
    • Thies G, Vossen G. . ‘Modelling of Web-oriented Architectures.’ Contributed to the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM); Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Wellington, New Zealand.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G. . ‘A Design and Development Methodology for Mobile RFID Applications based on the ID-Services Middleware Architecture.’ Contributed to the Proc. 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Taipei, Taiwan.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . ‘Towards Learning Object Metadata Quality Control - The Next Steps.’ Contributed to the Annual Conference European Distance and E-Learning Network(EDEN), Gdansk, Poland.
    • Thies G, Vossen G. . ‘Governance in Web-Oriented Architectures.’ Contributed to the IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), Singapore.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G. . ‘ID-Services: An RFID Middleware Architecture for Mobile Applications.’ Information Systems Frontiers 12, Nr. 5: 529–539. doi: 10.1007/s10796-009-9214-8.
    • Rakow, C Th, Faeskorn-Woyke H, Schiefer B, Vossen G, Wäsch J. . „Tools für die Lehre in Datenbanken.“ Datenbank-Spektrum (Themenheft Lehre in Datenbanken und Information Retrieval) : 5–13.
    • Morzy T, Vossen G. . ‘Editorial for Special Issue on ADBIS 2009: Advances in Databases and Information Systems .’ Information Systems .
    • Long Ed D, Vossen G, Xu Yu J. . ‘Editorial for Special Issue on WISE 2009: Web Information Systems Engineering.’ Information Systems .
    • Hagemann S, Vossen G. . ‘Making Tags More Useful - Everywhere on the Web.’ In Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, 39–46. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • Freytag JC, Ruf T, Lehner W, Vossen G (Hrsg.): . Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW) (Proc. 13. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme, Münster, März 2009). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
    • Vossen G. . ‘ACID Properties (Short Entry).’ In Encyclopedia of Database Systems, edited by Liu L, Özsu M, 19–21. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Concurrency Control - Traditional Approaches (Short Entry).’ In Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Transaction (Short Entry).’ In Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Transaction Management.’ In Encyclopedia of Database Systems, edited by Liu L, Özsu M,, 3153–3157. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Transaction Models - the Read/Write Approach.’ In Encyclopedia of Database Systems, edited by Liu L, Özsu M,, 3158–3162. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Dugas M, Breil B, Thiemann V, Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘Single Source Informationssysteme - Nutzung von Routinedaten für die klinische Forschung.’ Contributed to the 54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS), Essen. doi: 10.3205/09gmds287.
    • Lytras MD, Carroll JM, Damiani E, Tennyson RD, Avison D, Vossen G, Ordonez De Pablos P,. . The Open Knowledge Society - A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto.
    • Thies G, Vossen G. . ‘Web-oriented Architectures: On the Impact of Web 2.0 on Service-oriented Architectures.’ Contributed to the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC).
    • Dahl D, Lechtenbörger J, Sieberg J, Vossen G. . ‘Process Learning in a Web 2.0-Inspired Learning Environment.’ In e-Learning Baltics 2008, edited by Hambach S, Martens A, Urban B, 139–146. Stuttgart.
    • Chatti M A, Dahl D, Jarke M, Vossen G. . ‘Towards Web 2.0 Driven Learning Environments.’ Contributed to the 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
    • Hagemann S, Vossen G. . ‘Web 2.0 als Innovationstreiber.Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt) - Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt , Nr. 4: 134–139.
    • Dahl D, Lechtenbörger J, Sieberg J, Vossen G. . ‘Learnr - Web 2.0-Driven Learning.’ Contributed to the 7th IASTED International Conference onWeb-Based Education (WBE), Innsbruck, Austria.
    • Dahl D, Sieberg J, Vossen G. . „Der Weg ist das Ziel: Abiturvorbereitung durch individuelles und gemeinschaftliches Lernen im Web.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Interesse wecken und Grundkenntnisse vermitteln (Proc. 3. Münsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik - MWS), Münster, Germany.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G. . ‘ID-Services: An RFID Middleware Architecture for Mobile Applications.’ Contributed to the 2nd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges (IWRT), Barcelona, Spain.
    • Thies G, Vossen G. . „Web-orientierte Architekturen: Auswirkungen des Web 2.0 auf Service-orientierte Architekturen.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der EMISA 2008, St. Augustin.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . ‘Learning Object Metadata Generation in the Web 2.0 Era.’ International Journal of Information Communication and Technology Education (JICTE) 4, Nr. 3: 1–10.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . ‘Evolution of Learning Folksonomies: Social Tagging in e-Learning Repositories.’ International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning(IJTEL) 1, Nr. 1/2: 35–46.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Why Service-Orientation Could Make E-Learning Standards Obsolete.’ International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL) 1, Nr. 1/2: 85–97.
    • Hagemann St, Letz C, Vossen G. . ‘Web Service Discovery - Reality Check 2.0.’ International Journal of Web Service Practices (IJWSP) 3, Nr. 1: 42–47.
    • Vossen G. . „Datenbanksystem.“ In Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Online-Lexikon. Berlin: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
    • Vossen G. . „Structured Query Language.“ In Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Online-Lexikon. Berlin: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
    • Winkelmann A, Vossen G, Becker J, Haselmann T, Herwig S, Pöppelbuß J. . „Bewertungsmechanismen zur beruflichen Weiterqualifizierung in sozialen Web 2.0-Netzwerken.“ In Informatik 2008 - Beherrschbare Systeme - dank Informatik (Band 2), herausgegeben von Hegering H-G, Lehmann A, Ohlbach HJ, Scheideler C, 955–961. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
    • Vossen G. . Datenmodelle, Datenbanksprachen und Datenbankmanagementsysteme. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
    • Schwingel S, Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Securing the Infrastructure for Service-Based E-Learning Environments.’ In Intelligent Information Technologies and Applications, edited by Sugumaran V,, 1–24. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Secure Identity Management in a Service-Based E-Learning Environment.’ In Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, edited by Becker, Ann S., 481–496. Hershey PA: IGI Global.
    • Vossen G, Zengerling K, Thies G. . „Serviceorientierung: Vereinfachung von Software-Entwicklung?“ In Einfachheit in Wirtschaftsinformatik und Controlling, Festschrift für Heinz Lothar Grob, herausgegeben von v Brocke J, Becker J, 135–153. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
    • Westerkamp P, Dahl D, Vossen G. . „Geschäftsmodelle für serviceorientiertes E-Learning.“ In E-Learning-Management, herausgegeben von Grob H.L., vom Brocke J., Buddendick Ch., 85–105. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
    • Dahl D, Thies G, Vossen G. . „E-Learning-Grids - Potentiale und Grenzen von Grid Computing im elektronischen Lernen.“ In E-Learning-Management, herausgegeben von Grob HL, vom Brocke J, Buddendick Ch,, 177–188. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G. . „Veranstaltungsbegleitende Übungen am Beispiel des xLx-Systems.“ In E-Learning-Management, herausgegeben von Verlag Vahlen Franz, 233–253. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . „E-Learning-Repositories: Transparenz und Integration von elektronischen Lernangeboten.“ In E-Learning-Management, herausgegeben von Grob hl, vom Brocke J, Buddendick Ch,, 299–312. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen.
    • Hagemann S, Letz C, Vossen G. . Web Service Discovery - Reality Check 2.0 ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 5. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Vossen G, Hagemann S. . From Version 1.0 to Version 2.0: A Brief History of the Web ERCIS Working Papers, Nr. 4. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Grob HL, Vossen G. . Entwicklungen im Web 2.0 aus technischer, ökonomischer und sozialer Sicht , .
    • Haselmann T, Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘Data Warehouse Detective: Schema Design Made Easy.’ Contributed to the 12th GI Conference on Database Systems in Business, Technology, and Web (BTW), Aachen, Germany.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . ‘Added Value for e-Learning Repositories through Social Tagging of Learning Objects.’ Contributed to the Workshop of Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata, 12th BTW (Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technology and Web), Aachen, Germany.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . ‘Learning Object Metadata Generation in the Web 2.0 Era.’ Contributed to the IADIS International Conference e-Learning, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Establishing Business Models for Service-Oriented E-Learning.’ Contributed to the IADIS International Conference e-Learning, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G. . ‘Implementing Physical Hyperlinks for Mobile Applications using RFID Tags.’ Contributed to the 11th International Conference on Database Engineering and Applications (IDEAS), Banff, Canada.
    • Hagemann St, Letz C, Vossen G. . ‘Web Service Discovery - Reality Check 2.0.’ Contributed to the 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP), Seoul, Korea.
    • Deakins E, Dillon St, Al Namani H, Vossen G. . ‘Collaborating with Citizens: The E-Government Policymakers' View.’ Contributed to the 10th Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research (CollECTeR) Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . „share.loc - Transparenz und Integration von Lernobjekten an der Universität Münster.“ EMISA Forum 2: 15–24.
    • Thies G, Vossen G. . „DB2 goes SQL:2003 : Native SQL/XML-Unterstützung der IBM DB2-Datenbank.“ EMISA Forum 2: 25–39.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G. . „Lernobjekt-Metadatenerstellung in Zeiten des Web 2.0.“ i-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien 2: 31–38.
    • Vossen G, Lytras M, Koudas N. . ‘Revisiting the (Machine) Semantic Web: The Missing Layers for the Human Semantic Web.’ Data & Knowledge Engineering 19: 145–148.
    • Vossen G, Hagemann St. . Unleashing Web 2.0 - From Concepts to Creativity. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufman.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Service-Oriented Provisioning of Learning Objects.’ In Learning Objects: Applications, Implications, and Future Directions, edited by Koohang A, Harman K, 287–324. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Vossen G. . „Datenbanksysteme.“ In Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft, 253–264. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Database Processing.’ In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, edited by Webster J.G., 629–640. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Have Service-Oriented Architectures Taken a Wrong Turn Already? Contributed to the 8th International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS), Vienna, Austria.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Can Service-Orientation Make E-Learning Standards Obsolete? Contributed to the Montreal Conference on eTechnologies (MCeTech), Montreal, Canada.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Towards the Next Generation of E-Learning Standards: SCORM for Service-Oriented Environments.’ Contributed to the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Kerkrade, Netherlands.
    • Dahl D, Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘share.loc - A Multi Tiered Interoperable E-Learning Metadata Repository.’ Contributed to the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Kerkrade, Netherlands.
    • Kuropka D, Vossen G, Weske M. . ‘Workflows in Scientific Computing Grids.’ Contributed to the 5th Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC) Workshops, Changsha, China.
    • Hüsemann B, Vossen G. . ‘OntoMedia - Semantic Multimedia Metadata Integration and Organization.’ International Journal on Semantic Web & Information Systems (IJSWIS, Special Issue: Multimedia Semantics 2006) 2, Nr. 3: 1–16.
    • Golfarelli M, Lechtenbörger J, Rizzi S, Vossen G. . ‘Schema Versioning in Data Warehouses: Enabling Cross-Version Querying via Schema Augmentation.’ Data & Knowledge Engineering 59, Nr. 2: 435–459.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Secure Identity Management in a Service-Based E-Learning Environment.’ International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies 2, Nr. 4: 57–76.
    • Vossen G. . ‘From Processes via Workflows to Services.’ Transactions of the Society for Design and Process Science (TSDPS) : 1–9.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Using Software Testing Techniques for Efficient Handling of Programming Exercises in an E-Learning Platform.’ Electronic Journal of e-Learning 4, Nr. 1: 87–94.
    • Oberschelp W, Vossen G. . Rechneraufbau und Rechnerstrukturen. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
    • Weske M, Vossen G, Puhlmann F. . ‘Workflow and Service Composition Languages.’ In Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems (Series International Handbooks on Information Systems), edited by Bernus P, Mertins K, Schmidt G, 369–390. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Pankratius V, Vossen G. . ‘Towards the Utilization of Grid Computing in Electronic Learning.’ In Grid Computing: Software Environments and Tools. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Desai BC, Vossen G. . 9th International Database Enginneering & Application Symposium.
    • Vossen G, Leymann F, Lockemann P, Stucky W. . Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web.
    • Hagemann S, Reimers S, Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘BOGSY: A Flexible Information System for Botanical Gardens.’ Contributed to the 8th Spring International Conference on Information Systems Implementation and Modelling (ISIM), Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic.
    • Westerkamp P, Vossen G. . ‘Building a Service Platform for Electronic Learning.’ Contributed to the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), Amman, Jordan.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Mediators for Integrating Content into Service-based e-Learning Environments.’ Contributed to the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Provisioning in a Service-based E-Learning Platform.’ Contributed to the 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology (IIT), Dubai, UAE.
    • Schwieren J, Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Efficient Handling of Programming Exercises in a Scalable E-Learning Platform.’ Contributed to the 4th European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • Hüsemann B, Vossen G. . ‘Ontology Engineering from a Database Perspective.’ Contributed to the 10th Asian Computing Science Conference (ASIAN), Kunming, China.
    • Vossen G, Thies G. . ‘ISETTA: Service Orientation in the "Bologna Process" of a Large University.’ Contributed to the 14th International Conference on Information Systems Development - ISD), Karlstad, Sweden.
    • Van den Bussche J, Vansummeren S, Vossen G. . ‘Towards Practical Meta-Querying.’ Information Systems 30: 317–332.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Turning Learning Objects into Web Services.’ Learning Objects & Learning Designs (The Official Publication of AIS SIG-RLO) 1, Nr. 1: 16–24.
    • Pankratius V, Stucky W, Vossen G. . ‘Aspect-Oriented Reengineering of E-Learning Courseware.’ The Learning Organization: An International Journal (Emerald Group Publishing) 12, Nr. 5: 457–470.
    • Pankratius V, Vossen G. . ‘Reengineering of Educational Material: A Systematic Approach.’ International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL Inderscience Publishers) 1, Nr. 3: 229–248.
    • Hagemann S, Rodewald G, Vossen G, Westerkamp P, Albers F, Voigt H. . BoGSy - ein Informationssystem für Botanische Gärten Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 107. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Golfarelli M, Lechtenbörger J, Rizzi S, Vossen G. . ‘Schema Versioning in Data Warehouses.’ Contributed to the 3rd International Workshop on Evolution and Change in Data Management (ECDM), Shanghai, China.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Intelligent Content Discovery within E-Learning Web Services.’ Contributed to the 1st International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), Singapore.
    • Hüsemann B, Vossen G. . ‘Ontology-Driven Multimedia Object Management for Private Users - Overview and Research Issues.’ AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin 1, Nr. 1: 29–31.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘XLX and L2P - Platforms for Blended Learning.’ EMISA Forum 2: 18–20.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Maintenance and Exchange of Learning Objects in a Web Services Based e-Learning System.’ Electronic Journal of e-Learning 2, Nr. 2: 293–303.
    • Navrat P, Manolopoulos Y, Vossen G. . ‘Editorial for Special Issue on ADBIS 2002: Advances in Databases and Information Systems .’ Information Systems 29: 437–438.
    • Becker Jörg, Backhaus Klaus, Grob Heinz Lothar, Hoeren Thomas, Klein Stefan, Kuchen Herbert, Müller-Funk Ulrich, Thonemann Ulrich W, Vossen Gottfied. . European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) : Gründungsveranstaltung : Münster 12. Oktober 2004 Working Paper, Nr. 1. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Vossen G. . „Schemaentwurf bei modernen Data Warehouses.“ In Business Intelligence & Data Mining, 15–34. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • Van den Bussche J, Vansummeren S, Vossen G. . ‘Meta-SQL: Towards Practical Meta-Querying.’ Contributed to the 9th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Heraklion.
    • Grüne M, Keferstein K, Lenz K, Oberweis A, von Mevius M, Vossen G. . ‘Individualization of E-Learning Processes by Workflow-Based Learning-Object Management.’ Contributed to the 7th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS), Poznan, Poland.
    • Vidyasankar K, Vossen G. . ‘A Multi-Level Model for Web Service Composition.’ Contributed to the 3rd IEEE International Conference onWeb Services (ICWS), San Diego, USA.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . E-Learning as a Web Service Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 92. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Vossen G, Pankratius V. . Towards E-Learning Grids Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 98. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Vossen G, Paul H. . Tagungsband EMISA 2003: Auf dem Weg in die E-Gesellschaft Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 99. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Vossen G, Vidyasankar K. . A Multi-Level Model for Web Service Composition Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 100. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘Multidimensional Normal Forms for Data Warehouse Design.’ Information Systems 28, Nr. 5: 415–434.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . „Qualitätsorientierter Schemaentwurf für Datenlager.“ it - Information Technology 45, Nr. 4: 190–195.
    • Jaeschke P, Oberweis A, Vossen G. . „Web-basiertes Lernen: Eine Übersicht über Stand und Entwicklungen.“ In Web & Datenbanken - Konzepte, Architekturen, Anwendungen, herausgegeben von Rahm E, Vossen G,, 363–397. Heidelberg: dpunkt Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Advanced Database Systems.’ In Handbook on Data Management in Information Systems (Series International Handbooks on Information Systems), edited by Blazewicz J, Kubiak W, Morzy T, Rusinkiewicz M,, 221–283. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G, Kuchen H. . „Sichten-Wartung in Datenlagern - Controlling aus datenbanktechnischer Sicht.“ In Trendberichte zum Controlling, herausgegeben von Physica-Verlag, 495–510. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘E-Learning as a Web Service (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 7th International Conference on Database Engineering and Applications (IDEAS), Hong Kong, China.
    • Vossen G, Jaeschke P. . ‘Learning Objects as a Uniform Foundation for E-Learning Platforms.’ Contributed to the 7th International Conference on Database Engineering and Applications (IDEAS), Hong Kong, China.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘A Web Services Approach to E-Learning.’ Contributed to the Workshop on E-Learning and Beyond 2003, HTWK Leipzig.
    • Grüne M, Keferstein K, Lenz K, Oberweis A, von Mevius M, Vossen G. . „Workflow-gestütztes Lernobjekt-Management.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 6. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik: Medien - Märkte - Mobilität, Dresden.
    • Pankratius V, Vossen G. . ‘Towards E-Learning Grids: Using Grid Computing in Electronic Learning.’ Contributed to the IEEE International Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence (in conjunction with 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence / Intelligent Agent Technology), Nova Scotia, Canada.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘Distributed Storage and Dynamic Exchange of Learning Objects.’ Contributed to the 2nd European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL), Glasgow, UK.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . „Zur Nutzung von Web Services im E-Learning.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 33. GI-Jahrestagung - Symposium "Entwicklung Web-Service basierter Anwendungen", Frankfurt am Main.
    • Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘UDDI for E-Learning: A Repository for Distributed Learning Objects.’ Contributed to the 2nd IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing (IKS), Scottsdale, Arizona.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Shu H, Vossen G. . ‘Aggregate Queries over Conditional Tables.’ Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 19, Nr. 3: 343–362.
    • Weikum G, Vossen G. . Transactional Information Systems - Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control and Recovery. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufman.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘On the Computation of Relational View Complements.’ Contributed to the 21st Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Madison, WI.
    • Vossen G, Jaeschke P. . ‘Towards a Uniform and Flexible Data Model for Learning Objects.’ Contributed to the 30th Annual Conference of the International Business School Computing Association (IBSCA), Savannah, Georgia.
    • Letz C, Henn T E, Vossen G. . ‘Consistency in Data Warehouse Dimensions.’ Contributed to the 6th International Conference on Database Engineering and Applications (IDEAS), Edmonton, Canada.
    • Vossen G, Jaeschke P, Oberweis A. . ‘Flexible Workflow Management as a Central E-Learning Support Paradigm.’ Contributed to the 1st European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL), Uxbridge, UK.
    • Hüsemann B, Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G, Westerkamp P. . ‘XLX - A Platform for Graduate-Level Exercises.’ Contributed to the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Auckland, Neuseeland.
    • Vossen G, Hüsemann B, Lechtenbörger J. . XLX - Eine Lernplattform für den universitären Übungsbetrieb Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 79. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Vossen G. . Vernetzte Hausinformationssysteme - Stand und Perspektive Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 83. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Laurent D, Lechtenbörger J, Spyratos N, Vossen G. . ‘Monotonic Complements for Independent Data Warehouses.’ The VLDB Journal 10, Nr. 4: 295–315.
    • Klein S, Schneider B, Vossen G, Weske M. . Projektgruppe PESS: Eine XML-basierte Systemarchitektur zur Realisierung flexibler Web-Applikationen Arbeitsberichte des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 71. Münster: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, .
    • Eder J, Welzer T, Vossen G. . ‘Editorial for Special Issue on ADBIS 1999.’ Information Systems 25: 465–466.
    • Vossen G. . „Workflow-Management im Zeitalter von Internet und Electronic Commerce.“ In Informatiktage 1999 - Fachwissenschaftlicher Informatik-Kongreß, herausgegeben von Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 27–34. N/A: Sonstiger Verlag / other publisher.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘On Herbrand Semantics and Conflict Serializability of Read-Write Transactions.’ Contributed to the 19th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Dallas, TX.
    • Hüsemann B, Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . ‘Conceptual Data Warehouse Design.’ Contributed to the 2nd International Workshop on Design and Management of Data Warehouses (DMDW), Stockholm.
    • Masermann U, Vossen G. . ‘Design and Implementation of a Novel Approach to Keyword Searching in Relational Databases.’ Contributed to the 4th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), Prag.
    • Masermann U, Vossen G. . ‘SISQL: Schema-Independent Database Querying (on and off the Web).’ Contributed to the 4th International Conference on Database Engineering and Applications (IDEAS), Yokohama, Japan.
    • Neven F, Van den Bussche J, Van Gucht D, Vossen G. . ‘Typed Query Languages for Databases Containing Queries.’ Information Systems 24: 569–595.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . „Sichten-Wartung in Datenwarenhäusern.“ Informatik - Informatique (Journal der Schweizer Informatikergesellschaft) 3: 14–17.
    • Lechtenbörger J, Vossen G. . „Unabhängigkeit von Datenwarenhäusern mit Sternschema.“ EMISA Forum 2: 11–25.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Database Processing.’ In Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 629–640. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.
    • Vossen G. . „Relationale Datenbanken im Wandel der Zeiten.“ In Angewandte Mathematik, insbesondere Informatik - Beispiele erfolgreicher Wege zwischen Mathematik und Informatik, herausgegeben von Horster P,, 301–320. Wiesbaden: Vieweg Verlag.
    • Laurent D, Lechtenbörger J, Spyratos N, Vossen G. . ‘Complements for Data Warehouses.’ Contributed to the 15th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Sydney, Australien.
    • Vossen G, Weske M. . ‘The WASA2 Object-Oriented Workflow Management System.’ Contributed to the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Philadelphia, PA.
    • Villadangos J, Farina F, Gonzales de Mendivil, R J, Garitagoitia, R J, Bernabeu-Auban, M J, Vossen G. . ‘Resolving Distributed Deadlocks in the OR Request Model.’ Contributed to the 18th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Lausanne.
    • Masermann U, Vossen G. . „Suchmaschinen und Anfragen im World-Wide Web.“ Informatik-Spektrum 21: 9–15.
    • Suciu D, Vossen G. . ‘Editorial for Special Issue on Semistructured Data.’ Information Systems 23: 517–519.
    • Weske M, Vossen G. . ‘Workflow Languages.’ In Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems (Series International Handbooks on Information Systems), edited by Springer-Verlag, 359–379. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Vossen G, Weske M. . ‘The WASA Approach to Workflow Management for Scientific Applications.’ In Workflow Management Systems and Interoperability, edited by Dogac A, Kalinichenko L, Özsu T, Sheth A,, 145–164. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Villadangos J, Farina F, Amatriain A, Vossen G, Gonzales de Mendivil, R J. . ‘Performance Study of a Distributed Deadlock Resolution Algorithm for Replicated Object-Oriented Databases.’ Contributed to the 16th IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
    • Neven F, Van den Bussche J, Van Gucht D, Vossen G. . ‘Typed Query Languages for Databases Containing Queries.’ Contributed to the 17th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Seattle, WA.
    • Weske M, Vossen G, Bauzer Medeiros C, Pires F. . ‘Workflow Management in Geoprocessing Applications.’ Contributed to the 6th ACM International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems (ACMGIS), Washington, DC.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Object-Based Data Models.’ Informatik - Informatique (Journal der Schweizer Informatikergesellschaft) 4: 32–36.
    • Ebert J, Vossen G. . ‘Object Confgurations in Software Engineering Databases.’ Engineering with Computers 13: 125–133.
    • Ebert J, Vossen G. . ‘I-Serializability: Generalized Correctness for Transaction-Based Environments.’ Information Processing Letters 63: 221–227.
    • Vossen G. . ‘The CORBA Specification for Cooperation in Heterogeneous Information Systems.’ Contributed to the 1st International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA), Kiel.
    • Reuß T, Vossen G, Weske M. . ‘Modeling Samples Processing in Laboratory Environments as Scientific Workflows (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 8th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Toulouse.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Transactional Workflows.’ Contributed to the 5th International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD), Montreux.
    • Van den Bussche J, Van Gucht D, Vossen G. . ‘Reflective Programming in the Relational Algebra.’ Journal of Computer and System Sciences 52: 537–549.
    • Becker J, Vossen G. . „Geschäftsprozeßmodellierung und Workflow-Management: Eine Einführung.“ In Geschäftsprozeßmodellierung und Workflow-Management - Modelle, Methoden, Werkzeuge, herausgegeben von Vossen G, Becker J, 17–26. Totonto: Thomson Reuters.
    • Lausen G, Vossen G. . Objekt-orientierte Datenbanken: Modelle und Sprachen. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Database Theory: An Introduction.’ In Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, edited by Kent A, Williams J.G., 85–127. New York City: Marcel Dekker Verlag.
    • Wainer J, Weske M, Vossen G, Bauzer Medeiros C. . ‘Scientific Workflow Systems.’ Contributed to the NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, Athens, Georgia.
    • Bauzer Medeiros C, Weske M, Vossen G. . ‘GEO-WASA: Combining GIS Technology with Workflow Management.’ Contributed to the 7th Israeli Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Herzliya, Israel.
    • Meidanis J, Vossen G, Weske M. . ‘Using Workflow Management in DNA Sequencing (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 1st IFCIS International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), Brüssel.
    • Fahrner C, Vossen G. . ‘A Survey of Database Design Transformations Based on the Entity-Relationship Model.’ Data & Knowledge Engineering 15: 213–250.
    • Vossen G. . „Architektur von Datenbanksystemen.“ In Kleines Lexikon der Informatik, 139–142. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
    • Vossen G. . Datenbank-Theorie. Totonto: Thomson Reuters.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Database Transaction Models.’ In Computer Science Today - Recent Trends and Developments, edited by van Leeuwen J, 560–574. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Fahrner C, Vossen G. . „Transformation relationaler Datenbank-Schemas in objektorientierte Schemas gemäß ODMG-93.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 6. GI-Fachtagung BTW - Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft.
    • Bauzer Medeiros C, Vossen G, Weske M. . ‘WASA: A Workflow-Based Architecture to Support Scientific Database Applications (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 6th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), London.
    • Vossen G. . „Verteilte Informationssysteme: Konzepte und Entwurfstechniken.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der GISI 95 - Herausforderungen eines globalen Informationsverbundes für die Informatik.
    • Fahrner C, Vossen G. . ‘Transforming Relational Database Schemas into Object-Oriented Schemas according to ODMG-93.’ Contributed to the 4th International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD), Singapur.
    • Cellary W, Vossen G, Jomier G. . ‘Multiversion Object Constellations: A New Approach to Support a Designer's Database Work.’ Engineering with Computers 10: 230–244.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Serializability of Global Transactions in Multidatabases: A Pragmatic Approach.’ Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 19, Nr. 3: 239–259.
    • Ebert J, Vossen G. . ‘On the Logical Organization of Database Support for Software Engineering Applications - Position Paper.’ Contributed to the Workshop on Research Issues in the Intersection Between Software Engineering and Databases, Sorrent.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Formalization of OODB Models.’ Contributed to the KI-94 Workshops.
    • Vianu V, Vossen G. . ‘Static and Dynamic Aspects of Goal-Oriented Concurrency Control.’ Annals of Mathematics and Artifcial Intelligence 7: 257–287.
    • Vossen G, Groß-Hardt M. . Grundlagen der Transaktionsverarbeitung. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
    • Groß-Hardt M, Vossen G. . „Zur Entwicklung eines klassenlosen Objekt-Modells.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 5. GI-Fachtagung BTW -Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft.
    • Van den Bussche J, Van Gucht D, Vossen G. . ‘Reflective Programming in the Relational Algebra.’ Contributed to the 12th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Washington DC.
    • Groß-Hardt M, Vossen G. . ‘Towards Class-less Object Models for Engineering Design Applications.’ Contributed to the 4th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Prag.
    • Van den Bussche J, Vossen G. . ‘An Extension of Path Expressions to Simplify Navigation in Object-Oriented Queries.’ Contributed to the 3rd International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD), Phoenix, AZ.
    • Vianu V, Vossen G. . ‘Conceptual Level Concurrency Control of Relational Update Transactions.’ Theoretical Computer Science 95: 1–42.
    • Vossen G. . ‘On Formal Models for Object-Oriented Databases.’ EMISA-Forum 2: 22–40.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Commit-Serializability of Schedules for Relational Update Transactions.’ Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 17, Nr. 3: 153–169.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Databases and Database Management.’ In Computing (Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 3), edited by North-Holland, 133–193. Amsterdam.
    • Vossen G, Witt, U K. . ‘SUXESS: Towards a Sound Unifcation of Extensions of the Relational Data Model.’ Data & Knowledge Engineering 6: 75–92.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Bibliography on Object-Oriented Database Management.’ ACM SIGMOD Record 20, Nr. 1: 24–46.
    • Lukassen A, Vossen G. . ‘A Formal Framework for Independence with respect to Transactions in the Universal Relation Model.’ Theoretical Computer Science 82: 303–327.
    • Vossen G. . Data Models, Database Languages and Database Management Systems. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
    • Vossen G. . „Modellbildung für Datenbank-Transaktionen.“ In Entwicklungstendenzen bei Datenbank-Systemen, herausgegeben von Vossen G, Witt K-U, 277–316. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
    • Vossen G, Witt, U K. . „Zur Klassifkation von strukturellen Erweiterungen des relationalen Datenmodells.“ Informationstechnik it 32, Nr. 2: 97–106.
    • Vossen G, Witt, -U K. . Das DB2-Handbuch. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
    • Vossen G. . Transaktionsverarbeitung in Datenbanksystemen unter Ausnutzung semantischer Information (Habilitationsschrift). Heidelberg: Hüthig Buch Verlag.
    • Vossen G, Schwarz R. . ‘Dynamic Scheduling of Transactions in Design Databases based on Version Consistency (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 1st International Conference on Data Base and Expert System Applications (DEXA), Wien, Österreich.
    • Wang S, Vossen G. . ‘Towards Efficient Algorithms for Deadlock Detection and Resolution in Distributed Systems.’ Contributed to the 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, Los Angeles.
    • Vianu V, Vossen G. . ‘Goal-Oriented Concurrency Control (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 2nd Symposium on Mathematical Fundamentals of Database Systems (MFDBS), Visegrad, Ungarn.
    • Vossen G, Witt, U K. . ‘SUXESS: Towards a Sound Unification of Extensions of the Relational Data Model (Preliminary Version).’ Contributed to the Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects (erschienen als Informatik-Bericht 89/2, Techn. Univ. Clausthal), Aigen, Österreich.
    • Vossen G, Bimmermann R, Buchholz G. . ‘Providing Database Management for the CAD Environment: The AREDAS Approach.’ Engineering with Computers 3, Nr. 4: 207–223.
    • Vossen G. . ‘A New Characterization of FD Implication with an Application to Up-date Anomalies.’ Information Processing Letters 29: 131–135.
    • Brosda V, Vossen G. . ‘Update and Retrieval in a Relational Database through a Universal Schema Interface.’ ACM Transactions on Database Systems 13: 449–485.
    • Vossen G, Yacabucci J. . ‘An Extension of the Database Language SQL to Capture More Relational Concepts.’ ACM SIGMOD Record 17, Nr. 4: 70–78.
    • Vossen G, Witt, -U K. . Das SQL/DS-Handbuch. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
    • Vianu V, Vossen G. . ‘Conceptual Level Concurrency Control of Relational Update Transactions (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 2nd International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), Brügge, Belgien.
    • Vossen G, Heinen A. . „Algorithmischer Schema-Entwurf als integrierter Bestandteil eines Universalrelationen-Datenbanksystems.“ Angewandte Informatik 28: 15–19.
    • Vossen G. . ‘Transactions in Universal Relation Databases.’ Contributed to the 2. Workshop über relationale Datenbanken, Lessach, Österreich.
    • Heinz P A, Vossen G. . ‘Quadratic-Time Optimization of SPJ-Expressions Including Inequality Selections by Tableaux.’ Fundamenta Informaticae VIII VIII: 397–414.
    • Vossen G, Brosda V. . „Die Einrelationen-Benutzerschnittstelle des MEMODAX-Datenbanksystems.“ Angewandte Informatik 27: 534–540.
    • Brosda V, Vossen G. . ‘Updating a Relational Database through a Universal Schema Interface.’ Contributed to the 4th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Portland, OR.
    • Vossen G, Brosda V. . ‘A High-Level User-Interface for Update and Retrieval in Relational Databases - Language Aspects.’ Contributed to the Annual ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Austin, TX.
    • Kämper U, Vossen G. . „Das relationale Datenbanksystem MEMODAX - zum aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung.“ Angewandte Informatik 25: 152–163.
    • Vossen G. . „Über eine effiziente Implementierung des Synthese-Verfahrens zum Design relationaler Datenbank-Schemata.“ Angewandte Informatik 24: 493–503.
    • Vossen G. . ‘On the Average-Case Performance of Certain Approximation Algorithms for the 0/1 Knapsack Problem (Extended Abstract).’ Contributed to the 6. Symposium über Operations Research, Augsburg.
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