Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang

Professur für Praktische Informatik (Prof. Jiang)
Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang

Einsteinstr. 62
48149 Münster

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Computer Vision
    • Pattern Recognition
  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Stipendiat im Nachwuchsförderungsprogramm der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft
    Habilitation, Erlangung der Venia legendi für Mustererkennung und Bildanalyse, Universität Bern, Schweiz
    Promotion zum Dr. phil. nat. an der Universität Bern, Schweiz. Dissertationsthema: "Ein modellbasiertes System zur Erkennung dreidimensionaler Objekte in Bildern", Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Horst Bunke
    Stipendiat des Kantons Bern, Schweiz
    Studium der Informatik (Bachelor) an der Peking University, China

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Professur (C4) für Informatik an der Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
    Professur (C3) für Informatik an der Technischen Universität Berlin
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Schweiz
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Assistent und Oberassistent) am Institut für Informatik der Universität Bern, Schweiz (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Horst Bunke)

    Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten in Gremien

    Co-Chair des Workshops on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbR)
    Co-Chair of Program Committee of the International Symposium on Computational Models in Life Sciences (CMLS)
    Co-Chair des Computer Vision Tracks im Rahmen der International Conference on Pattern Recognition
    Co-Chair des Programmkomitees der International Conference on Medical Biometrics (ICMB)
    Co-Chair des International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Processing (WMMP)
    Co-Chair of Track on Retinal Image Analysis, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich
    Co-Chair of International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
    Co-Chair des International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Processing (WMMP)
    Co-Chair der International Conference on Medical Biometrics (ICMB)
    Member of Steering Committee of CAIP series (International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns)
    Editor-in-Chief des International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
    Mitglied des Editorial Boards des International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
    Mitglied des Editorial Boards der Electronic Letters of Computer Vision and Image Analysis
    Mitglied des Editorial Boards des International Journal of Image and Graphics
    Mitglied des Editorial Advisory Boards des International Journal of Neural Systems
    Mitglied des Editorial Advisory Boards des International Journal of Bio-Sciences and Technology
    Mitglied des Editorial Boards der Zeitschrift "Pattern Recognition"
    Mitglied des Editorial Boards der IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B
    Mitglied des Editorial Boards des Chinese Science Bulletin
    Mitglied des Editorial Advisory Boards des Open Artificial Intelligence Journal
  • Publikationen

    • Tu P, Ye H, Shi H, Young J, Xie M, Zhao P, Zheng C, Jiang X, Chen X. . ‘Phase-specific augmented reality guidance for microscopic cataract surgery using spatiotemporal fusion network.’ Information Fusion 113: 102604.
    • Xiao J, Li Y, Tian Y, Jiang X, Wang Y, Wang S. . ‘Optimising allocation of marketing resources among offline channel retailers: A bi-clustering-based model.’ Journal of Business Research 186: 114914.
    • Steinhorst, Phil; Duhme, Christof; Jiang, Xiaoyi; Vahrenhold, Jan. . ‘Recognizing Patterns in Productive Failure.’ In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1, edited by Battestilli, Lina; Rebelsky, Samuel; Shoop, Libby, 1293–1299. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3626252.3630915.
    • Xiao J, Zhong Y, Jia Y, Wang Y, Jiang X, Wang S. . ‘A novel deep ensemble model for imbalanced credit scoring in internet finance.’ International Journal of Forecasting 40, Nr. 1: 348–372.
    • Xiao J, Wen Z, Jiang X, Yu L, Wang S. . ‘Three-stage research framework to assess and predict the financial risk of SMEs based on hybrid method.’ Decision Support Systems 177: 114090.
    • Chen J, Pi D, Jiang X, Xu Y, Chen Y, Wang X. . ‘Denosieformer: A transformer based approach for single-channel EEG artifact removal.’ IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 73: 1–16.
    • Eminaga o, Saad F, Tian Z, Wolffgang U, Karakiewicz P, Ouellet V, Azzi F, Spieker T, Helmke B, Graefen M, Jiang X, Xing L, Witt J, Trudel D, Leyh-Bannurah SM. . ‘Artificial intelligence unravels interpretable malignancy grades of prostate cancer on histology images.’ npj Imaging 2: 6.
    • Zhang Q, Jiang X. . ‘Classification performance boosting for interpolation kernel machines by training set pruning using genetic algorithm.’ In Prof. of ICPRAM, edited by M. Castrillon-Santana, M. De Marsico, A. Fred, 428–435. Rome: SciTePress.
    • Hegselmann S, Shen Z, Gierse F, Agrawal M, Sontag D, Jiang X. . ‘A data-centric approach to generate faithful and high quality patient summaries with large language models.’ In Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL), edited by N.A., 339–379. New York: MLResearchPress.
    • Rexeisen R, Jiang X. . ‘Challenging the robustness of image registration similarity metrics with adversarial attacks.’ In Proc. of WBIR. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Zhang Q, Liu CL, Jiang X. . ‘Polynomial kernel learning for interpolation kernel machines with application to graph classification.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 186: 7–13.
    • Manongga WC, Chen RC, Jiang X. . ‘Enhancing road marking sign detection in low-light conditions with YOLOv7 and contrast enhancement techniques .’ International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 21, Nr. 3.
    • Zhang Q, Jiang X. . ‘Regularization of interpolation kernel machines.’ In Proc. of ICPR. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Rezaei S, Jiang X. . ‘Superpixel-based sparse labeling for efficient and certain medical image annotation.’ In Proc. of ICPR. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Duhme C, Lippe C, Voerr V, Jiang X. . ‘Transformer-based parameter fitting of models derived from Bloch-McConnell Equations for CEST MRI analysis.’ In Proc. of MLMI. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Leenings R, Konowski M, Winter NR, Ernsting J, Fisch L, Barkhau C, Dannlowski U, Lügering A, Jiang X, Hahn T. . ‘C-TRUS: A novel dataset and initial benchmark for colon wall segmentation in transabdominal ultrasound .’ In Proc. of ASMUS. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Oehm JB, Wenning O, Storck M, Jiang X, Varghese F. . ‘Automatic extraction of medication data from semi-structured prescriptions.’ In Proc. of MIE. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Kara AC, Rana D, Glorius F, Jiang X. . ‘ChemGraph Explainer: A graphical user interface for explaining predictions of graph neural networks in chemistry.’ In Proc. of ECML Workshop ML4CCE. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Yu H, Jiang X. . ‘Robust detection method for improving small traffic sign recognition based on spatial pyramid pooling.’ Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14, Nr. 7: 8135–8152.
    • Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘Kernel-based generalized median computation for consensus learning.’ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45, Nr. 5: 5872–5888.
    • Hegselmann S, Buendia A, Lang H, Agrawal M, Jiang X, Sontag D. . ‘TabLLM: Few-shot classification of tabular data with large language models.’ In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), edited by N.A., 5549–5581. 206. Aufl. 2023: MLResearchPress.
    • Tistarelli M, Dubey SR, Singh SK, Jiang X (Eds.): . Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    • Eilers F, Jiang X. . ‘Building blocks for a complex-valued transformer architecture.’ In Proc. of ICASSP, edited by N/A, 1–5. N/A: Wiley-IEEE Press.
    • Xiao J, Tian Y, Jia Y, Jiang X, Yu L, Wang S. . ‘Black-box attack-based security evaluation framework for credit card fraud detection models.’ INFORMS Journal on Computing 35, Nr. 5: 986–1001.
    • Sandmann S, Richter S, Jiang X, Varghese J. . ‘Reconstructing clonal evolution - a systematic evaluation of current bioinformatics approaches.’ International journal of environmental research and public health 20: 5128.
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Zhuang YC, Jiang X, Yu H. . ‘Recognizing road surface traffic signs based on Yolo models considering image flips.’ Big Data and Cognitive Computing 7: 54.
    • Zhang J, Liu CL, Jiang X. . ‘Quadratic kernel learning for interpolation kernel machine based graph classification.’ In Proc. of Int. Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbR), edited by M. Vento, P. Foggia, D. Conte, V. Carletti, 3–14. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    • Zhang J, Liu CL, Jiang X. . ‘Interpolation kernel machines: Reducing multiclass to binary.’ In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), edited by N. Tsapatsoulis, et al., 174–184. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    • Jiang X, Nienkötter A. . ‘Generalized median computation for consensus learning: A brief survey .’ In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), edited by N, Tsapatsoulis, et al., 120–130. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    • Kuhlmann F, Rothaus K, Jiang X, Faatz H, Pauleikhoff D, Gutfleisch M. . ‘3D retinal vessel segmentation in OCTA volumes: Annotated dataset MORE3D and hybrid U-net with flattening transformation.’ In Proc. of DAGM GCPR, edited by U. Köthe and C. Rother, 291–306. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Yu H, Jiang X. . ‘XAI for image captioning using SHAP .’ Journal of Information Science and Engineering 39: 711–724.
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Jiang X, Yu H. . ‘Adjusting eye aspect ratio for strong eye blink detection based on facial landmarks.’ PeerJ Computer Science 8: e943.
    • Zhang J, Liu CL, Jiang X. . ‘Interpolation kernel machine and indefinite kernel methods for graph classification.’ In Proc. of ICPRAI, edited by Yacoubi M, Granger E, Yuen PC, Pal U, Vincent N, 467–479. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    • Elischberger F, Bamberg B, Jiang X. . ‘Deep learning based detection of segregations for ultrasonic testing.’ IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71.
    • Sandmann S, Richter S, Jiang X, Varghese J. . ‘Exploring current challenges and perspectives for automatic reconstruction of clonal evolution.’ Cancer Genomics and Proteomics 19: 194–204. doi: 10.21873/cgp.20314.
    • Kuhlmann J, Rothaus K, Jiang X, Heimes-Bussmann B, Faatz H, Book M, Pauleikhoff D. . ‘Axial stretching of vessels in the retinal vascular plexus with 3D OCT-Angiograph.’ Translational Vision Science & Technology 11, Nr. 2.
    • Wang TQ, Jiang X, Liu CL. . ‘Query pixel guided stroke extraction with model-based matching for offline handwritten Chinese characters.’ Pattern Recognition 123: 108416.
    • Cebollada S, Paya L, Jiang X, Reinoso O. . ‘Development and use of a convolutional neural network for hierarchical appearance-based localization.’ Artificial Intelligence Review 55, Nr. 4: 2847–2874.
    • Drees D, Eilers F, Jiang X. . ‘Hierarchical random walker segmentation for large volumetric biomedical images.’ IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31: 4431–4446. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2022.3185551.
    • Drees D, Eilers F, Bian A, Jiang X. . ‘A Bhattacharyya coefficient-based framework for noise model-aware random walker image segmentation.’ In Proc. of GCPR, edited by Andres B, Bernard F, Cremers D, Frintrop S, Goldlücke B, Ihrke I, 166–181. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Jiang X, Yu H. . ‘Deep convolutional neural network for enhancing traffic sign recognition developed on Yolo V4.’ Multimedia Tools and Applications 81, Nr. 26: 37821–37845.
    • Xu J, Zeng B, Egger J, Wang C, Smedby Ö, Jiang X, Chen X. . ‘A review on AI-based medical image computing in head and neck surgery.’ Physics in Medicine and Biology 67: 17TR01.
    • Dubey A, Singh SK, Jiang X. . ‘Leveraging CNN and transfer learning for classification of histopathology images.’ In Proc. of MIND, edited by Khare N, Tomar DS, Ahirwal MK, Semwal VB, Soni V, 3–13. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
    • Chen A, Wang S, Jiang X, Yan S, Bian A, Xu W, Zeng J, Deng T. . ‘Optical aerosol sizing method without prior refractive index.’ Measurement 204: 112072.
    • Gupta S, Singh SK, Jiang X. . ‘Leveraging tri-planar views and weighted average fusion technique to classify lung nodule malignancy.’ In Proc. of CVIP. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Chang CW, Wu SH, Jiang X, Yu H. . ‘Eye aspect ratio for real-time drowsiness detection to improve driver safety.’ Electronics 11, Nr. 19: 3183. doi: 10.3390/electronics11193183.
    • Flint C, Cearns M, Opel N, Redlich R, Mehler DMA, Emden D, Winter NR, Leenings R, Eickhoff SB, Kircher T, Krug A, Nenadic I, Arolt V, Clark S, Baune BT, Jiang X, Dannlowski U, Hahn T. . ‘Systematic Misestimation of Machine Learning Performance in Neuroimaging Studies of Depression.’ Neuropsychopharmacology 46: 1510. doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-01020-7.
    • Bian A, Jiang X, Berh D, Risse B. . ‘Resolving colliding larvae by fitting ASM to random walker-based pre-segmentations.’ IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 18, Nr. 3: 1184–1194.
    • Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘Distance-preserving vector space embedding for consensus learning.’ IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51, Nr. 2: 1244–1257.
    • Xu L, Bai L, Jiang X, Tan M, Li C, Luo B. . ‘Deep Rényi entropy graph kernel.’ Pattern Recognition 111: 107668.
    • Spiesshoefer J, Hegerfeld N, Gerdes M, Klemm S, Gorbachevski M, Radke R, Tuleta I, Passino C, Jiang X, Sciarrone S, Randerath W, Dreher M, Boentert M, Giannoni A. . ‘Effects of central apneas on sympathovagal balance and hemodynamics at night: impact of underlying systolic heart failure.’ Sleep and Breathing 25: 965–977.
    • Kirschnick N, Drees D, Redder E, Erapaneedi R, Pereira da Graca A, Schäfers M, Jiang X, Kiefer F. . ‘Rapid methods for the evaluation of fluorescent reporters in tissue clearing and the segmentation of large vascular structures.’ iScience 24, Nr. 6: 102650.
    • Jiang X. . ‘Editorial: A wonderful venue for networking neuroscience and computational intelligence.’ International Journal of Neural Systems 31, Nr. 6: 2103005:1–2103005:2.
    • Chen X, Li Y, Xu L, Sun Y, Politis C, Jiang X. . ‘A real time image-guided reposition system for the loosed bone graft in orthognathic surgery.’ Computer Assisted Surgery 26, Nr. 1: 1–8.
    • Welsing A, Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘Exponential weighted moving average of time series in arbitrary spaces with application to strings.’ Contributed to the Joint IAPR Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR), Milan, Italy.
    • Leenings R, Winter NR, Plagwitz L, Holstein V, Ernsting J, Sarink K, Fisch L, Steenweg J, Kleine-Vennekate L, Gebker J, Emden D, Grotegerd D, Opel N, Risse B, Jiang X, Dannlowski U, Hahn T. . ‘PHOTONAI-A Python API for rapid machine learning model development .’ PloS one 16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254062.
    • Frintrop S, Fink GA, Jiang X. . ‘Editorial: Special Issue: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (DAGM GCPR 2019).’ International Journal of Computer Vision 129, Nr. 11: 3004–3005.
    • Blanger L, Hirata N, Jiang X. . ‘Reducing the need for bounding box annotations in object detection using image classification data.’ Contributed to the 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, online.
    • Xu J, Liu J, Zhang D, Zhou Z, Jiang X, Zhang C, Chen X. . ‘Automatic mandible segmentation from CT image using 3D fully convolutional neural network based on DenseASPP and attention gates.’ International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 16: 1785–1794.
    • Leenings R, Winter N, Plagwitz L, Holstein V, Ernsting J, Steenweg J, Gebker J, Sarink K, Emden D, Grotegerd D, Opel N, Risse B, Jiang X, Dannlowski U, Hahn T. . ‘PHOTONAI - A Python API for rapid machine learning model development.’ PloS one 16, Nr. 7: e0254062.
    • Winter D, Bian A, Jiang X. . ‘Layer-wise relevance propagation based sample condensation for kernel machines.’ Contributed to the 19th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, online.
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Liu YT, Jiang X, Hartomo KD. . ‘Yolo V4 for advanced traffic sign recognition with synthetic training data generated by various GAN.’ IEEE Access 9: 97228–97242.
    • Drees D, Scherzinger A, Hägerling R, Kiefer F, Jiang X. . ‘Scalable robust graph and feature extraction for arbitrary vessel networks in large volumetric datasets.’ BMC Bioinformatics 22, Nr. 1: 346. doi: 10.1186/s12859-021-04262-w.
    • Kirschnick, Nils; Drees, Dominik; Redder, Esther ; Erapaneedi, Raghu ; Pereira da Graca, Abel ; Schäfers, Michael ; Jiang, Xiaoyi ; Kiefer, Friedemann. . ‘Rapid methods for the evaluation of fluorescent reporters in tissue clearing and the segmentation of large vascular structures.’ iScience 24, Nr. 6: 102650. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102650.
    • Moreno-García CF, Serratosa F, Jiang X. . ‘Correspondence edit distance to obtain a set of weighted means of graph correspondences.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 134: 29–36.
    • Xu L, Wang X, Bai L, Xiao J, Liu Q, Chen E, Jiang X, Luo B. . ‘Probabilistic SVM classifier ensemble selection based on GMDH-type neural network.’ Pattern Recognition 106: 107373.
    • Zhang L, Zhang JZ, Jiang X, Liang B. . ‘Error correctable hand-eye calibration for stripe-laser vision-guided robotics.’ IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69, Nr. 10: 8314–8327.
    • Xiao J, Jia Y, Jiang X, Wang S. . ‘Circular complex-valued GMDH-type neural network for real-valued classification problems.’ IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31, Nr. 12: 5285–5299.
    • Zhang JQ, Jiang X. . ‘Improved computation of affine dynamic time warping.’ Contributed to the International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
    • Xiao J, Tian Y, Xie L, Jiang X, Huang J. . ‘A hybrid classification framework based on clustering.’ IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16, Nr. 4: 2177–2188.
    • Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘A lower bound for generalized median based consensus learning using kernel-induced distance functions.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 140: 339–347.
    • Dewi C, Chen RC, Liu YT, Tai SK, Jiang X, Yu H. . ‘Deep Learning for traffic sign recognition based on spatial pyramid pooling with scale analysis.’ Applied Sciences 10: 6997.
    • Sun Q, Mai Y. Yang R, Ji T, Jiang X, Chen X. . ‘Fast and accurate online calibration of optical see-through head-mounted display for AR based surgical navigation using Microsoft HoloLens.’ International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 15, Nr. 11: 1907–1919.
    • Xu J, Wang S, Zhou Z, Liu J, Jiang X, Chen X. . ‘Automatic CT image segmentation of maxillary sinus based on VGG network and improved V-Net.’ International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 15, Nr. 9: 1457–1465.
    • Monteiro Silva AC, Hirata N, Jiang X. . ‘Skeletal similarity based performance evaluation for document binarization.’ Contributed to the 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Dortmund, Germany.
    • Klemm, S; Rexeisen, R; Stummer, W; Jiang, X; Holling, M. . ‘A video processing pipeline for intraoperative analysis of cerebral blood flow.’ Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization 8, Nr. 4: 356–366. doi: 10.1080/21681163.2018.1559771.
    • Michels T, Berh D, Jiang X. . ‘An RJMCMC-based method for tracking and resolving collisions of Drosophila Larvae.’ IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 16, Nr. 2: 465–474.
    • Chen X, Hu Y, Zhang Z, Wang B, Zhang L, Shi F, Chen X, Jiang X. . ‘A graph-based approach to automated EUS image layer segmentation and abnormal region detection.’ Neurocomputing 336: 79–91.
    • Fink GA, Frintrop S, Jiang X (Eds.): . Pattern Recognition. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Cebollada S, Paya L, Vaiente D, Jiang X, Reinoso O. . ‘An evaluation between global appearance descriptors based on analytic methods and deep learning techniques for localization in autonomous mobile robots.’ Contributed to the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Prague.
    • Hamid S, Derstroff A, Klemm S, Ngo Q. Q., Jiang X, Linsen L. . ‘Visual ensemble analysis to study the influence of hyper-parameters on training deep neural networks.’ In Machine Learning Methods in Visualisation for Big Data, edited by Archambault, Daniel and Nabney, Ian and Peltonen, Jaakko.: Eurographics Association. doi: 10.2312/mlvis.20191160.
    • Klemm S, Ortkemper RD, Jiang X. . ‘Deploying Deep Learning into practice: A case study on fundus segmentation.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 23rd Conference in Medical Imaging, Understanding and Analysis, Liverpool, UK.
    • O'Sullivan S, Ali Z, Jiang X, Abdolvand R, Ünlü MS, Placido da Silva H, Baca J, Kim B, Scott S, Sajid M, Moradian S, Mansoorzare H, Holzinger A. . ‘Developments in connectivity and Machine Learning/AI for point-of-care testing.’ Sensors 19, Nr. 8: 1917.
    • Drees D, Scherzinger A, Jiang X. . ‘GERoMe – a method for evaluating stability of graph extraction algorithms without ground truth.’ IEEE Access 7: 21744–21755. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2898754.
    • Mo L, Xie L, Jiang X, Teng G, Xu L, Xiao J. . ‘GMDH-based hybrid model for container throughput forecasting: Selective combination forecasting in nonlinear subseries.’ Applied Soft Computing 62: 478–490.
    • Frohwein L, Hess M, Schlicher D, Bolwin K, Büther F, Jiang X, Schäfers K. . ‘PET attenuation correction for flexible MRI surface coils in hybrid PET/MRI using a 3D depth camera.’ Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, Nr. 2: 025033. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa9e2f.
    • Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘Consensus learning for sequence data.’ In Data Mining in Time Series and Streaming Databases, edited by Last M, Bunke H, Kandel A, 69–91. World Scientific Publishing.
    • Xu L, Jiang X, Bai L, Xiao J, Luo B. . ‘A hybrid reproducing graph kernel based on information entropy.’ Pattern Recognition 73: 89–98.
    • Berh D, Scherzinger A, Otto N, Jiang X, Klämbt C, Risse B. . ‘Automatic non-invasive heartbeat quantification of Drosophila pupae.’ Computers in Biology and Medicine 93: 189–199.
    • Otto N, Marelja Z, Schoofs A, Kranenburg H, Bittern J, Yildirim K, Berh D, Bethke M, Thomas S, Rode S, Risse B, Jiang X, Pankratz M, Leimkuehler S, Klämbt C. . ‘The Sulfite Oxidase Shopper controls neuronal activity by regulating glutamate homeostasis in Drosophila ensheathing glia.’ Nature Communications 9, Nr. 1: 3514.
    • Kiel M, Berh D, Daniel J, Otto N, Steege A, Jiang X, Liebau E, Risse B. . A Multi-Purpose Worm Tracker Based on FIM bioRxiv.
    • Valenzuela D, Jiang X, Carrillo A, Rojas I. . ‘Multi-objective genetic algorithms to find most relevant volumes of the brain related to Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.’ International Journal of Neural Systems 28, Nr. 9: 1850022.
    • Klemm S, Scherzinger A, Drees D, Jiang X. . Barista - a graphical tool for designing and training deep neural networks. arXiv e-print:1802.04626: CoRR.
    • Klemm S, Jiang X, Risse B. . ‘Deep distance transform to segment visually indistinguishable merged objects.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 40th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), Stuttgart.
    • Scherzinger A, Hugenroth P, Rüder M, Bogdan S, Jiang X. . ‘Multi-class Cell Segmentation using CNNs with F1-measure Loss Function.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 40th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), Stuttgart.
    • Seifert R, Scherzinger A, Kiefer F, Hermann S, Jiang X, Schäfers M. . ‘Statistical permutation-based artery mapping (SPAM): A novel approach to evaluate imaging signals in the vessel wall.’ BMC Medical Imaging 17, Nr. 1: 36:1–36:11.
    • Bian A, Scherzinger A, Jiang X. . ‘An enhanced multi-label random walk for biomedical image segmentation using statistical seed generation.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 18th Int. Confernce on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Hägerling R, Drees D, Scherzinger A, Dierkes C, Martin-Almedina S, Butz S, Gordon K, Schäfers M, Hinrichs K, Ostergaard P, Vestweber D, Goerge T, Mansour S, Jiang X, Mortimer P, Kiefer F. . ‘VIPAR, a quantitative approach to 3D-histopathology applied to lymphatic malformations.’ JCI Insight 2, Nr. 16: e93424.
    • Xiao J, Cao HW, Jiang X, Gu X, Xie L. . ‘GMDH-based semi-supervised feature selection for customer classification.’ Knowledge-Based Systems 132: 236–248.
    • Broelemann K, Jiang X, Mukherjee S, Chowdhury AS. . ‘Variants of k-regular nearest neighbor graph and their construction.’ Information Processing Letters 126: 18–23.
    • Scherzinger A, Klemm S, Berh D, Jiang X. . ‘CNN-based background subtraction for long-term in-vial FIM imaging.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 17th Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Ystad, Sweden.
    • Almeida-Carvalho MJ, Berh D, ......, Jiang X, ......, Risse B, ......, Zlatic M. . ‘The Ol1mpiad: Concordance of behavioural faculties of stage 1 and stage 3 Drosophila larvae.’ Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 2452–2475. doi: 10.1242/jeb.156646.
    • Risse B, Berh D, Otto N, Klämbt C, Jiang X. . ‘FIMTrack: An open source tracking and locomotion analysis software for small animals.’ PLoS Computational Biology 13, Nr. 5: e1005530. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005530.
    • Moreno CFG, Serratosa F, Jiang X. . ‘An edit distance between graph correspondences.’ Contributed to the Proc. of Int. Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbR), Anacapri.
    • Drees D, Scherzinger A, Jiang X. . ‘GERoMe - A novel graph extraction robustness measure.’ Contributed to the Proc. of Int. Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbR), Anacapri, Italy.
    • Ungru K, Jiang X. . ‘Dynamic programming based segmentation in biomedical imaging.’ Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 15: 255–264.
    • Bian A, Jiang X. . ‘T-Test based adaptive random walk segmentation under multiplicative speckle noise model.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ACCV-Workshops, Taipei, Taiwan.
    • Berh D, Risse B, Michels T, Otto N, Jiang X, Klämbt C. . ‘A FIM-based long-term in-vial monitoring system for Drosophila larvae.’ IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64, Nr. 8: 1862–1874.
    • Risse B, Otto N, Berh D, Jiang X, Kiel M, Klämbt C. . ‘FIM2c: A multi-colour, multi-purpose imaging system to manipulate and analyse animal behaviour.IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64, Nr. 3: 610–620.
    • Roters J, Jiang X. . ‘FestGPU: A framework for fast robust estimation on GPU.’ Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 13, Nr. 4: 759–772.
    • Tenbrinck D, Jiang X. . ‘Image segmentation with physical noise models.’ In Biomedical Image Segmentation: Advances and Trends, edited by El-Baz A, Jiang X, Suri JS, 461–484. CRC Press.
    • Martinez-Trinidad JF, Carrasco-Ochoa JA, Ayala Ramirez V, Olvera-Lopez JA, Jiang X (Eds.): . Pattern Recognition. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘Distance-preserving vector space embedding for the closest string problem.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 23rd Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cancun, Mexico. doi: 10.1109/ICPR.2016.7899854.
    • Nienkötter A, Jiang X. . ‘Improved prototype embedding based generalized median computation by means of refined reconstruction methods.’ Contributed to the Proc. of Joint IAPR Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR), Merida, Mexico.
    • Wiesemann T, Jiang X. . ‘Fog augmentation of road images for performance analysis of traffic sign detection algorithms.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 17th Int. Confernce on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), Lecce, Italy.
    • Bian A, Jiang X. . ‘Statistical modeling based adaptive parameter setting for random walk segmentation.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 17th Int. Confernce on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), Lecce, Italy.
    • Scherzinger A, Kleene F, Dierkes C, Kiefer F, Hinrichs KH, Jiang X. . ‘Automated Segmentation of Immunostained Cell Nuclei in 3D Ultramicroscopy Images.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 38th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR), Hannover, Germany.
    • Otto N, Risse B, Berh D, Bittern J, Jiang X, Klämbt C. . ‘Interactions among Drosophila larvae before and during collision.’ Scientific Reports 11, Nr. 6: 31564. doi: 10.1038/srep31564.
    • Siegert Y, Jiang X, Krieg V, Bartholomäus S. . ‘Classification-based record linkage with pseudonymized data for epidemiological cancer registries.’ IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 18, Nr. 10: 1929–1941.
    • Xiao J, Jiang X, He C, Teng G. . ‘Churn prediction in customer relationship management via GMDH-based multiple classifiers ensemble.’ IEEE Intelligent Systems 31, Nr. 2: 37–44.
    • Teng G, He C, Xiao J, He Y, Zhu B, Jiang X. . ‘Cluster ensemble framework based on the group method of data handling.’ Applied Soft Computing 43: 35–46.
    • Broelemann K, Jiang X, Schwering A. . ‘Automatic understanding of sketch maps using context-aware classification.’ Expert Systems with Applications 45: 195–207.
    • El-Baz A, Jiang X, Suri JS (Eds.): . Biomedical Image Segmentation: Advances and Trends. : CRC Press.
    • D. Tenbrinck, X. Jiang. . ‘Image Segmentation with Arbitrary Noise Models by Solving Minimal Surface Problems.’ Pattern Recognition 48, Nr. 11: 2393–3309. doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2015.01.006.
    • Z. Wu, X. Jiang, N. Zheng, Y. Liu, and D. Cheng. . ‘Exact solution to median surface problem using 3D graph search and application to parameter space exploration.’ Pattern Recognition 48, Nr. 2: 380–390.
    • V.N. Gangapure, S. Nanda, A.S. Chowdhury, X. Jiang. . ‘Causal video segmentation using superseeds and graph matching.’ Contributed to the IAPR International Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, Beijing.
    • V. Carletti, P. Foggia, M. Vento, X. Jiang. . ‘Report on the first contest on graph matching algorithms for pattern search in biological databases.’ Contributed to the IAPR International Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, Beijing.
    • X. Jiang, G. Percannella, M. Vento. . ‘A verification-based multithreshold probing approach to HEp-2 cell segmentation.’ Contributed to the CAIP, Malta.
    • S. Schmid, X. Jiang, K. Schäfers. . ‘Puzzle approach to pose tracking of a rigid object in a multi camera system.’ Contributed to the CAIP, Malta.
    • T. Araki, N. Ikeda, N. Dey, S. Chakraborty, L. Saba, D. Kumar, E.C. Godia, X. Jiang, A. Gupta, P. Radeva, J.R. Laird, A. Nicolaides, J.S. Suri. . ‘A comparative approach of four different image registration techniques for quantitative assessment of coronary artery calcium lesions using intravascular ultrasound.’ Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 118, Nr. 2: 158–172.
    • Z. Wu, X. Jiang, N. Zheng, D. Cheng. . ‘Efficient block-wise temporally consistent contour extraction in image sequences.’ Neurocomputing 152: 127–138.
    • B. Zhu, C. He, X. Jiang. . ‘Customer choice prediction based on transfer learning.’ Journal of the Operational Research Society 66, Nr. 6: 1044–1051.
    • B. Risse, D. Berh, N. Otto, X. Jiang, C. Klämbt. . ‘Quantifying subtle locomotion phenotypes of drosophila larvae using internal structures based on FIM images.’ Computers in Biology and Medicine 63: 269–276.
    • B. Zhu, C. He, X. Jiang. . ‘A consistency-based validation for data clustering.’ Intelligent Data Analysis 19, Nr. 3: 471–484.
    • J. Seebach, A.A. Taha, J. Lenk, N. Lindemann, X. Jiang , K. Brinkmann, S. Bogdan, and H.-J. Schnittler. . ‘The CellBorderTracker, a novel tool to quantitatively analyse spatiotemporal endothelial junction dynamics at the subcellular level.’ Histochemistry and Cell Biology 144, Nr. 6: 517–532.
    • M. Schmeing, X. Jiang. . ‘Faithful disocclusion filling in depth image based rendering using superpixel-based inpainting.’ IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17, Nr. 12: 2160–2173.
    • Benjamin Risse. . FIM Imaging and the Analysis of Drosophila Locomotion Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • L. Franek, X. Jiang, C. He. . ‘Weighted mean of a pair of clusterings.’ Pattern Analysis and Applications 17, Nr. 1: 166. doi: 10.1007/s10044-012-0304-8.
    • L. Franek, X. Jiang. . ‘Ensemble clustering by means of clustering embedding in vector spaces.’ Pattern Recognition 47, Nr. 2: 842. doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2013.08.019.
    • Michael Aloys Schmeing. . Disocclusion Filling in Depth-Based View Synthesis and Depth Map Enhancement Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • K. Broelemann. . Automatic Offline Understanding of Hand-Drawn Sketch Maps Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • X. Jiang, J. Hornegger, and R. Koch (Eds.): . Pattern Recognition. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • F. Gigengack, X. Jiang, M. Dawood, and K.P. Schäfers. . Motion Correction in Thoracic Positron Emission Tomography.: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • T. Tham, K. Ichikawa, M. Oyama-Higa, D. Coomans, X. Jiang (Eds.): . Biomedical Informatics and Technology. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • B. Risse, N. Otto, D. Berh, X. Jiang, C. Klämbt. . ‘FIM imaging and FIMTrack: Two new tools allowing high-throughput and cost effective locomotion analysis.’ Journal of Visualized Experiments 94.
    • K. Ungru, D. Tenbrinck, X. Jiang, and J. Stypmann. . ‘Automatic classification of left ventricular wall segments in small animal ultrasound imaging.’ Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 117, Nr. 1: 2-12.
    • M. Fieseler, F. Gigengack, X. Jiang, and K. Schäfers. . ‘Motion correction of whole-body PET data with a joint PET-MRI registration functional.’ BioMedical Engineering OnLine 13(Suppl 1).
    • T. Chakraborti, D.K. Jha, A.S. Chowdhury, X. Jiang. . ‘A self-adaptive matched filter for retinal blood vessel detection.’ Machine Vision and Applications 26, Nr. 1: 68. doi: 10.1007/s00138-014-0636-z.
    • Y. Chan, D. Huang, K. Liu, R. Chen, X. Jiang. . ‘An automatic indirect immunofluorescence cell segmentation system.’ Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/501206.
    • M. Schmeing, E. Krauskopf, X. Jiang. . ‘Real-time depth fusion using a low-cost depth sensor array.’ In 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (to appear).
    • M. Schmeing, X. Jiang. . ‘Edge-aware depth image filtering using color segmentation.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 50: 63–71. doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2014.03.026.
    • M. Schmeing, X. Jiang. . ‘Superpixel-based disocclusion filling in depth image based rendering.’ In IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition .
    • U. Lammel, M. Bechtold, B. Risse B, D. Berh, A. Fleige, I. Bunse, X. Jiang, C. Klämbt, S. Bogdan. . ‘The Drosophila FHOD1-like formin Knittrig acts through Rok to promote stress fiber formation and directed macrophage migration during the cellular immune response.Development 141, Nr. 6: 1366–1380. doi: 10.1242/dev.101352.
    • Dawood M, Gigengack F, Jiang X, Schafers KP. . ‘A mass conservation-based optical flow method for cardiac motion correction in 3D-PET.Medical Physics 40, Nr. 1: 012505. doi: 10.1118/1.4770276.
    • F. Gigengack. . Mass-Preserving Motion Correction and Multimodal Image Segmentation in Positron Emission Tomography Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • D. Tenbrinck. . Variational Methods for Medical Ultrasound Imaging Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • J. Roters. . Incremental Multi-View 3D Reconstruction with Application to Disaster Management Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • W.G. Kropatsch, N.M. Artner, Y. Haxhimusa, and X. Jiang (Eds.): . Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • X. Jiang, O. Bellon, D. Goldgof, and T. Oishi (Eds.): . Advances in Depth Image Analysis and Applications. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • L. Franek and X. Jiang. . ‘Orthogonal design of experiments for parameter learning in image segmentation.’ Signal Processing 93.
    • B. Risse, D. Berh, J. Tao, X. Jiang, R. Klette, and C. Klämbt. . ‘Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects.’ Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing 2013.
    • A. Sawatzky, D. Tenbrinck, X. Jiang, and M. Burger. . ‘A variational framework for region-based segmentation incorporating physical noise models.’ Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 47.
    • G.-E. Teng, C. He, J. Xiao, and X. Jiang. . ‘Customer credit scoring based on HMM-GMDH hybrid model.’ Knowledge and Information Systems 36.
    • D. Tenbrinck, S. Schmid, X. Jiang, K. Schäfers, J. Stypmann. . ‘Histogram-based optical flow for motion estimation in ultrasound imaging.’ Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 47.
    • M. Fieseler, H. Kugel, F. Gigengack, T. Kösters, F. Büther, H.H. Quick, C. Faber, X. Jiang, and K.P. Schäfers. . ‘A dynamic thorax phantom for the assessment of cardiac and respiratory motion correction in PET/MRI: A preliminary evaluation.’ Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 702: 59–63. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.09.039.
    • M. Schmeing, X. Jiang. . ‘Color segmentation based depth image filtering.’ In Advances in Depth Image Analysis and Applications, edited by Jiang X, Bellon O, Goldgof D, Oishi T, 68–77. Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-40303-3\_8.
    • M. Schmeing, X. Jiang. . ‘A background modeling-based faithful approach to the disocclusion problem in depth image-based rendering.’ International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 27, Nr. 02: 1354005. doi: 10.1142/S0218001413540050.
    • Risse B, Jiang X, Klämbt C. . ‘FIM: Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Based Imaging for Biomedical Applications.’ ERCIM News 95, Nr. Image Understanding: 11–12.
    • M. Sander, A.J. Squarr, B. Risse, X. Jiang, S. Bogdan. . ‘Drosophila pupal macrophages - A versatile tool for combined ex vivo and in vivo imaging of actin dynamics at high resolution.European Journal of Cell Biology 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2013.09.003.
    • B. Risse, S. Thomas, N. Otto, T. Löpmeier, D. Valkov, X. Jiang, C. Klämbt. . ‘FIM, a novel FTIR-based imaging method for high throughput locomotion analysis.’ PloS one 8, Nr. 1: e53963. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053963.
    • Schmeing M, Jiang X. . ‘Faithful Spatio-Temporal Disocclusion Filling Using Local Optimization.’ In IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3799–3802.
    • Broelemann Klaus, Dutta Anjan, Jiang Xiaoyi, Llados Josep. . ‘Hierarchical Graph Representation for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Document Images.’ Contributed to the Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition, Hiroshima, Japan.
    • Dawood M, Jiang X, Schäfers K (Eds.): . Correction Techniques in Emission Tomographic Imaging. : CRC Press.
    • Xiao J, Xie L, He C, Jiang X. . ‘Dynamic classifier ensemble model for customer classification with imbalanced class distribution.’ Expert Systems with Applications 39, Nr. 3: 3668–3675. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.09.059.
    • Jiang X, Wentker J, Ferrer M. . ‘Generalized median string computation by means of string embedding in vector spaces.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 33, Nr. 7.
    • Jiang X, Lambers M, Bunke H. . ‘Structural performance evaluation of curvilinear structure detection algorithms with application to retinal vessel segmentation.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 33, Nr. 15.
    • Franek L, Jiang X, Wattuya P. . ‘Local Instability Problem of Image Segmentation Algorithms: Systematic Study and an Ensemble-Based Solution.’ International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 26.
    • Broelemann Klaus, Jiang Xiaoyi. . ‘A region-based method for sketch map segmentation.’ In Graphics Recognition. New Trends and Challenges, edited by Kwon Young-Bin, Ogier Jean-Marc, 1–14. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-36824-0_1.
    • Gigengack F, Ruthotto L, Burger M, Wolters C, Jiang X, Schafers K. . ‘Motion Correction in Dual Gated Cardiac PET Using Mass-Preserving Image Registration.IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 31, Nr. 3: 698–712.
    • Lucas Franek. . Ensemble Algorithms with Applications to Clustering and Image Segmentation Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • Fieseler M, Jiang X. . ‘Discontinuity-based registration of depth and video data in depth image based rendering.’ Signal, Image and Video Processing 5, Nr. 3: 353–361. doi: 10.1007/s11760-010-0199-z.
    • Jiang X, Ferrer M, Torsello A (Eds.): . Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Große A, Rothaus K. . ‘Interactive segmentation of non-star-shaped contours by dynamic programming.’ Pattern Recognition 44, Nr. 9: 2001–2009. doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2011.03.010.
    • Jiang X, Broelemann K, Wachenfeld S, Krüger A. . ‘Graph-based markerless registration of city maps using geometric hashing.’ Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115, Nr. 7: 1031–1042. doi: 10.1016/j.cviu.2010.12.014.
    • T.D. Pham, X. Zhou, H. Tanaka, M. Oyama-Higa, X. Jiang, C. Sun, J. Kowalski, and X. Jia (Eds.): . Proc. of Int. Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences. : Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • Roters J, Jiang X, Rothaus K. . ‘Recognition of traffic lights in live video streams on mobile devices.’ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 21, Nr. 10.
    • Schmeing M, Jiang X. . ‘Depth Image Based Rendering.’ In Pattern Recognition, Machine Intelligence and Biometrics, edited by Wang Patrick S.P., 279–310. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Schmeing M, Jiang X. . ‘Time-Consistency of Disocclusion Filling Algorithms in Depth Image Based Rendering.’ In Proc. 3DTV Conf.: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON), 1–4. doi: 10.1109/3DTV.2011.5877201.
    • Wachenfeld S, Terlunen S, Jiang X. . ‘Robust 1-D barcode recognition on camera phones and mobile product information display.’ In Mobile Multimedia Processing: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, 53–69. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Wachenfeld W, Madeja M, Jiang X. . ‘Developing mobile multimedia applications on Symbian OS devices.’ In Mobile Multimedia Processing: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications , 238–263. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Learning by generalized median concept.’ In Pattern Recognition and Machine Vision , 1–16. River Publishers.
    • Riesen K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Exact and inexact graph matching- Methodology and applications.’ In Managing and Mining Graph Data , edited by Aggarwal C, Wang H, 217–247. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Dawood M, Brune C, Jiang X, Büther F, Burger M, Schober O, Schäfers M, Schäfers K. . ‘A continuity equation based optical flow method for cardiac motion correction in 3D PET data.’ In Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality: 5th International Workshop, MIAR 2010, Beijing, China, September 19-20, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics), edited by Hongen Liao, P.J. Eddie Edwards, Xiaochuan Pan, 88–97. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-15699-1_10.
    • Abdala D, Jiang X. . ‘Fiber segmentation using constrained clustering.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICMB, Hong Kong.
    • Jiang X, Abdala D. . ‘Exploring the performance limit of cluster ensemble techniques.’ Contributed to the Proc. of SSPR, Izmir.
    • Abdala D, Wattuya P, Jiang X. . ‘Ensemble clustering via random walker consensus strategy.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICPR, Istambul.
    • Schmeing M, Jiang X. . ‘Depth Image Based Rendering: A Faithful Approach For the Disocclusion Problem.’ In Proc. 3DTV-Conf.: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON), 1–4. doi: 10.1109/3DTV.2010.5506596.
    • Xiao J, He, Z C, Jiang X. . ‘A dynamic classifer ensemble selection approach for noise data.’ Information Sciences .
    • Lewin S, Jiang X, Clausing A. . ‘Perceptually motivated shape evolution with shape-preserving property.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 31, Nr. 6: 447–453.
    • Bartenhagen C, Klein HU, Ruckert C, Jiang X, Dugas M. . ‘Comparative study of unsupervised dimension reduction techniques for the visualization of microarray gene expression data.’ Trials 11: 567–577. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-567.
    • Jiang X, Ma MY, Chen CW (Eds.): . Multimedia Processing: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Lewin S, Jiang X, Clausing A. . ‘Perceptually motivated shape evolution with shape-preserving property.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 31, Nr. 6: 447–453.
    • Gigengack F., Ruthotto L., Burger M., Wolters C., Jiang X., Schafers K. . ‘Motion correction of cardiac PET using mass-preserving registration.’ Contributed to the 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2010 and 17th International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-ray and Gamma-ray Detectors, RTSD 2010, Knoxville, TN, usa. doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874418.
    • Daniel Duarte Abdala. . Ensemble and Constrained Clustering with Applications Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • Pakaket Wattuya. . Combination of Multiple Image Segmentations Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • Wachenfeld S, Broelemann K, Jiang X, Krüger A. . ‘Graph-based registration of partial images of city maps using geometric hashing.’. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02124-4_10.
    • Dawood M, Büther F, Stegger L, Jiang X, Schober O, Schäfers M, Schäfers KP. . ‘Optimal number of respiratory gates in positron emission tomography: a cardiac patient study.Medical Physics 36, Nr. 5: 1775–1784. doi: 10.1118/1.3112422.
    • Franek L, Jiang X. . ‘An instability problem region growing segmentation algorithms and its set median solution.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 5th Int. Symposium on Visual Computing, Las Vegas.
    • Gigengack F, Jiang X. . ‘Improved uncalibrated view synthesis by extended positioning of virtual cameras and image quality optimization.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ACCV, Xian.
    • Rothaus K, Roters J, Jiang X. . ‘Localization of pedestrian lights on mobile devices.’ Contributed to the Proc. Of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Sapporo, Japan.
    • Chen, -F Y, Huang, -F Y, Jiang X, Hsu, -N Y, Lin, -H H. . ‘Design of clinical support systems using integrated genetic algorithm and support vector machine.’ Contributed to the 13th Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns.
    • Cheng, -C D, Schmidt-Trucksäss A, Liu, -H S, Jiang X. . ‘Improved arterial inner wall detection using generalized median computation.’ Contributed to the 13th Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and patterns.
    • Grosse A, Rothaus K, Jiang X. . ‘Detection of non-convex objects by dynamic programming.’ Contributed to the 13th Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns.
    • Abdala , D D, Jiang X. . ‘An evidence accumulation approach to constrained clustering combination.’ Contributed to the 6th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition.
    • Wachenfeld S, Broelemann K, Jiang X, Küger A. . ‘Graph-based registration of partial images of city maps using geometric hashing.’ Contributed to the Proc. Of GbR, Venice.
    • Fieseler M, Jiang X. . ‘Registration of depth and video data in depth image based rendering.’ Contributed to the 3DTV Conference, Potsdam.
    • Stadelmann R, Jiang X, Mojon, S D. . ‘A computer-based test to quantify the Pulfrich stereo phenomenon.’ Ophthalmologica .
    • Dawood M, Büther F, Stegger L, Jiang X, Schober O, Schäfers M, Schäfers K. . ‘Optimal number of respiratory gates in positron emission tomography: A cardiac patient study.’ Medical Physics 36, Nr. 15: 1775–1784.
    • Von Wangenheim A, Bertoldi, F R, Sobieranski A, Coser L, Abdala D, Jiang X, Richter M, Priese L, Schmitt F. . ‘Color Image segmentation using an enhanced gradient network method.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 30, Nr. 15: 1404–1412.
    • Jiang X, Hsu, -C J, Rothaus K, Menning M, Chen, -F Y. . ‘Chest X-Ray Based Tumor Growth Assessment for Lung Tumor Diagnosis.’ Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals with Applications in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry 1, Nr. 1: 27–37.
    • Xiao J, He C, Jiang X. . ‘Structure identifcation by Bayesian classifers based on GMDH.’ Knowledge-Based Systems 22, Nr. 6: 461–470.
    • Rothaus K, Rhiem P, Jiang X. . ‘Separation of the retinal vascular graph in arteries and veins upon structural knowledge.’ Image and Vision Computing 27, Nr. 7: 864–875.
    • Metzen J, Kröger T, Schenk A, Zidowitz S, Peitgen, O H, Jiang X. . ‘Matching of tree structures for registration of medical images.’ Image and Vision Computing 27, Nr. 7: 923–933.
    • Schmeing M, Jiang X. . ‘Robust Background Subtraction for Depth Map Generation.’ In Proceedings of 3D Stereo MEDIA 2009.
    • Jiang X, Petkov N (Eds.): . Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Steffen Wachenfeld. . Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • Dawood M, Kösters T, Fieseler M, Büther F, Jiang X, Wübbeling F, Schäfers KP. . ‘Motion correction in respiratory gated cardiac PET/CT using multi-scale optical flow.’. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-85990-1_19.
    • Jiang X, Chen, -F Y. . ‘Facial image processing.’ In Applied Pattern Recognition , 29–48. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Wattuya P, Jiang X. . ‘Ensemble combination for solving the parameter selection problem in image segmentation.’ Contributed to the Proc. of SSPR, Orlando.
    • Rothaus K, Jiang X. . ‘Constrained clustering by a novel graph-based distance transformation.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICPR, Tampa, Florida.
    • Wachenfeld S, Terlunen S, Jiang X. . ‘Robust recognition of 1-D barcodes using camera phones.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICPR, Tampa, Florida.
    • Rothaus S, Rothaus K, Jiang X. . ‘Synthesizing 3D videos by a motion-conditioned background mosaic.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICPR, Tampa, Florida.
    • Wattuya P, K Rothaus, , Paßni, -S J, Jiang X. . ‘A random walker based approach to combining multiple segmentations.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICPR, Tampa, Florida.
    • Dawood M, Kösters T, Fieseler M, Büther F, Jiang X, Wübbeling F, Schäfers K. . ‘Multi-scale optical flow for respiratory motion correction in cardiac PET/CT.’ Contributed to the MICCAI, New York.
    • Lewin S, Jiang X, Clausing A. . ‘Perceptually motivated shape evolution with shape-preserving property.’ Contributed to the 13th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Havana.
    • Wattuya P, Jiang X, Rothaus K. . ‘Combinati on of mutliple segmentations by a wandom walker approach.’ Contributed to the DAGM, Munich.
    • Rothaus K, Jiang X, Waldeyer T, Fabritz L, Vogel M, Kirchhof P. . ‘Data mining for detecting isturbances in heart rhythm.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Kumming, China.
    • Bieri Hö Schär S, Killer T, Jiang X. . ‘Introducing stereoeffects into Cel animations.’ Contributed to the 3DTV Conference, Istabul.
    • Yang, Y H, Hsu, C J, Chen, F Y, Jiang X, Chen T. . ‘Using support vector machine to construct a redictive model for clinical decision-making of ventilation weaning.’ Contributed to the Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Hong Kong.
    • Dawood M, Fieseler M, Büther F, Jiang X, Schäfers K. . ‘A multi-resolution opcal flow based approach to respiratory motion correction in 3D PET/CT images.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Medical Biometrics, Hong Kong.
    • Lohe T, Kröger T, Zidowitz S, Peitgen, -O H, Jiang X. . ‘Hierarchical matching of anatomical trees for medical image registration.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Medical Biometrics, Hong Kong.
    • Dawood M, Büther F, Lang N, Jiang X, Schäfers K. . ‘Respiratory motion correction in 3D PET/CT with advanced optical flow algorithms.’ IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 27, Nr. 8: 1164–1175.
    • Cheng D, Jiang X. . ‘Detection of arterial wall in sonographic artery images using dual dynamic programming.’ IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 12, Nr. 6: 792–799.
    • Wachenfeld S, Lohe T, Fieseler M, Jiang X. . ‘DocXS Distributed operator construction and execution system.’ Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 18, Nr. 2: 328–331.
    • Kriegbaum-Stehberger B, Jiang X, Mojon, S D. . ‘Performance of a new, 3D-monitor based random-dot stereotest for children under 4 years of age.’ Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 246, Nr. 1: 1–7.
    • Mohammad Dawood. . Respiratory Motion Correction on 3D Positron Emission Tomography Images Dissertationsschrift, Universität Münster.
    • Lewin S, Clausing A, Jiang X. . ‘Shape evolution driven by a perceptually motivated measure.’ Contributed to the 3rd Int. Symposium on Visual Computing, Lake Tahoe, Nevada/Califormia.
    • Wachenfeld S, Lohe T, Jiang X. . ‘DOCXS - A distributed computing environment for multimedia data processing.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Barcelona.
    • Cheng D, Jiang X, Schmidt-Trucksäss A. . ‘Image segmentation using histogram fitting and spatial information.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Mass-Data Anlysis of Images and Signals in Medicine Biotechnology and Chemistry, Leipzig.
    • Wachenfeld S, Klein, -U H, Jiang X. . ‘The Screen-Char and Screen-Word Databases for recognition of screen-rendered text.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, Curitiba.
    • Wachenfeld Steffen, Klein Hans-Ulrich, Fleischer Stefan, Jiang Xiaoyi. . ‘Segmentation of Very Low Resolution Screen-Rendered Text.’ Contributed to the 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2007), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
    • Wachenfeld Steffen, Fleischer Stefan, Jiang Xiaoyi. . ‘A Multiple Classifier Approach for the Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text.’ Contributed to the 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2007), Vienna, Austria.
    • Krüger A, Jiang X. . ‘Improving human computer interaction through embedded vision technology.’ Contributed to the IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Beijing.
    • Hsu, -C J, Chen, -F Y, Lin, -H H, Jiang X. . ‘Construction of predication module for successful ventilator weaning.’ Contributed to the The 20th Int. Conf. on Industrial Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Kyoto.
    • Metzen J, Kröger T, Schenk A, Zidowitz S, Peitgen, -O H, Jiang X. . ‘Matching of tree structures for registration of medical images.’ Contributed to the Proc. of GbR, Alicante, Spain.
    • Rothaus K, Rhiem P, Jiang X. . ‘Separation of the retinal viscular graph in arteries and veins.’ Contributed to the Proc. of GbR, Alicante, Spain.
    • Metzen J, Kröger T, Schenk A, Zidowitz S, Peitgen, -O H, Jiang X. . „Matching von Baumstrukturen: Zuordnung von Gefäßsystemen aus Leber und Lunge.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Munich.
    • Weinhold A, Jiang X. . „Vollautomatische Rekonstruktion von Bildern histologischer Stufenschnitte der Rattenleber.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Munich.
    • Schmid P, Lunkenheimer, P P, Redmann K, Rothaus K, Jiang X, Cryer C, Jaermann T, Niederer P, Boesiger P, , H R, erson,. . ‘Statistical analysis of the angle of intrusion of porcine ventricular myocytes from Epicardium to endocardium using dffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging.’ The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 290, Nr. 11: 1413–1423.
    • Cheng D, Jiang X. . ‘Using dual dynamic programming for artery's inner wall detection in sonographic images.’ Contributed to the The 1st InternationalWorkshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging, Copenhagen.
    • Jiang X, Lambers M. . ‘Synthesis of stereoscopic 3D videos by limited resources of range images.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong.
    • Wachenfeld S, Klein, -U H, Jiang X. . ‘Recognition of screen-rendered text.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong.
    • Dawood M, Büther F, Lang N, Jiang X, Schäfers K. . ‘Transforming static CT in gated PET/CT studies to multiple respiratory phases.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong.
    • Rothaus K, Jiang X, Lambers M. . ‘Comparison of methods for hyperspherical data averging and parameter estimation.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong.
    • Wattuya P, Jiang X. . ‘A class of generalized median contour problem with exact solution.’ Contributed to the Proc. of SSPR, Hong Kong.
    • Jiang X, Lambers M. . ‘DIBR-based 3D videos using non video rate range image stream.’ Contributed to the IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Toronto.
    • Jiang X, Mojon D. . ‘Applications of autostereoscopic displays in opthalmologic studies.’ Contributed to the IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Toronto.
    • Jiang X, Cheng D. . ‘Object modeling with guaranteed fulfillment of geometric constraints.’ Contributed to the 3rd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualiyation and Transmission.
    • Rothaus K, Jiang X. . ‘Statistical analysis of myofibre orientation of the ventricular myocardium LNAI, Vol.’ Contributed to the Workshop on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine Biotechnology and Chemistry, Leipzig.
    • Cheng D, Jiang X, Schmidt-Trucksäss A, Cheng, -S K. . ‘Automatic intimamedia thickness measurement of carotid artery wall in B-mode sonographic images.’ Contributed to the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Arlington, Virginia.
    • Jiang X, Rothaus S, Rothaus K, Mojon D. . ‘Synthesizing face images by iris replacement: Strabismus simulation.’ Contributed to the First Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Setuba, Portugal.
    • Jiang X, Lewin S. . ‘An approach to perceptual shape matching.’ Contributed to the Proc. of VISUAL, Amsterdam.
    • Dawood M, Lang N, Jiang X, Schäfers K. . ‘Lung motion correction on respiratory gated 3D PET-CT images.’ IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25, Nr. 4: 476–485.
    • Gerke M, Bornberg-Bauer E, Jiang X, Fuellen G. . ‘Finding common protein interaction patterns across organisms.’ Evolutionary Bioinformatics 2: 45–52.
    • Jiang X, Marti C, Irniger C, Bunke H. . ‘Distance Measures for Image Segmentation Evaluation.’ EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing ( Special Issue on Performance Evaluation in Image Processing) : 1–10.
    • Breyer A, Jiang X, Rütsche A, Mojon, S D. . ‘A new 3D monitor based randomdot stereotest for children.’ Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 47: 4842–4846.
    • Breyer A, Jiang X, Rütsche A, Bieri H, Oexl T, Baumann A, Mojon, S D. . ‘Inuence of the Pulfrich phenomenon on driving performance.’ Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 244: 1555–1561.
    • Rütsche A, Baumann A, Jiang X, Mojon, S D. . ‘Development of visual pursuit in the first six years.’ Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 244, Nr. 11: 1406–1411.
    • Lunkenheimer, P P, Redmann K, Kling N, Rothaus K, Jiang X, Cryer C, Wübbeling F, Niederer P, Heitz, U Ph, Ho, Y S, , H R, erson,. . ‘The three-dimensional architecture of the left ventricular myocardium.’ The anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 288A, Nr. 6: 565–578.
    • Zheng N, X. Jiang X, and Lan X (Eds.): . Advances in Machine Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Analysis. : Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X. . ‘Performance evaluation of image segmentation algorithms.’ In Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 525–542. World Scientific Publishing.
    • Schär S, Bieri H, Jiang X. . ‘Digital restoration of medieval tapestries.’ Contributed to the The 6th Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Culture Heritage, Pisa.
    • Rothaus K, Jiang X. . ‘Multi-scale segmentation of the vascular tress in retical images.’ Contributed to the 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC'05 , Prague.
    • Jiang X, Cheng D. . ‘A novel parameter decomposition approach to faithful Fitting of quadratic surfaces.’ Contributed to the Proc. of DAGM.
    • Jiang X, Marti C, Irniger C, Bunke H. . ‘Image segmentation evaluation by techniques of comparing clusterings.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICIAP.
    • Rothaus K, Jiang X. . ‘Multi-scale midline extraction using creaseness.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICAPR, Bath, UK.
    • Jiang X, Cheng D. . ‘Fitting of 3D circles and ellipses using a parameter decomposition approach.’ Contributed to the 5th Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H, Csirik J. . ‘Median strings: A review.’ In Data Mining in Time Series Databases , 173–192. World Scientific Publishing.
    • Jiang X, Bieri H. . ‘3D imaging and applications.’ In Integrated Image and Graphics Technologies, 331–349. Kluwer Academic.
    • Dawood M, Jiang X, Schäfers K. . ‘Reliable dual-band based contour detection: A double dynamic programming approach.’ Contributed to the Proc. of ICIAR, Porto, Portugal.
    • Kim, B J, Kim, J H, Wachenfeld S, Jiang X. . ‘Eficient error concealment using best neighborhood matching and genetic algorithms.’ Contributed to the Asian Conference on Computer Vision.
    • Mojon-Azzi, M S, Jiang X, Wagner U, Mojon D. . ‘Redundant publications in scientific ophthalmologic journals - the top of the iceberg? .’ Ophthalmology 111, Nr. 5: 863–866.
    • Bunke H, Jiang X. . ‘Weighted mean and generalized median of strings.’ In Pattern Recognition and String Matching, 295–314. Kluwer Academic.
    • Breyer A, Jiang X, Rütsche A, Mojon D. . ‘A new objective visual acuity test: An automated preferential looking.’ Klinische Monatsbl¨atter Augenheilkunde 220: 93–95.
    • Jiang X, Mojon D. . ‘Adaptive local thresholding by verification-based multithreshold probing with application to vessel detection in retinal images.’ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 25, Nr. 1: 131–137.
    • Jiang X, Abegglen K, Bunke H, Csirik J. . ‘Dynamic computation of generalized median strings.’ Pattern Analysis and Applications 6, Nr. 3: 185–193.
    • Rütsche A, Baumann A, Jiang X, Mojon D. . ‘Automated analysis of eye tracking movements.’ Ophthalmologica 217: 320–324.
    • Jiang X, Hofer S, Stahs T, Ahrns I, Bunke H. . ‘A new technique for the extraction and tracking of surfaces in range image sequences.’ In Sensor Based Intelligent Robots, 89–100. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H, Abegglen K, K A, el,. . ‘Curve morphing by weighted mean of strings.’ Contributed to the 16th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City, Canada.
    • Jiang X, Mojon D. . ‘Supervised evaluation methodology for curvilinear structure detection algorithms.’ Contributed to the 16th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Quebec City, Canada.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal lower bound for generalized median problems in metric space.’ Contributed to the Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition.
    • Jiang X, Irniger C, Bunke H. . ‘Training/test data partitioning for empirical performance evaluation.’ Contributed to the Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision.
    • Mojon-Azzi, M S, Jiang X, Wagner U, Mojon D. . „Ophthalmology ,,made in Switzerland"": Swiss papers listed in Medline.“ Klinische Monatsblätter Augenheilkunde 219: 866–871.
    • Bunke H, Jiang X, Abegglen K, Kandel A. . ‘On the weighted mean of a pair of strings.’ Pattern Analysis and Applications 5, Nr. 1: 23–30. doi: 10.1007/s100440200003.
    • Bunke H, Günter S, Jiang X. . ‘Towards bridging the gap between statistical and structural pattern recognition: Two new concepts in graph matching.’ In Advances in Pattern Recognition ICAPR 2001, 1–11. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Mojon D. . ‘Blood vessel detection in retinal images by shape-based multi-threshold probing.’ Contributed to the Pattern Recognition .
    • Jiang X, Mojon D. . ‘Filtering duplicate publications in bibliographic databases.’ Contributed to the The First Int. Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries, Setubal, Portugal.
    • Jiang X, Münger A, Bunke H. . ‘On median graphs: Properties, algorithms, and applications.’ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 23, Nr. 10: 1144–1151.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Sentence lipreading using hidden markov model with integrated grammar.’ International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 15, Nr. 1: 161–176.
    • Bunke H, Jiang X. . ‘Graph matching and similarity.’ In Intelligent Systems and Interfaces , 281–304. Kluwer Academic.
    • Jiang X. . ‘Qualitative decomposition of range images into convex parts/objects.’ Contributed to the Int. Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, Tokyo.
    • Jiang X. . ‘A decomposition approach to geometric fitting.’ Contributed to the Int. Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, Tokyo.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Combining acoustic and visual classifiers for the recognition of spoken sentences.’ Contributed to the 15th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona.
    • Jiang X, Yu K, Bunke H. . ‘Classifier combination for grammar-guided sentence recognition.’ Contributed to the Multiple Classifier Systems .
    • Jiang X, Schimann L, Bunke H. . ‘Computation of median shapes.’ Contributed to the 4th. Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Taipei.
    • Jiang X, Münger A, Bunke H. . ‘Synthesis of representative graphical symbols by computing generalized median graph.’ Contributed to the Graphics Recognition: recent Advances .
    • Jiang X. . ‘An adaptive contour closure algorithm and its experimental evaluation.’ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 22, Nr. 11: 1252–1265.
    • Bunke H, Jiang X, K A, el,. . ‘On the minimum common supergraph of two graphs.’ Computing 65, Nr. 1: 13–25.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H, Meier U. . ‘High-level feature based range image segmentation.’ Image and Vision Computing 18, Nr. 10: 817–822.
    • Jiang X, Binkert M, Achermann B, Bunke H. . ‘Towards detection of glasses in facial images.’ Pattern Analysis and Applications 3, Nr. 1: 9–18.
    • Jiang X. . ‘Recent advances in range image segmentation.’ In Sensor Based Intelligent Robots, 272–286. Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Münger A, Bunke H. . ‘Computing the generalized median of a set of graphs.’ Contributed to the 2nd IAPR Workshop on Graph-based Representations, Haindorf, Austria.
    • Jiang X, Hofer S, Stahs T, Ahrns I, Bunke H. . ‘Extraction and tracking of surfaces in range image sequences.’ Contributed to the Second International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Canada.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H, Widmer-Kljajo D. . ‘Skew correction of document images by focused nearest-neighbor clustering.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, Bangalore, India.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Automatic lipreading of sentences combining Hidden Markov Models and Grammars.’ Contributed to the 2nd Int. Conf. on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, Washington D.C.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal vertex ordering of graphs.’ Information Processing Letters 72, Nr. 5: 149–154.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Lipreading using signal analysis over time.’ Signal Processing 77, Nr. 2: 195–208.
    • Bunke H, Münger A, Jiang X. . ‘Combinatorial search vs.’ Genetic algorithms: A case study based on the generalized median graph problem. Pattern Recognition Letters 20, Nr. 11: 1271–1277.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Edge detection in range images based on scan line approximation.’ Computer Vision and Image Understanding 73, Nr. 2: 183–199.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal quadratic-time isomorphism of ordered graphs.’ Pattern Recognition 32, Nr. 7: 1273–1283.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Performance assessment of edge-based range image segmentation.’ In International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition - Proceedings of ICAPR ’98, edited by Sameer Singh, 83–92. London: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4471-0833-7.
    • Achermann B, Zumstein M, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Matching of nose profiles using weighted Hausdorff distance.’ Contributed to the The 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Processing Systems, Gold Coast, Australia.
    • Jiang X, Binkert M, Achermann B, Bunke H. . ‘Towards detection of glasses in facial images.’ Contributed to the 14th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Bisbane, Australia.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Marked subgraph isomorphism of ordered graphs.’ Contributed to the Advances in Pattern Recognition .
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Search-based contour closure in range images.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 14th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, Australia.
    • Jiang X, Binkert M, Achermann B, Bunke H. . ‘Detection of glasses in facial images.’ Contributed to the The 3rd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision Computer Vision { ACCV'98, Hong Kong.
    • Powell, W M, Bowyer, W K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Comparing curved-surface range image segmenters.’ Contributed to the The 6th Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, Bombay, India.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Marked subgraph isomorphism of ordered graphs.’ In Advances in pattern recognition (Sydney, 1998), 122–131. Berlin: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/BFb0033230.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘On the coding of ordered graphs.’ Computing 61, Nr. 1: 23–38. doi: 10.1007/BF02684448.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . Three-Dimensional Computer Vision: Acquisition and Analysis of Range Images (in German). Berlin Heilberg: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H, Meier U. . ‘Towards (quasi) real-time range image segmentation.’ In Intelligent Robots: Sensing Modeling and Planning , 149–163. World Scientific Publishing.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Lipreading using Fourier transform over time.’ Contributed to the Proc. Of the 7th Int. Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns.
    • Jiang X. . ‘Optimality analysis of edge detection algorithms for range images.’ Contributed to the The 9th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing Image Analysis and Processing , Florence, Italy.
    • Achermann B, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Face recognition using range images.’ Contributed to the Int. Conf. on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Geneva, Switzerland.
    • Achermann B, Peleg R, Jiang X, Bunke H, Feinendegen D, Brühlmann Y, Tschopp H. . ‘Computer-based assistance of surgeons in the judgment of Mechatronics, Tokyo, plastic nose surgeries (rhinoplasty).’ Contributed to the IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Tokyo.
    • Sobottka K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Spatiotemporal segmentation of range image sequences into planar surface patches for collision avoidance.’ Contributed to the 30th Int. Symposoium on Automotive Technology & Automation: Robotics, Florence.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Lipreading: A classifer combination approach.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 18, Nr. 11: 1421–1426.
    • Jiang X, Meier U, Bunke H. . „Schnelle Segmentierung von Tiefenbildern.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 18th German Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM).
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Robust facial profile recognition.’ Contributed to the 3rd Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Lausanne.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Including geometry in graph representations: A quadratictime graph isomorphism algorithm and its applications.’ Contributed to the Advances in Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition (P. Perner.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Robust and fast edge detection and description in range images.’ Contributed to the IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, Tokyo.
    • Jiang X, Meier U, Bunke H. . ‘Fast range image segmentation using high-level segmentation primitives.’ Contributed to the Third IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota, Florida.
    • Jiang X, Yu K, Bunke H. . ‘Detection of rotational and involutational symmetries and congruity of polyhedra.’ The Visual Computer 12, Nr. 4: 193–201.
    • Hoover A, Jean-Baptiste G, Jiang X, Flynn, J P, Bunke H, Goldgof D, Bowyer K, Eggert D, Fitzgibbon A, Fisher R. . ‘An experimental comparison of range image segmentation algorithms.’ IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18, Nr. 7: 673–689.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Exploration of object symmetries in computer vision and robotics.’ In Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems , 257–271. World Scientific Publishing.
    • Bunke H, Jiang X, Ueltschi A, Meier U, Robmann R. . ‘Model-based multisensory robot vision.’ In Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems , 289–308. World Scientific Publishing.
    • Yu K, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Face recognition by facial profile analysis.’ Contributed to the International Workshop on Automatic Face- and Gesture-Recognition, Zurich.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘A framework of symmetry exploration in 3D object recognition.’ Contributed to the Structure and Pattern Recognition .
    • Yu K, Achermann B, Nyffenegger C, Jiang X, Bunke H, Schukat-Talamazzini, G E. . „Kombination von Frontal- und Profilanalyse menschlicher Gesichter.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 17th German Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), Bielefeld.
    • Hoover A, Jean-Baptiste G, Jiang X, Bunke Flynn HJ P, Goldgof D, Bowyer K. . ‘Range image segmentation: The user's dilemma.’ Contributed to the Int. Symposium on Computer Vision, Coral Gables, Florida.
    • Jiang X, Hoover A, Jean-Baptiste G, Goldgof D, Bowyer K, Bunke H. . ‘A methodology for evaluating edge detection techniques for range images.’ Contributed to the 2nd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Singapore.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Line segment based axial motion stereo.’ Pattern Recognition 28, Nr. 4: 553–562.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal implementation of morphological operations on neighborhood-connected parallel computers.’ Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Special issue on Formal Methods in 2-D Shape Analysis) 13, Nr. 3: 301–315.
    • Jiang X, Meier U, Bunke H. . ‘Scale-invariant polyhedral object recognition using fragmentary edge segments.’ Contributed to the 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘An intelligent planner for multisensory robot vision.’ Contributed to the Pattern Recognition in Practice IV .
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Vision planner for an multisensory vision system.’ Contributed to the SPIE Conf. on Automatic Object Recognition IV, Orlando.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Fast segmentation of range images into planar regions by scan line grouping.’ Machine Vision and Applications 7, Nr. 2: 115–122.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Line segment based axial motion stereo.’ Contributed to the 7th Int. Conference on Image Analysis and Processing Progress in image analysis and processing III , Italy.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Fast extraction of planar surfaces from range images.’ Contributed to the SPIE Conf. on Applications of Articial Intelligence: Machine Vision and Robotics, Orlando.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Quantization errors in active range sensing.’ Contributed to the 8th Scand. Conf. on Image Analysis, Tromso, Norway.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Detection and application of polyhedral symmetry: A review.’ Contributed to the 8th Scand. Conf. on Image Analysis, Tromso, Norway.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Polyhedral symmetry: Detection algorithms and application to 3-D object recognition.’ Contributed to the Swiss Vision'93, Zurich.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Range data acquisition by coded structured light: Error characteristic of binary and Gray projection code.’ Contributed to the Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques II .
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘An optimal algorithm for extracting the regions of a plane graph.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 14, Nr. 7: 553–558.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Determining symmetry of polyhedra.’ Contributed to the Proc.of Int. Workshop on Visual Form Visual Form: Analysis and Recognition , Capri.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal vertex ordering of a graph and its application to symmetry detection.’ Contributed to the Proc. Of the 17th International Workshop WG'91.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Efficient computation of moments by recursion.’ Contributed to the 6th Int. Conference on Image Analysis and Processing - Progress in Image Analysis and Processing II , Como, Italy.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal decomposition of arbitrary-shaped structuring elements into neighborhood subsets.’ Contributed to the 17th Int. Workshop WG'91 SPIE Conf. on Applications of Artifcial Intelligence X: Machine Vision and Robotics, Orlando.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . „Eine Methode zur schnellen Segmentierung von Tiefenbildern in planare Regionen.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proc. of 14th German Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), Dresden.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘A simple and efficient algorithm for determining the symmetries of polyhedra.’ Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing: Graphical 54, Nr. 1: 91–95.
    • Jiang XY, Bunke H. . ‘Optimal vertex ordering of a graph and its application to symmetry detection.’ In Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science (Fischbachau, 1991), 148–158. Berlin: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Ein konturbasierter Ansatz zur Berechnung von Momenten.’ Contributed to the Proc. of 13th German Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), Informatik Fachberichte 290, München.
    • Jiang X, Robmann R, Bunke H. . ‘An application of distance transform to range image segmentation.’ Contributed to the SPIE Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X: Algorithms and Techniques, Boston.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Determination of the symmetries of polyhedra and an application to object recognition.’ Contributed to the Int. Workshop on Computational Geometry (CG'91) , Bern.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Simple and fast computation of moments.’ Models and Image Processing 24, Nr. 8: 801–806.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘On error analysis for surface normals determined by photometric stereo.’ Signal Processing 23, Nr. 3: 221–226.
    • Jiang XY, Bunke H. . ‘Determination of the symmetries of polyhedra and an application to object recognition.’ In Computational geometry---methods, algorithms and applications (Bern, 1991), 113–121. Berlin: Springer VDI Verlag.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Recognizing 3-D objects in needle maps.’ Contributed to the 10th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Informatik Fachberichte 251, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . „Erkennung von 3-D Objekten im Nadeldiagramm mithilfe von Konsistenzbedingungen.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 14th German Workshop on Arti cial Intelligence GWAI-90, Informatik Fachberichte 254.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Detektion von Symmetrien polyedrischer Objekte.’ Contributed to the 12th German Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), Informatik Fachberiche 254.
    • Glauser T, Gmür E, Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Deductive generation of vision representations from CAD-models.’ Contributed to the 6th Scand. Conf. on Image Analysis, Oulu, Finland.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Recognition of overlapping convex objects using interpretation tree search and EGI matching.’ Contributed to the SPIE Conf. on Applications of Digital Image Processing XII, San Diego.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . ‘Segmentation of the needle map of objects with curved surfaces.’ Pattern Recognition Letters 10, Nr. 3: 181–187.
    • Jiang X, Bunke H. . „Segmentierung von Nadeldiagrammen von Objekten mit gekrümmten Obeächen.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 10th German Pattern Recognition Symposium (DAGM), Informatik Fachbereichte 180, Zürich.
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