Münster (upm)
Prof. Jörg Kudla (Biology)© WWU - Peter Grewer

Five researchers from Münster are highly cited

Citation Ranking 2019 published by Clarivate Analytics

Five scientists from the University of Münster are among the world's most cited researchers: According to the annual citation ranking of the U.S. company Clarivate Analytics, Prof. Armido Studer, Prof. Frank Glorius (both Chemistry), Prof. Ralf Adams (Medicine/ Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine), Prof. Helmut Baumgartner (Medicine/ University Hospital) and Prof. Jörg Kudla (Biology) are represented.

In science, citations are a criterion used to assess the significance of research results. The more important a research project is, the more often colleagues refer to it in their own publications.

On the current "Highly Cited Researchers 2019" list of the best, about 6000 scientists from all over the world are represented in 21 categories. Each of them has a particularly high number of papers that belong to one percent of the most cited publications in the respective subject area and can therefore be regarded as extraordinarily innovative and influential studies. Clarivate Analytics included publications from 2006 to 2018 in the ranking for 2019.


"Clarivate Analytics" has been operating the literature and citation database "Web of Science" since 2017, which it took over from the media group "Thomson Reuters". This online platform enables scientists to search for publications in their field of research and to find out where and how often specialist articles are cited.

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