University of Münster and Ashoka University agree on partnership
The University of Münster and Ashoka University in India will cooperate in the future. During a visit by a delegation of scientists from the Indian University, the Rector of Münster University, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, signed a partnership agreement. The aim of the agreement is to promote scientific cooperation. In addition, the participants of both universities agreed on the possibility of exchanging students.
"We are looking forward to what will develop in the coming years," said Prof. Raja Rosenhagen, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at Ashoka University. As an alumnus of Münster University, the philosopher, who received his doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh, has a close relationship with Münster and initiated cooperation with Prof. Niko Strobach of the Department of Philosophy of Münster University. "Our agreement fits very well into the University's internationalization strategy," stressed Niko Strobach.
The scientists plan to apply for joint research projects. In addition, up to four students from both universities will be able to exchange at the same time – up to a duration of one year. Such an exchange will initially be limited to the History/Philosophy Department of Münster University. Ashoka University is the first "Liberal Arts" university in India, in other words, a university with a focus on the humanities and social sciences. Since it was founded five years ago, the university located north of Delhi has been growing steadily and has a first-class international staff both in philosophy and other subjects.
The cooperation was kicked off with a workshop organised by members from both Universities at the Center for Philosophy of Science (ZfW) at Münster University. The participants were dedicated to a current topic of epistemology, the cognitive penetration of perception.