Rules for infected persons and recommendations for contact persons

The current Corona Test and Quarantine Ordinance (CoronaTestQuarantäneVO) includes regulations on segregation for infected persons and recommendations for contact persons. The most important information for this is summarised below.

Positive coronavirus self-test result / Suspected infection

  • In the presence of Corona-specific symptoms, a doctor must be consulted. Your family doctor or a public health service facility will carry out a Corona test on you. If the corona self-test is positive, a control test must be carried out immediately at a testing centre:
    • PCR test, or at least a
    • coronavirus rapid test.
  • Until the test result is received, isolation is mandatory. Direct contact with other persons must be avoided and hygiene and infection protection measures must be strictly observed.
Proof of infection
  • Upon receiving a positive PCR test or certified coronavirus rapid test result, the infected individual must immediately isolate. You are required to isolate even without receiving instructions to do so from the authorities. Similarly, the period of isolation concludes without special notification from the authorities, but rather ends in accordance with the rules put forth in CoronaTestQuarantäneVO.
  • Isolation shall in principle end after five full days from the date of the first positive test, without the need for a final negative test result. The day of testing shall not be included in the calculation of the isolation period.
  • If the period of isolation is terminated, the continued use of a medical mask is recommended especially when engaging in contact with vulnerable persons.
  • Notification of positive test results via the Corona warning app is recommended.
  • You must inform your employer of your infection and subsequent isolation (as a rule, the HR department).
  • Employees of the university of Münster must notify us of any periods of quarantine or coronavirus infection by email ( Even if you are working exclusively from a home office, please send word via email nonetheless.
  • For students of the WWU, a quarantine or Corona infection does not have to be reported to the university. Different regulations may apply for the Faculty 05 and the Medical Campus.
Further information