Information on examination rules in the WS 2021/22

  • Examinations assigned to courses held in the winter semester 2021/2022 will be conducted again in accordance with the provisions of their respective examination regulations. The so-called “Coronavirus Rectorate Regulations”, which were adopted by individual faculties, no longer apply to these examinations.
  • In the case of examinations assigned to the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21 or the summer semester 2021 (retakes), the Rectorate may continue to apply the “Coronavirus Rectorate Regulations” on the basis of examination regulatory equal treatment until the end of the internally designated examination period at the latest.
  • Online examinations are still possible. The faculties can include this option in their examination organisation. For more information, contact your faculty representatives.
  • The loosened rules on free attempts and withdrawing from examinations, which have been in place in the past three semesters, will not be prolonged as the corresponding state regulations are being phased out. These rules may only be applied to examinations which were assigned to the past three semesters (i.e. retakes).
  • Other rules may apply to degree programmes of the Faculty of Medicine and state examination programmes.