Business Development

Degree: Master of Science (MSc)

Language of instruction

All courses are taught entirely in English.

Further links on subjects / degrees

Admission procedures

for first-semester students

Start of programme: winter semester only

This is a restricted-admission subject. Please apply online at You can find the upcoming application deadlines here.
If you have any questions about the application process (including how to complete the online form), please contact the staff at the Student Admissions Office.
Information on admission procedures for master’s degree programmes

for higher-semester students

restricted admission
[Candidates may only apply for winter-semester enrolment in an odd-numbered semester, and for summer-semester enrolment in an even-numbered semester]
Online application

Semester dates

Summer semester 2024: 1 Apr 2024 - 30 Sep 2024, lecture period: 8 Apr 2024 - 19 Jul 2024
Winter semester 2024/2025: 1 Oct 2024 - 31 Mar 2025, lecture period: 7 Oct 2024 - 31 Jan 2025

General advice and psychological counselling

Student Advice and Counselling Centre (ZSB)
of the University of Münster

Botanicum – Centre for Student Affairs, Schlossgarten 3
48149 Münster

Map, directions
Our consultation hours
First answers: FAQ – "I’ve got a question"

Degree course advisor

Departmental academic advice