Who can take our courses
Our courses and exams are only open to students enrolled at the University of Münster. Students from other universities (including other Münster universities) can, unfortunately, not be accepted into courses or take exams with us.
If there are free spaces, persons with the status of „Gasthörer“ and participants of the programme „Studium im Alter“ for mature students can take part in general language courses at level B1 or higher provided they can prove they have sufficient knowledge of the language in question. However, they cannot get a course certificate with a grade. For more infomration, please contact the language coordinator by email.
How can you register for courses
In order to take part in courses at the Language Centre, please follow these steps:
1. Login
First you have to log in on our website using your personal WWU user ID.
To do so, pleae click on Login (top right-hand corner)
2. C-Test for placement
For most of our language classes, you have to take our placement test, the so-called C-Test, which you can practice using the Demo-Version.
You cannot register for courses until you have taken the C-Test.During a C-Test phase, you have to log in on the C-Test page with your personal WWU user ID and then click on „Registration for test“ (at the top) before you can take the proper C-Test.
You will find more information on the C-Test here.
3. Course registration
Find a course you would like to take in our list of courses, click on the course and then on „Register“.
You can find more information under Courses.
For important information on taking the C-Test, please click here.
Courses for the „Allgemeine Studien“
This information is only relevant to students studying for a full degree at the WWU Münster.
You can see from both the individual course info and the category „Allgemeine Studien“ in the course list which courses are accredited for the „Allgemeine Studien“ (= a general studies component of some WWU degrees).
The Faculty of Philology and other WWU institutes also offer courses expressly for the „Allgemeine Studien“ in other languages. You can find a complete list in HIS LSF under „Allgemeine Studien Modul 1: (Fremd-) Sprachkompetenz“.
For many degrees, you also have to register for the course exam in QISPOS so that the course counts for the „Allgemeine Studien“. The QISPOS deadlines can be found here.
Compulsory Attendance
For the courses at the Language Centre, regular attendance is required for all students who want to get a course certificate.
In two-hour courses, students may therefore miss no more than two classes, in four-hour courses no more than four classes.
How can I get my course certificate
Issuing of certificates is on Tuesday from 11.15 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. in BB 413 and on February 4, 5 and 6 from 12 to 4 p.m. in room BB 402.
Certificates for Spanish and Portuguese : ONLY on Thursday 6 February.
DAAD language certificate English
The DAAD language certificate is only issued in BB 405 (office): Wednesday from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. and Thursday from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.
If you would like to receive your course certificate by post, please use one of these two options:
1. Deutsche Post E-Porto Add-In
Use the Deutsche Post E-Porto Add-in: type in your address, choose the appropriate electronic stamp for a standard envelope to your address and email it to scheinz@uni-muenster.de. Please include the following information in your email: name of course, semester you attended the course and name of course instructor.
2. stamped addressed envelope
Send us a stamped envelope (standard size) addressed to you. Please include the following information: name of course, semester you attended the course and name of course instructor.
Our postal address:
WWU Münster
Bispinghof 2B
48143 Münster