Bachelor Thesis

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  • Requirements

    Bachelor theses in the field of Education and Teaching in Sport are written following the module M5 "Teaching in Sport".
    We only supervise bachelor theses of students who 1.) have written a term paper in a seminar in M5 and have received appropriate feedback and 2.) have taken the term paper colloquium („Bildungs- und Unterrichtsforschung im Sport“ with Prof. Nils Neuber; first to fourth session). This is proved by the following document.

  • Topic identification and development

    Finding or developing a topic is a time-consuming process for which you should allow sufficient time. As a rule, we do not offer "ready-made" topics, but the students look for their own topic. This should be chosen in line with Module 5 and relate accordingly to didactic aspects of sport. Once you have thought about a possible Bachelor's thesis topic, the question can be fleshed out in a consultation meeting.

  • Supervision relationship and consultation meetings

    If you are planning to write your Bachelor's thesis in the Education and Sport department, request an initial consult with one of our examiners. Please prepare for this consult by checking that you meet the requirements and by thinking as specifically as possible about a possible topic in advance.
    You can take advantage of a total of three consultation meetings for your Bachelor thesis. We recommend that you prepare for advising interviews with concrete questions, otherwise effective advising is not possible. Please always bring a current outline of your thesis to the interviews.
    Bachelor's theses are supervised by all staff members of the Department of Education and Instruction, provided they have supervisory capacity available.
    An ideal overview of the different stages of the registration and writing process can be found in the "Links and Documents" section.

  • Topic formulation and writing of an exposé

    Based on the initial interview, you will need to write an exposé (length one to two pages). It should be written after reviewing the relevant literature for the specific research question and should contain the following points:

    • the exact title of the paper
    • a short introduction to the topic (problem of the thesis) as well as the concrete question of the thesis
    • considerations on the theoretical basis of the work (with reference to the state of research and the need for research)
    • a preliminary outline
    • 8-10 references

    The exposé, the outline and the bibliography should be sent to the first reviewer by email. After making an appointment, these can then be discussed together. If optimizations are necessary, these must be incorporated.

  • Registration and Formalities

    Two steps are required for the registration of the thesis: the registration with the first examiner and the registration with the Examination Office I. The registration with the Examination Office requires the signature of the first examiner and can only be done after completion of the synopsis.

    The length of a Bachelor thesis should not exceed 30 pages. Hints for the formal design can be found in our script "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Sportdidaktik" (Scientific Work in Sports Didactics), which can be purchased at cost price from the support staff of the Department of Education and Instruction in Sports (VG 116). For all theses we use the citation standard of the German Association for Sport Science.

    The completed thesis must be turned in to Examination Office I. Regardless of this, we include all bachelor theses in our archives, provided you agree to this with your exam registration.


  • Checklist


    •     term paper written in module M5
    •     taking the colloquium on term papers ("Bildungs- und Unterrichtsforschung im Sport" with Prof. Nils Neuber; first to fourth session)
    •     planned topic corresponds to the topics from M5

    Initial Consoult

    •     as concrete as possible considerations about the topic made
    •     examiner selected

    Writing of the exposé

    •     exact title of the work
    •     short introduction to the topic (problem of the thesis) as well as the concrete question of the thesis
    •     considerations about the theoretical basis of the work (with reference to the state of research and the need for research)
    •     preliminary outline
    •     8-10 references

    Registration of the thesis

    •     Registration with the first examiner using the form of the field of work
    •     Registration with the examination office using the form of the examination office
  • Documents and Links

    Registration form first examiner

    Proof of term paper in M5

    Application form Examination Office I ("Application for admission to the Bachelor thesis")

    Information of the Examination Office I about theses

    Stages and supervision of a bachelor thesis

    Citation standard of the German Association for Sports Science (DVS)



    Counseling services at the University of Münster