Heins, F., Masselink, J., Scherer, J.N., & Lappe, M. (2023). Adaptive changes to saccade amplitude and target localization do not require pre-saccadic target visibility. Scientific Reports, 13, 8315.
Heins, F. and Lappe, M. (2022) Flexible use of post-saccadic visual feedback in oculomotor learning. Journal of Vision (2022), 22(1):3, 1-16
Heins, F, and Lappe, M. (2022) Mislocalization after inhibition of saccadic adaptation. Journal of Vision (2022) 22(8):3, 1–23
Heins, F., Meermeier, A., & Lappe, M. (2019). Volitional control of saccadic adaptation. PloS one, 14(1), e0210020. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210020
Conference Contributions
Heins, F., Masselink, J., Scherer, J. N., & Lappe, M. (2023). Adaptive changes to saccade amplitude and target localization induced only by post-saccadic feedback. Poster presented at the Vision Science Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 2023
Heins, F. & Lappe, M. (2022). Task-dependent target selection guides oculomotor learning. Poster presented at the Vision Science Society (VSS) Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, Florida, 2022
Heins, F. & Lappe, M. (2022). Implicit and latent motor learning in the oculomotor system and its perceptual consequences. Oral presentation at the 8th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society (MNS) Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022
Heins, F., Meermeier, A.,& Lappe, M. (2018). Saccadic Adaptation Can Be Volitionally Controlled. Poster presented at the European Conference on Visual Perception (Trieste, Italy, 2018).
- since 11/2019 PhD research project, Institute of Psychology, University of Münster (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe)
- 08/2019 M.Sc. Psychology, specialization in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Münster
Thesis: “Voluntary Inhibition of Oculomotor Learning and Its Influence on the Localization of visual Targets” (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe, Dr. Christian Wolf) - 07/2017-06/2019 Student assistant, Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe, Institute of Psychology, University of Münster
- 07/2017 B.Sc. Psychology, University of Münster
Thesis: “Voluntary Inhibition of Oculomotor Learning” (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe, Dr. Annegret Meermeier)