Bremer, G., Stein, N., Lappe, M. (2021) Predicting Future Position From Natural Walking and Eye Movements with Machine Learning. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR) 2021, 19-28, doi:10.1109/AIVR52153.2021.00013
Academic CV
Since 08/2021 PhD research project, Institute of Psychology University of Muenster (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe)
05/2021 M.Sc. Psychology, focus area 'Cognitive Neuroscience', University of Muenster
Thesis: "Body Motion Prediction with Machine Learning based on Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking Data" -
11/2017-02/2020 Student assistant, Insitute for Psychology, University of Muenster
10/2018 B.Sc. Psychology, University of Muenster Thesis: "Effect of object motion on the control of self-motion in virtual reality"