This site is under construction. If you miss anything or need up-to-date information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Equal Opportunity Work at the Department of Physics
Welcome to the web pages on equal opportunity work at the Department of Physics. Since the relative share of women is underrepresented at all levels of qualification, the physics department has the task of striving for equality in the long term through additional measures at all levels. This includes projects already aimed at schoolgirls to get them interested in physics and prepare them for university studies, but also at female students and doctoral candidates. We would like to present these projects and measures to you on these web pages and motivate you to participate.
International Women's Day 2024
Have a wonderful, educational, celebratory but also thought-provoking International Women's Day!
To help raise awareness of female physicists and to support other people's wonderful research and listings, here is the "Physikerin der Woche" (in English) from the DPG's Equal Opportunities Group, quotes from nine female physicists at CERN, and a look at the improvements and opportunities for female physicists today through Physics World.
We hope you enjoy browsing, discovering and learning.
Workshop on Imposter Syndrome (in German)
Have you ever had the feeling that you passed an exam with more luck than sense? Do you sometimes think that others overestimate your competence? Have you ever heard of Imposter Syndrome?
We invite all those interested in the Department of Physics to explore the topic of Imposter Syndrome in our upcoming workshop.
When: 14 March, 11-12:30 a.m.
Where: Room 222, Institute of Applied Physics
G4F - Journey into the Earth
During this workshop for female high school students, earthquakes and convection are going to be investigated together with researchers from the Institute of Geophysics. The workshop will be held in German. More detailed information can be found in the German description.
When: 23 January, 2-6 p.m.
Where: MExLab ExperiMINTe building, Corrensstraße 2b, 48149 Münster
Who: Female high school students from grade 8 onwards
Registration until 18 January here.
Pre-Colloquium-Coffee on 11 January (in English)
On the occasion of Yvonne Wong’s Colloquium on Thursday, 11 January we are inviting in particular young students, PhD students and PostDocs of all genders to the Pre-Colloquium-Coffee and Career Chat.
We meet at 11 a.m. in R306 (ITP Coffee Room), Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9.
Coffee, tea and cookies will be served.
The event is organised by the GRK 2149 together with the equal opportunities office.
We look forward to your active participation.
To mark today's international day of action to eliminate violence against women, the University of Münster's Equal Opportunities Office has distributed these cards with orange sweets from the Bömskes candy factory throughout the university buildings. There are also some in the physics department.
Like the entire University of Münster, the Department of Physics takes a stand against misconduct such as stalking, bullying, any kind of discrimination, as well as emotional and physical violence so that public spaces and the university in particular do not remain places of insecurity and threat for women. Support services, such as the federal government's help hotline (telephone number: 116 016), or internal university counseling services (website only in German) are important points of contact for those affected. However, each individual can also help to create an everyday university life in which everyone feels safe and comfortable by working together attentively. This is why the University of Münster demands: Stop violence against women!
More information on the actions of the University's Equal Opportunities Office can be found here (in German)
If you need support in your department because something has happened to you or you have observed a situation, you can find the contact persons here.
Girls Go Physics - Daily life and artificial intelligence at the university with Female Physicists
On 27 April 2023, the Girls'Day took place at MExLab Physik! We opened our doors to girls interested in physics.
Under the motto "Artificial Intelligence", 26 female students from grades 5 to 9 got to know the world of physics. Throughout the day, female physics students were on hand to give advice and answer questions such as: "What is it like to study?", "How difficult are the exams?", "Do you ever have a holiday?".
In addition to exciting lectures on the topics "What is physics? Where do I find it in everyday life?" or "What is AI?", the participants also tested how to train an "artificial intelligence" themselves by playing a game. Authentic insights into the scientific, but also technical work in and for the laboratories in physics were given during the laboratory and workshop tours.
We all had a great day together, exchanged ideas and got to know each other. Thank you very much for being with us and see you next time.
International Women's Day 2022
“But sharing of life's glories: Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses!” (Bread and Roses, James Oppenheim, 1911)
It is International Women’s Day! It was first held in a few countries of central Europe in 1911 after the proposal of an International Women’s Day in the previous year by German socialist Clara Zetkin and others. International Women’s Day reminds us that gender equality, women’s equal participation in all areas of society and the end of discrimination and violence against girls and women are not accomplished yet. But it is also a day to stress and celebrate the achievements and successful fights of the past.
At the Department of Physics, many female physicists are doing research in all institutes on current topics in geophysics, nanophysics, nonlinear physics, particle physics and the didactics of physics and natural sciences. We celebrate the enthusiasm and diverse activities of female physicists at WWU with a collage of their pictures to the topic “Physics and I”!
To further strengthen women in physics and natural sciences there are two events or rather offers from the equal opportunity office at the WWU we want to highlight (both seem to be in German): A workshop about “Confident comportment in scientific contexts” which will be repeated during the summer term. Furthermore, students of the first two years affected by multiple marginalisations can apply for the BigSis program as a mentee until 16 March still.
International Women's Day
March 8th is International Women's Day. It symbolises the existing discrimination that women face on a daily basis, but also the successes they have achieved over the centuries.
At the Department of Physics, there is not only research on gender, but many female physicists are doing research in all institutes on current topics in geophysics, nanophysics, nonlinear physics, photonics and magnonics, particle physics and the didactics of physics and natural sciences. For International Women's Day, we celebrate the achievements of women physicists at WWU!
The day highlights the battles still to be fought and at the same time makes us grateful for what others have already won. In this spirit, the Office for Equality at the WWU has created a time travel through the history of WWU and the women's movements in Germany and worldwide, starting with the first female students at the University of Münster in 1908 and extending to the firmly institutionalised equality work at the WWU in the present day. Discover now!
Girls' Day at the Department of Physics will take place digitally this year!
On 22nd of April it is time again: 30 schoolgirls will gain an insight into physics studies and everyday life at university: What is physics? How is learning and research conducted at a university? How is it different comparing to school?
These and other questions will be answered at the digital Girls' Day. We will broadcast live into physics labs and talk to the female physicists who are conducting research there. We will also take a closer look at an online lecture to get an impression of what it is like to study.
A highlight every year is the independent experimentation, which will not be neglected this year either! All participants will be sent an experiment package in advance so that we can all experiment alone in front of our laptops but still together via Zoom.
Registration is via the Girls' Day portal: Registration [de]
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 11th is International Day of Women and Girls in Science!
Promoting gender equality in science and technology is crucial to building a better future. Currently, the Corona pandemic has exacerbated challenges for women in scientific fields.
These current issues, as well as a comparative look at the situation of women in different countries and in science versus industry, were discussed yesterday at the café for women in physics.
On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the second online café for women in physics took place yesterday with Prof.'in Tetyana Galatyuk from TU Darmstadt. She reported on her career in physics, which led her via Ukraine and working in industry finally to Germany in science.
At the Department of Physics at WWU, it is a tradition that female speakers at the General Physics Colloquium are invited to the café for women in physics beforehand. In this way, they can give interested young female scientists' insights into their careers. We are pleased that the café for women in physics is also very well attended by female staff and students of the department in the new online setting!
Café for women in physics
11.02.2021, 11 am (online)
The Equal Opportunity Office at the Department of Physics invites you to the online café for women in physics.
The occasion is the lecture of Prof.'in Dr. Tetyana Galatyuk at the General Physics Colloquium on 11.02.2021 at 16.00 on the topic "Shine a light! When matter shatters". Tetyana Galtyuk is a professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Before her talk, she will be ready to answer our questions in a more informal setting at 11 am. She is looking forward to an exchange with you!
In a relaxed atmosphere, we will talk with the speaker about her career path, take an international look at gender issues, and discuss any topics that participants would like to raise.
Zoom access data can be obtained by registering at
Gender Breakfast Talk
09.02.2021, 10 am (online)
The Equal Opportunity Office at the Department of Physics invites you to the second virtual Gender Breakfast Talk. The Gender Breakfast Talks are also intended to enable networking between staff and students of the department in the current situation.
Input will be provided in the talks by a presentation from the field of gender and science, which will be followed by a discussion session.
Registration is available at Registrations with a postal address until 02.02.2021, will be sent a small breakfast packet. Registering after that date without recieving a package or picking it up at the Institute of Applied Physics is possible. After successful registration you will receive the Zoom access link.
The second date is 09.02.2021 from 10.00 to 11.30 am. Valerie Dahl, M.A. will give a lecture on the topic of
„Soll ich jetzt was sagen? Das merkt doch eigentlich jeder. Oder merkt das doch nicht jeder?" Interventionsstrategien von Physiker*innen bei Diskriminierungsvorfällen am Arbeitsplatz.
Café for women in whysics
17.12.2020, 11 a.m. (online)
The Equal Opportunity Office at the Department of Physics invites you to the first online café for women in physics.
The occasion is the lecture by Prof.'in Dr. Laura Fabbietti at the General Physics Colloquium on 17.12.2020 at 4 pm on the topic "Renaissance of nuclear physics at the LHC". Laura Fabietti is a professor at the Technical University of Munich. Before her talk, she will be ready to answer our questions in a more informal setting at 11 am. She is looking forward to an exchange with you!
In a relaxed atmosphere, we will talk with the speaker about her career path, take an international look at gender issues, and discuss any topics that participants would like to bring up.
Zoom access data can be obtained upon registration at
We look forward to seeing you!
Cornelia Denz & the Equal Opportunities Office of the Physics Department
Gender Breakfast Talk
16.12.2020, 10 a.m. (online)
The Gender Equality Office at the Department of Physics invites you to the first virtual gender equality breakfast. The digital networking meeting is a prelude to the now regular Gender Breakfast Talk series.
The current pandemic situation makes it difficult for staff and students in the department to network, but at the same time makes an exchange and mutual support more important than ever. The Gender Breakfast Talks are designed to facilitate this as well as provide space for discussion of gender equality issues.
Each will feature a keynote presentation on the larger topic of gender and science, followed by a discussion session. The digital meeting will be rounded off by small breakfast packages that registered participants will receive prior to the event in order to recreate the atmosphere of a shared, informal breakfast in the virtual setting as well.
Registration is available at Registrations with a postal address until 09.12.2020, will be sent a small breakfast packet. Registering after that date without recieving a package or picking it up at the Institute of Applied Physics is possible. After successful registration you will receive the Zoom access link.
The first date is 16.12.2020 from 10.00 to 11.30 am. Lecturer will be
Prof.'in Dr. Cornelia Denz on the topic of
„Karrierebremse Frauennetzwerke? Wie Physikerinnen in verschiedenen Bereichen der Physik die Rolle von beruflicher Vernetzung bewerten“.
Girls4Future - New workshops for girls!
This fall, the new project G4F for girls from the 7th grade starts in the department's student lab MExLab Physics.
In a series of new workshops, participants will explore exciting topics such as photovoltaics, wind energy or physical methods of water analysis and will be experimenting, programming and designing objects with a 3D printer. They will also learn about different professions, such as that of scientist or precision engineer and talk to women who have chosen these professions for themselves.
More information can be found on the MExLab Physics page.
The MExLab Physik team is looking forward to exciting and varied workshops!
Financial support for female doctoral students in the Department of Physics
The Department of Physics has set up a support program for female doctoral students with the aim of individually promoting the further career of female physicists during their doctorate. The program supports special events that go beyond typical conferences and make female physicists visible, usually with active participation. These include international conferences and symposia, summer schools or special continuing education and conference formats.
Typical participation in conferences of the German Physical Society or classic national conferences is not funded. Here, the working group leadership is expected to support doctoral researchers regardless of gender. Participation in conferences for female physicists and further training courses explicitly for female physicists are also not funded, as long as these can be funded from the central gender equality program.
Funding is provided in the form of lump sums depending on the conference venues:
- Research stays (European 1,200 €, non-European 1,500 €)
- Active participation in summer schools, preferably of an interdisciplinary nature, to acquire complementary subject knowledge (600 € nationally, 800 € internationally, 1,000 € overseas)
- International conferences or special events for career advancement (200 € national, 400 € international, 600 € overseas)
For all events, an active contribution, e.g. in the form of a poster or a lecture, is generally expected. In addition, the benefit must go beyond a purely professional one.
Getting funding twice in one year is not possible; other funding opportunities should be exhausted. A supportive statement from the supervisor with a commitment that the funds exceeding the lump sum will be provided must be enclosed.
Application can be handed it at any times, an answer can take some time.
The application should be made in a form-based way via email ( to the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Physics Department:
Carina Bücker
Physikalisches Institut
Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10
48149 Münster
The form for applying for funding can be downloaded here.
The information on the funding programme is provided here as a pdf.