Allgemeines Physikalisches Kolloquium - SS 2014

Ort: 48149 Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, IG 1, HS 2
Zeit: Donnerstag, 15.05.2014, 16 Uhr c.t.
Kolloquiums-Kaffe: ab 15:45 Uhr vor dem Hörsaal


Synchronization: From widldly branched drying patterns to bifurcations of driven flows

Prof. Dr. Uwe Thiele, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Münster

A phenomenon well known in our daily life is the coffee stain effect, where a drying drop of coffee leaves behind a well defined ring and not a uniformly distributed stain. Similar effects occur for many liquid mixtures and suspensions over a range of different length scales, where they may result in a rich variety of beautiful patterns ranging from regular and irregular lines to networks and wildly branched structures.

First, examples of such structures are shown that are created by several interacting physical phenomena: the tendency of liquids to cover or uncover a solid substrate (wettability), evaporation of volatile components, and the possible decomposition of a complex liquid into its components. Then, several types of mathematical models are introduced that describe thin layers of liquids on a surface either in a discrete or continuous way. In particular, these are a kinetic Monte Carlo model, dynamical density functional theory and thin film hydrodynamics.

The final part shows that such models can not only describe the dynamics of relaxational processes (systems approaching equilibrium) but as well driven systems that are permanently out of equilibrium as, for example, the deposition of a simple or complex liquid onto a moving plate. We show that this may result in complex behaviour manifested in a very rich bifurcation structure. The general concepts behind the models are explained, their successes are illustrated with selected results, and their limitations are discussed.

Einladender: Prof. Dr. Markus Donath (Dekan)
Im Auftrag der Hochschullehrer des Fachbereichs Physik
Prof. Dr. N.A. Stolwijk