
Münster is a prospering location for scientific and economic activity. Science is the critical success factor for the city's future. The University of Münster offers an excellent platform in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology which makes Münster one of the leading centers in nanotechnology. In a joint effort, the "Alliance for Science", the University of Münster, the University of Applied Sciences Münster, and the City of Münster concertedly build on their strengths to further develop the research location Münster. The brochure "Nanowelt Münster" impressively demonstrates that Münster is a vibrant place for nanotechnology.   

Nanowelt Münster (Deutsch)
Nanowelt Münster (Deutsch)
© Uni Münster
Nanoworld Münster (English)
Nanoworld Münster (English)
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