Fit for climate change

Scientific steering and evaluation of the "forest climate fund" project: Fit for climate change - measures for a sustainable, near-natural adaptation of wet forests in the Münsterland to climate change
Final Conference
Final Conference

wet forests and climate change - state and future

© Fit für den Klimawandel

The final conference of the "Fit for Climate Change" project was held on the 15th and 16th of February, 2018 at the Institute of Landscape Ecology. Approximately 150 participants joined.

documentation of the conference, with talks, posters and field trips [in german]

press release of the NABU-Naturschutzstation Münsterland [in german]

television report of the WDR in the local tv news "Lokalzeit Münsterland" from 15th of February including an interview with Dr. Britta Linnemann on the project, available until 22nd of February

UN-Dekade-Project Biological Diversity
UN-Dekade-Project Biological Diversity

Award for the Davert Project

Freuen sich über den gelungenen Wald-Klima-Lehrpfad und die Auszeichnung zum UN-Dekade-Projekt (von links): Josef Tumbrinck (Vorsitzender NABU NRW), Andreas Wiebe (Leiter Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz), Heinz-Peter Hochhäuser (Leiter Regionalforstamt Münsterland), Ministerin Schulze Föcking, Dr. Britta Linnemann (Vorstandsvorsitzende NABU-Naturschutzstation Münsterland) und Prof. Dr. Norbert Hölzel (Institut für Landschaftsökologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
Freuen sich über den gelungenen Wald-Klima-Lehrpfad und die Auszeichnung zum UN-Dekade-Projekt (von links): Josef Tumbrinck (Vorsitzender NABU NRW), Andreas Wiebe (Leiter Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz), Heinz-Peter Hochhäuser (Leiter Regionalforstamt Münsterland), Ministerin Schulze Föcking, Dr. Britta Linnemann (Vorstandsvorsitzende NABU-Naturschutzstation Münsterland) und Prof. Dr. Norbert Hölzel (Institut für Landschaftsökologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
© Mechthild Wiesrecker, Westfälischer Anzeiger

The Davert-Project was awarded UN-Decade Project!

UN-Decade-Website project presentation [de]
press release NABU Naturschutzstation Münsterland [de]

  • News-Archive

    New edition of the "Davert Depesche+" about "natural scientists"

    Recently and within the project "Fit for Climate Change", the new edition of the "Davert Depesche+" brochure has been released. The University's role as scientific supervisor of the project is displayed vividly, a spring flower is presented and to "natural scientits" are being portrayed.

    This edition also counts with the second quartal's programme and is completed by a searching game for children. The brochure is released quarterly and is on display in many locations in the South of Münster and in the Institute for Landscape Ecology. Additionally, a german version may be downloaded here.


    © Annika Brinkert
    • © Annika Brinkert
    • © Annika Brinkert
    • © Annika Brinkert
    • © Annika Brinkert
    • © Annika Brinkert
    • © Annika Brinkert

    Soil work in the Davert and the Wolbecker Tiergarten finished

    We have recently been able to finish the soil work in the Davert and the Wolbecker Tiergarten. Within the project “Fit for climate change”, we examine carbon stocks of water-logged soils under wet forests in the south of Münster.

    In autumn 2014, we already dug the first soil profiles in close vicinity to our reference sites. Here, we study the effects of rewetting-measures in cultivated forests and wilderness development areas on carbon stocks, water levels, vegetation and tree vitality. While the last soil profiles shed light on horizon chracteristics, soil types and bulk density, a research project is about to assess the carbon stocks of the reference sites before the beginning of the rewetting-measures.

| Background

Opening of the project

 Gemeinsam für stabile und naturnahe feuchte Wälder im Münsterland – Prof. Dr. Norbert Hölzel (2. v. l.) begleitet das Projekt wissenschaftlich.<address>© NABU</address>

Grand opening of the project – Prof. Dr. Norbert Hölzel (2nd from left) will carry out the scientific evaluation. Foto: NABU

press release (german)

  upm press release (de)