Status as of 03-12-2024 22:56

Current information from the CIT:

There are currently problems with the use of the AIDA time recording system. We are working to rectify this and will inform you as soon as the fault has been rectified.

Did you know...
...that the university is making the Sophos AntiVirus virus protection program available to all its staff and students for free? It can (and should) be used on your own home computers.
more information...

Hotline/Operations - restrictions due to high sickness rate

Due to the high sickness rate among IVV employees, there are currently restrictions on the IVV hotline and also on operations and other work.

Scheduling for an Origin workshop in the winter term 2024/25

We are in the process of planning an all-day workshop on Origin, consisting of two parts. Either part or both can be attended based on interest.


  • Morning: Introduction to Origin
    • Interface and handling
    • data connectors, importing data, creating your own import filter
    • simple calculations, data exploration, filters, data selection
    • Creation and formatting of data drawings, layer technique
    • exporting data, creating a slide show
  • Afternoon: Automation
    • Analysis options of data and diagrams, minitools
    • clonable templates and designs
    • Automation capabilities with analysis templates
    • Apps as extensions to Origin
    • Overview of highlights in OriginPro 2024
Further information is available on Learnweb as part of the IVV colloquium.

There you will find various options for when the workshop could take place: During the lecture-free period or during the lecture period of the winter term 2024/25. If you are interessted, please select all the date options that would work for you, until Nov. 30, 2024. We will go ahead and plan the date and format that suits most participants. As soon as this has been confirmed, there will be a registration for participation.

Scheduling for a Chemdraw seminar in the winter term 2024/25

We are in the procses of planning a seminar on Chemdraw und Chem3D.


  • ChemDraw Basics
  • Basics in creating structures
  • SMILES and more
  • Reactions
  • Generic Structures
  • Label
  • Now color is coming into play
  • Chem3D Basics
Further information is available on Learnweb as part of the IVV colloquium.

There you will find various options for when the seminar could take place: During the lecture-free period or during the lecture period of the winter term 2024/25. If you are interessted, please select all the date options that would work for you, until Dec. 22, 2024. We will go ahead and plan the date and format that suits most participants. As soon as this has been confirmed, there will be a registration for participation.


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