eScience@NWZ Frühere Veranstaltungen

Events in 2023:

Events in 2022:

Events in 2021:

CMTC / IVV NWZ Symposium Research Data Management, 21.06.2021:

  • Research data management and how to get started with the help of electronic lab notebooks -- Dr. Magdalene Cyra (
  • RDM Services at the WWU -- Dr. Frank Berkemeier (WWU Serice Center RDM)
  • NOMAD – A federated data infrastructure for FAIRmat -- Dr. Markus Scheidgen (HU Berlin & NOMAD)
  • Research data infrastructure and services for interactive data analysis at WWU -- Dr. Markus Blank-Burian (WWU-IT)
  • Development and use of electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) within NFDI4Chem: components and embedding in the NFDI4Chem infrastructure -- Dr. Nicole Jung (KIT & NFDI4Chem)
  • Data standards, storage and benchmarking of numerical quantum chemistry: where we are and future challenges -- Prof. Ricardo Mata (U Göttingen & NFDI4Chem)
  • NFDI4BioDiversity - Konsortium für Biodiversität, Ökologie und Umweltdaten -- Dr. Barbara Ebert (Gesellschaft für Biologische Daten e.V.)
  • OMERO - Research Data Management for Microscopy Data -- Dr. Thomas Zobel (WWU Imaging Network)