© Mister Vertilger / Photocase.com Publications at the Institute of Landscape Ecology (since 2012)
Publications since 2019
2025 Krüger , N. , Knorr , K.H. , and Mueller , P. 2025 . “Opposite priming responses to labile carbon versus oxygen pulses in anoxic peat . ” Soil Biology and Biochemistry , № 202 109682. doi : 10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109682 .Middelanis , T. , Looschelders , D. , Mueller , P. , and Knorr , K.H. 2025 . “Potential of biochar to mitigate methane production in paddy soils—application of a new incubation and modelling approach . ” Biogeochemistry , № 168 (1 ) 6. doi : 10.1007/s10533-024-01200-9 .Henning , Teickner , Edzer , Pebesma , and Klaus-Holger , Knorr . 2025 . “A synthesis of Sphagnum litterbag experiments: initial leaching losses bias decomposition rate estimates . ” Biogeosciences , № 22 (2 ) : 417 –433 . doi : 10.5194/bg-22-417-2025 .Baumberger , M , Haas , B , Tewes , W , Risse , B , Meyer , N , and Meyer , H . 2025 . “Gated recurrent units for modelling time series of soil temperature and moisture: An assessment of performance and process reflectivity . ” Environmental Modelling and Software , № 183 : 106245 –106245 . doi : 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106245 .Giese , L , Baumberger , M , Ludwig , M , Schneidereit , H , Sánchez , E , Robroek , BJ , Lamentowicz , M , Lehmann , J , Hölzel , N , Knorr , K , and Meyer , H . 2025 . “Recent trends in moisture conditions across European peatlands . ” Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment , № 37 : 101385 –101385 . doi : 10.1016/j.rsase.2024.101385 .2024 Krüger , Jula-Klarissa , Buchholz , Sascha , Schmitt , Sophie , Blankenhaus , Katharina , Pernat , Nadja , Ott , David , and Hollens-Kuhr , Hilke . 2024 . “You are what you eat – The influence of polyphagic and monophagic diet on the flight performance of bees . ” Ecology and Evolution , № 14 (9 ) e70256. doi : 10.1002/ece3.70256 .Pernat , Nadja , Memedemin , Daniyar , August , Tom , Preda , Cristina , Reyserhove , Lien , Schirmel , Jens , and Groom , Quentin . 2024 . “Extracting secondary data from citizen science images reveals host flower preferences of the Mexican grass-carrying wasp Isodontia mexicana in its native and introduced ranges . ” Ecology and Evolution , № 14 (6 ) e11537. doi : 10.1002/ece3.11537 .Felgentreff, Esther; Pernat, Nadja; Buchholz, Sascha . 2024 . “Birds of Berlin: Changes in communities and guilds in the urban park “Tiergarten” since 1850 . ” Ecology and Evolution , № 14 (5 ) e11461. doi : 10.1002/ece3.11461 .Krebs , Luana , Burri , Susanne , Feigenwinter , Iris , Gharun , Mana , Meier , Philip , and Buchmann , Nina . 2024 . “Forest-floor respiration, N2O fluxes, and CH4 fluxes in a subalpine spruce forest: drivers and annual budgets . ” Biogeosciences , № 21 : 2005 –2024 . doi : 10.5194/bg-21-2005-2024 .Shekhar , Ankit , Buchmann , Nina , Humphrey , Vincent , and Gharun , Mana . 2024 . “More than three-fold increase in compound soil and air dryness across Europe by the end of 21st century . ” Weather and Climate Extremes , № 44 100666. doi : 10.1016/j.wace.2024.100666 .Pernat , Nadja , Buchholz , Sascha , and Schirmel , Jens . 2024 . “Urbanization reduces Orthoptera diversity and changes community structure towards mobile species . ” Insect Conservation and Diversity , № 17 (2 ) : 259 –272 . doi : 10.1111/icad.12727 .Scapucci , L , Shekhar , A , Aranda-Barranco , S , Bolshakova , A , Hörtnagl , L , Gharun , M , and Buchmann , N . 2024 . “Compound soil and atmospheric drought (CSAD) events and CO2 fluxes of a mixed deciduous forest: the occurrence, impact, and temporal contribution of main drivers . ” Biogeosciences , № 21 (15 ) : 3571 –3592 . doi : 10.5194/bg-21-3571-2024 .Jordan , Elisa , Shekhar , Ankit , and Gharun , Mana . 2024 . “Assessing the volatility of daily maximum temperature across Germany between 1990 and 2022 . ” Atmosphere , № 15 (7 ) 838. doi : 10.3390/atmos15070838 .Rich , R , Mueller , P , and al. , et . 2024 . “Design and Assessment of a Novel Approach for Ecosystem Warming Experiments in High-Energy Tidal Wetlands . ” Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences , № 128 (11 ) doi : 10.1029/2023JG007550 .Sharma , Bidhya , Moore , Tim R. , Knorr , Klaus-Holger , Teickner , Henning , Douglas , Peter M. J. , and T. Roulet , Nigel . Forthcoming . “Horticultural additives influence peat biogeochemistry and increase short-term CO2 production from peat . ” Plant and Soil doi : 10.1007/s11104-024-06685-9 .Groß , C. , Hossen , S. , Dittrich , S. , Knorr , K.H. , Borken , W. , and Noll , M. 2024 . “Biological nitrogen fixation, diversity and community structure of diazotrophs in two mosses in 25 temperate forests . ” Environmental Microbiology , № 26 (1 ) e16555. doi : 10.1111/1462-2920.16555 .Charamba , LV , Houska , T , Kaiser , K , Knorr , K-H , Krüger , S , Krause , T , Chen , H , Krám , P , Hruška , J , and Kalbitz , K . 2024 . “Tracing sources of dissolved organic matter along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum in the Ore Mountains, Germany . ” Science of the Total Environment , № 943 : 173807 –173807 . doi : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173807 .Heffernan , L. , Estop-Aragonés , C. , Kuhn , M.A. , K.-H. , Knorr , and Olefeldt , D. 2024 . “Changing climatic controls on the greenhouse gas balance of thermokarst bogs during succession after permafrost thaw . ” Global Change Biology , № 30 (7 ) doi : 10.1111/gcb.17388 .Wang , H.Y. , Yu , Z.G. , Zhou , F.W. , Hernandez , J.C. , Grandjean , A. , Biester , H. , Xiao , K.Q. , and Knorr , K.H. 2024 . “Microbial communities and functions are structured by vertical geochemical zones in a northern peatland . ” Science of the Total Environment , № 950 doi : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175273 .Milà , C , Ludwig , M , Pebesma , E , Tonne , C , and Meyer , H . 2024 . “Random forests with spatial proxies for environmental modelling: opportunities and pitfalls . ” Geoscientific Model Development , № 2024 (17 ) : 6007 –603 . doi : 10.5194/gmd-17-6007-2024 .Linnenbrink , J , Milà , C , Ludwig , M , and Meyer , H . 2024 . “kNNDM CV: k-fold nearest-neighbour distance matching cross-validation for map accuracy estimation . ” Geoscientific Model Development , № 17 (15 ) : 5897 –5912 . doi : 10.5194/gmd-17-5897-2024 .Baumberger , M , Haas , B , Sivakumar , S , Ludwig , M , Meyer , N , and Meyer , H . 2024 . “High-resolution soil temperature and soil moisture patterns in space, depth and time: An interpretable machine learning modelling approach . ” Geoderma , № 451 : 117049 –117049 . doi : 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.117049 .Bald , L , Ziegler , A , Gottwald , J , Koch , TL , Ludwig , M , Meyer , H , Wöllauer , S , Zeuss , D , and Frieß , N . 2024 . “Leveraging heterogeneous LiDAR data to model successional stages at tree species level in temperate forests . ” Environmental Data Science , № 3 : e24 –e24 . doi : 10.1017/eds.2024.31 .Maxwell , Tania L. , Spalding , Mark D. , Friess , Daniel A. , Murray , Nicholas J. , Rogers , Kerrylee , Rovai , Andre S. , Smart , Lindsey S. , Weilguny , Lukas , Adame , Maria Fernanda , Adams , Janine B. , Austin , William E. N. , Copertino , Margareth S. , Cott , Grace M. , Duarte De Paula Costa , Micheli , Holmquist , James R. , Ladd , Cai J. T. , Lovelock , Catherine E. , Ludwig , Marvin , Moritsch , Monica M. , Navarro , Alejandro , Raw , Jacqueline L. , Ruiz-Fernández , Ana-Carolina , Serrano , Oscar , Smeaton , Craig , Van De Broek , Marijn , Windham-Myers , Lisamarie , Landis , Emily , and Worthington , Thomas A. 2024 . “Soil carbon in the world’s tidal marshes . ” Nature Communications , № 15 10265. doi : 10.1038/s41467-024-54572-9 .Datta , R , Katurji , M , Nielsen , E , Meyer , H , Zawar-Reza , P , and Valdes , ML . 2024 . “The Winter Foehn Footprint Across McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica Using a Satellite-Derived Data Set-AntAir v1.0 . ” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , № 129 (23 ) : e2023JD039300 . doi : 10.1029/2023JD039300 .Wali , Emal , Tasumi , Masahiro , and Klemm , Otto . 2024 . “Estimation of evapotranspiration in south eastern Afghanistan using the GCOM-C algorithm on the basis of Landsat satellite imagery . ” Hydrology , № 2024 (11 ) : 95 . doi : 10.3390/hydrology11070095 .Steinhäuser , Cornelia , and Buttschardt , Tillmann K. 2024 . “Agroökologie – ein transformativer Ansatz zum Erreichen der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele . ” in Landschaftsökologie , edited by Ulrich Walz and Uta Steinhardt . New York City : Springer Publishing . doi : 10.1007/978-3-662-68008-7 .Steinhäuser , Cornelia , Buttschardt , Tillmann K. , Binder , Julia , Middelanis , Thomas , and Leggat , Olivia . 2024 . “Wie sehen junge Landwirt*innen auf die neue Förderperiode der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik – und darüber hinaus auf ihre Zukunft? Eine Fallstudie entlang der Umsetzung der Agroforstwirtschaft . ” Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank . Berlin .Steinhäuser , Cornelia . 2024 . “Agroökologie – eine Transformation durch Lernen und Verlernen . ” Nach(haltig)gedacht Bhagwat T.; Kuemmerle T.; Soofi M.; Donald P.F.; Hölzel N.; Salemgareev A.; Stirnemann I.; Urazaliyev R.; Baumann M.; Kamp J. . 2024 . “A novel, post-Soviet fire disturbance regime drives bird diversity and abundance on the Eurasian steppe . ” Global Change Biology , № 30 (1 ) : 1 –14 . doi : 10.1111/gcb.17026 .Neyret , M. , Le Provost , G. , Boesing , A.L. , Schneider , F.D. , Baulechner , D. , Bergmann , J. , de Vries , F.T. , Fiore-Donno , A.M. , Geisen , S. , Goldmann , K. , Merges , A. , Saifutdinov , R.A. , Simons , N.K. , Tobias , J.A. , Zaitsev , A.S. , Gossner , M.M. , Jung , K. , Kandeler , E. , Krauss , J. , Penone , C. , Schloter , M. , Schulz , S. , Staab , M. , Wolters , V. , Apostolakis , A. , Birkhofer , K. , Boch , S. , Boeddinghaus , R.S. , Bolliger , R. , Bonkowski , M. , Buscot , F. , Dumack , K. , Fischer , M. , Gan , H.Y. , Heinze , J. , Hölzel , N. , John , K. , Klaus , V.H. , Kleinebecker , T. , Marhan , S. , Müller , J. , Renner , S.C. , Rillig , M.C. , Schenk , N.V. , Schöning , I. , Schrumpf , M. , Seibold , S. , Socher , S.A. , Solly , E.F. , Teuscher , M. , van Kleunen , M. , Wubet , T. , and Manning , P. 2024 . “A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification . ” Nature Communications , № 15 (1 ) : 1251 . doi : 10.1038/s41467-024-45113-5 .Pichon , N.A. , Cappelli , S.L. , Soliveres , S. , Mannall , T. , Nwe , T.Z. , Hölzel , N. , Klaus , V.H. , Kleinebecker , T. , Vincent , H. , and Allan , E. 2024 . “Nitrogen availability and plant functional composition modify biodiversity-multifunctionality relationships . ” Ecology Letters , № 27 (1 ) doi : 10.1111/ele.14361 .Bucharova , A. , Conrady , M. , Klein-Raufhake , T. , Ratka , V. , Schultz , F. , and Hölzel , N. 2024 . “Rapid evolution of flower phenology and clonality in restored populations of multiple grassland species . ” Journal of Applied Ecology , № 00 (1-11 ) doi : 10.1111/1365-2664.14600 .Berner L.T.; Orndahl K.M.; Rose M.; Tamstorf M.; Arndal M.F.; Alexander H.D.; Humphreys E.R.; Loranty M.M.; Ludwig S.M.; Nyman J.; Juutinen S.; Aurela M.; Happonen K.; Mikola J.; Mack M.C.; Vankoughnett M.R.; Iversen C.M.; Salmon V.G.; Yang D.; Kumar J.; Grogan P.; Danby R.K.; Scott N.A.; Olofsson J.; Siewert M.B.; Deschamps L.; Lévesque E.; Maire V.; Morneault A.; Gauthier G.; Gignac C.; Boudreau S.; Gaspard A.; Kholodov A.; Bret-Harte M.S.; Greaves H.E.; Walker D.; Gregory F.M.; Michelsen A.; Kumpula T.; Villoslada M.; Ylänne H.; Luoto M.; Virtanen T.; Forbes B.C.; Hölzel N.; Epstein H.; Heim R.J.; Bunn A.; Holmes R.M.; Hung J.K.Y.; Natali S.M.; Virkkala A.M.; Goetz S.J. . 2024 . “The Arctic Plant Aboveground Biomass Synthesis Dataset . ” Scientific data , № 11 (1 ) 305. doi : 10.1038/s41597-024-03139-w .Biancari L.; Aguiar M.R.; Eldridge D.J.; Oñatibia G.R.; Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y.; Saiz H.; Gross N.; Austin A.T.; Ochoa V.; Gozalo B.; Asensio S.; Guirado E.; Valencia E.; Berdugo M.; Plaza C.; Martínez-Valderrama J.; Mendoza B.J.; García-Gómez M.; Abedi M.; Ahumada R.J.; Alcántara J.M.; Amghar F.; Anadón J.D.; Aramayo V.; Arredondo T.; Bader M.Y.; Bahalkeh K.; Salem F.B.; Blaum N.; Boldgiv B.; Bowker M.; Branquinho C.; Bu C.; Byambatsogt B.; Calvo D.A.; Castillo Monroy A.P.; Castro H.; Castro-Quezada P.; Chibani R.; Conceição A.A.; Currier C.M.; Donoso D.A.; Dougill A.; Ejtehadi H.; Espinosa C.I.; Fajardo A.; Farzam M.; Ferrante D.; Fraser L.H.; Gaitán J.J.; Gherardi L.A.; Gusmán-Montalván E.; Hernández-Hernández R.M.; Hölzel N.; Huber-Sannwald E.; Hughes F.M.; Jadán O.; Jeltsch F.; Jentsch A.; Ju M.; Kaseke K.F.; Kindermann L.; Köbel M.; le Roux P.C.; Liancourt P.; Linstädter A.; Liu J.; Louw M.A.; Maggs-Kölling G.; Issa O.M.; Marais E.; Margerie P.; Messeder J.V.S.; Mora J.P.; Moreno G.; Munson S.M.; Oliva G.; Pueyo Y.; Emiliano Quiroga R.; Reed S.C.; Rey P.J.; Rodríguez A.; Rodríguez L.B.; Rolo V.; Ruppert J.C.; Sala O.; Salah A.; Stavi I.; Stephens C.R.A.; Swemmer A.M.; Teixido A.L.; Thomas A.D.; Throop H.L.; Tielbörger K.; Travers S.K.; van den Brink L.; Wagner V.; Wamiti W.; Wang D.; Wang L.; Wolff P.; Yahdjian L.; Zaady E.; Maestre F.T. . 2024 . “Drivers of woody dominance across global drylands . ” Science advances , № 10 (41 ) eadn6007. doi : 10.1126/sciadv.adn6007 .Eldridge , D.J. , Ding , J. , Dorrough , J. , Delgado-Baquerizo , M. , Sala , O. , Gross , N. , Le Bagousse-Pinguet , Y. , Mallen-Cooper , M. , Saiz , H. , Asensio , S. , Ochoa , V. , Gozalo , B. , Guirado , E. , García-Gómez , M. , Valencia , E. , Martínez-Valderrama , J. , Plaza , C. , Abedi , M. , Ahmadian , N. , Ahumada , R.J. , Alcántara , J.M. , Amghar , F. , Azevedo , L. , Ben , Salem F. , Berdugo , M. , Blaum , N. , Boldgiv , B. , Bowker , M. , Bran , D. , Bu , C. , Canessa , R. , Castillo-Monroy , A.P. , Castro , I. , Castro-Quezada , P. , Cesarz , S. , Chibani , R. , Conceição , A.A. , Darrouzet-Nardi , A. , Davila , Y.C. , Deák , B. , Díaz-Martínez , P. , Donoso , D.A. , Dougill , A.D. , Durán , J. , Eisenhauer , N. , Ejtehadi , H. , Espinosa , C.I. , Fajardo , A. , Farzam , M. , Foronda , A. , Franzese , J. , Fraser , L.H. , Gaitán , J. , Geissler , K. , Gonzalez , S.L. , Gusman-Montalvan , E. , Hernández , R.M. , Hölzel , N. , Hughes , F.M. , Jadan , O. , Jentsch , A. , Ju , M. , Kaseke , K.F. , Köbel , M. , Lehmann , A. , Liancourt , P. , Linstädter , A. , Louw , M.A. , Ma , Q. , Mabaso , M. , Maggs-Kölling , G. , Makhalanyane , T.P. , Issa , O.M. , Marais , E. , McClaran , M. , Mendoza , B. , Mokoka , V. , Mora , J.P. , Moreno , G. , Munson , S. , Nunes , A. , Oliva , G. , Oñatibia , G.R. , Osborne , B. , Peter , G. , Pierre , M. , Pueyo , Y. , Emiliano , Quiroga R. , Reed , S. , Rey , A. , Rey , P. , Gómez , V.M.R. , Rolo , V. , Rillig , M.C. , le Roux , P.C. , Ruppert , J.C. , Salah , A. , Sebei , P.J. , Sharkhuu , A. , Stavi , I. , Stephens , C. , Teixido , A.L. , Thomas , A.D. , Tielbörger , K. , Robles , S.T. , Travers , S. , Valkó , O. , van den , Brink L. , Velbert , F. , von Heßberg , A. , Wamiti , W. , Wang , D. , Wang , L. , Wardle , G.M. , Yahdjian , L. , Zaady , E. , Zhang , Y. , Zhou , X. , and Maestre , F.T. 2024 . “Hotspots of biogeochemical activity linked to aridity and plant traits across global drylands . ” Nature plants , № 10 : 760 –770 . doi : 10.1038/s41477-024-01670-7 .Gross N.; Maestre F.T.; Liancourt P.; Berdugo M.; Martin R.; Gozalo B.; Ochoa V.; Delgado-Baquerizo M.; Maire V.; Saiz H.; Soliveres S.; Valencia E.; Eldridge D.J.; Guirado E.; Jabot F.; Asensio S.; Gaitán J.J.; García-Gómez M.; Martínez P.; Martínez-Valderrama J.; Mendoza B.J.; Moreno-Jiménez E.; Pescador D.S.; Plaza C.; Pijuan I.S.; Abedi M.; Ahumada R.J.; Amghar F.; Arroyo A.I.; Bahalkeh K.; Bailey L.; Ben Salem F.; Blaum N.; Boldgiv B.; Bowker M.A.; Branquinho C.; van den Brink L.; Bu C.; Canessa R.; Castillo-Monroy A.d.P.; Castro H.; Castro P.; Chibani R.; Conceição A.A.; Darrouzet-Nardi A.; Davila Y.C.; Deák B.; Donoso D.A.; Durán J.; Espinosa C.; Fajardo A.; Farzam M.; Ferrante D.; Franzese J.; Fraser L.; Gonzalez S.; Gusman-Montalvan E.; Hernández-Hernández R.M.; Hölzel N.; Huber-Sannwald E.; Jadan O.; Jeltsch F.; Jentsch A.; Ju M.; Kaseke K.F.; Kindermann L.; le Roux P.; Linstädter A.; Louw M.A.; Mabaso M.; Maggs-Kölling G.; Makhalanyane T.P.; Issa O.M.; Manzaneda A.J.; Marais E.; Margerie P.; Hughes F.M.; Messeder J.V.S.; Mora J.P.; Moreno G.; Munson S.M.; Nunes A.; Oliva G.; Oñatibia G.R.; Peter G.; Pueyo Y.; Quiroga R.E.; Ramírez-Iglesias E.; Reed S.C.; Rey P.J.; Reyes Gómez V.M.; Rodríguez A.; Rolo V.; Rubalcaba J.G.; Ruppert J.C.; Sala O.; Salah A.; Sebei P.J.; Stavi I.; Stephens C.; Teixido A.L.; Thomas A.D.; Throop H.L.; Tielbörger K.; Travers S.; Undrakhbold S.; Val J.; Valkó O.; Velbert F.; Wamiti W.; Wang L.; Wang D.; Wardle G.M.; Wolff P.; Yahdjian L.; Yari R.; Zaady E.; Zeberio J.M.; Zhang Y.; Zhou X.; Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y. . 2024 . “Unforeseen plant phenotypic diversity in a dry and grazed world . ” Nature , № 632 (8026 ) : 808 –814 . doi : 10.1038/s41586-024-07731-3 .Díaz-Martínez P.; Maestre F.T.; Moreno-Jiménez E.; Delgado-Baquerizo M.; Eldridge D.J.; Saiz H.; Gross N.; Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y.; Gozalo B.; Ochoa V.; Guirado E.; García-Gómez M.; Valencia E.; Asensio S.; Berdugo M.; Martínez-Valderrama J.; Mendoza B.J.; García-Gil J.C.; Zaccone C.; Panettieri M.; García-Palacios P.; Fan W.; Benavente-Ferraces I.; Rey A.; Eisenhauer N.; Cesarz S.; Abedi M.; Ahumada R.J.; Alcántara J.M.; Amghar F.; Aramayo V.; Arroyo A.I.; Bahalkeh K.; Ben Salem F.; Blaum N.; Boldgiv B.; Bowker M.A.; Bran D.; Branquinho C.; Bu C.; Cáceres Y.; Canessa R.; Castillo-Monroy A.P.; Castro I.; Castro-Quezada P.; Chibani R.; Conceição A.A.; Currier C.M.; Darrouzet-Nardi A.; Deák B.; Dickman C.R.; Donoso D.A.; Dougill A.J.; Durán J.; Ejtehadi H.; Espinosa C.; Fajardo A.; Farzam M.; Ferrante D.; Fraser L.H.; Gaitán J.J.; Gusman Montalván E.; Hernández-Hernández R.M.; von Hessberg A.; Hölzel N.; Huber-Sannwald E.; Hughes F.M.; Jadán-Maza O.; Geissler K.; Jentsch A.; Ju M.; Kaseke K.F.; Kindermann L.; Koopman J.E.; Le Roux P.C.; Liancourt P.; Linstädter A.; Liu J.; Louw M.A.; Maggs-Kölling G.; Makhalanyane T.P.; Issa O.M.; Marais E.; Margerie P.; Mazaneda A.J.; McClaran M.P.; Messeder J.V.S.; Mora J.P.; Moreno G.; Munson S.M.; Nunes A.; Oliva G.; Oñatibia G.R.; Osborne B.; Peter G.; Pueyo Y.; Quiroga R.E.; Reed S.C.; Reyes V.M.; Rodríguez A.; Ruppert J.C.; Sala O.; Salah A.; Sebei J.; Sloan M.; Solongo S.; Stavi I.; Stephens C.R.A.; Teixido A.L.; Thomas A.D.; Throop H.L.; Tielbörger K.; Travers S.; Val J.; Valko O.; van den Brink L.; Velbert F.; Wamiti W.; Wang D.; Wang L.; Wardle G.M.; Yahdjian L.; Zaady E.; Zeberio J.M.; Zhang Y.; Zhou X.; Plaza C. . 2024 . “Vulnerability of mineral-associated soil organic carbon to climate across global drylands . ” Nature Climate Change , № 14 (9 ) : 976 –982 . doi : 10.1038/s41558-024-02087-y .Kindermann , E. , Ebner , M. , Hölzel , N. , Bonari , G. , Wassen , M.J. , and Wellstein , C. 2024 . “Resurveying inner-alpine dry grasslands after 70 years calls for integrative conservation efforts . ” Biological Conservation , № 289 110393. doi : 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110393 .Meyer , H , Ludwig , M , Milà , C , Linnenbrink , J , and Schumacher , F . 2024 . “The CAST package for training and assessment of spatial prediction models in R . ” arXiv doi : 10.48550/arXiv.2404.06978 .Klein-Raufhake , T , Hölzel , N , Schaper , JJ , Hortmann , A , Elmer , M , Fornfeist , M , Linnemann , B , Meyer , M , Rentemeister , K , Santora , L , Wöllecke , J , and Hamer , U . 2024 . “Severity of topsoil compaction controls the impact of skid trails on soil ecological processes . ” Journal of Applied Ecology , № 00 : 1 –12 . doi : 10.1111/1365-2664.14708 .Zhang , F , Wang , Q , Zhang , Y , Yao , S , Wang , Q , Ndzana , G , Hamer , U , Kuzyakov , Y , Zhang , B , and , . 2024 . “Soil organic carbon increase via microbial assimilation or soil protection against the priming effect is mediated by the availability of soil N relative to input C . ” Geoderma , № 444 116861. doi : 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116861 .Gabel , F. , Vosshage , A.T.L. , and Meyer , E.I. 2024 . “Non-native amphipods reach higher maximum swimming velocities than natives . ” Science of the Total Environment , № 948 174794. doi : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174794 .Schumacher , F , Knoth , C , Ludwig , M , and Meyer , H . 2024 . “Estimation of local training data point densities to support the assessment of spatial prediction uncertainty . ” EGUsphere doi : 10.5194/egusphere-2024-2730 .Pernat , Nadja , Canavan , Susan , Golivets , Marina , Hillaert , Jasmijn , Itescu , Yuval , Jarić , Ivan Mann Hjalte M. 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