IfK-Delegation auf ECREA-Konferenz in Prag

(09.11.2016) Im Rahmen der diesjährigen European Communication Conference der ECREA, die vom 09. bis 12. November in Prag stattfindet, präsentieren zahlreiche IfK-Mitarbeiterinnen und -Mitarbeiter Ergebnisse ihrer Forschung. Insgesamt finden sich im Programm von Hauptkonferenz und Preconferences 16 Beiträge mit IfK-Beteiligung.

9 Nov 2016

Im Einzelnen präsentieren IfKler folgende Beiträge:

  • Arnold, Dirk: Involvement of private and civil society actors in media regulation processes. Comparison of all European Union member states.
  • Badura, Laura: The perception of journalistic risk. An exploratory study assessing the recipients‘ perception of risks related to news journalism.
  • Birkner, Thomas/Nölleke, Daniel: A marketplace for products and ideas. Mapping the blogosphere by using Bourdieu’s Field Theory.
  • Erenler, Yasmin: The ethnic box. An experiment on how a communicator’s ethnic origin affects credibility perceptions.
  • Festl, Ruth/Quandt, Thorsten: Perpetrators, victims, bystanders - longitudinal links of cyberbullying involvement patterns.
  • Grosser, Katherine M./Hase, Valerie/Wintterlin, Florian/Blöbaum, Bernd: ‘Trustworthy or shady – How does UGC influence journalism’s trustworthiness in a digitized world?’
  • Grosser, Katherine M.: The Media’s Depiction of Trust, Distrust and Trust Problems within the Context of Digitalization.
  • Hase, Valerie: Business news before, during and after the financial crisis - mere reflection of economic developments or results of journalistic criteria of selection and presentation?
  • Nölleke, Daniel: German lawyers and their media-related behavior. Litigation PR as a facet of the mediatization of the legal system.
  • Quandt, Thorsten et al.: Area unlocked: Challenged and opportunites of game studies in Central and Eastern Europe (Roundtable)
  • Robbert, Henry/[…]/Quandt, Thorsten: From YouTube to MeTube. The dynamics of YouTube use and identity formation
  • Roth, Ulrike: Internet use in queer-lesbian coming out experiences in Germany: Dis/Continuities of agency and marginalisation.
  • Scheu, Andreas/Nölleke, Daniel/Birkner, Thomas: The other side of mediatization: Shielding as a facet of mediatization.
  • Schieb, Carla/Scheufele, Bertram: Communication and empowerment. How street paper vendors themselves perceive their job, their social life, and their bond to street paper organizations.
  • Schwarzenegger, Christian/Birkner, Thomas: Failures, dead ends, and parallel lines – discontinuities of memory in communication studies. Towards a negative history of the field.
  • Starke, Christopher: The power of collective identity. Framing Europe and its effect on solidarity within the European Union.
  • Völker, Julia/Scholl, Armin: Beyond statistical reasoning on reliability in standardized content analysis: A constructivist reflection about the social aspect of methodology.

Außerdem ist Thorsten Quandt an dem von der Uni Münster gesponserten ECREA Digital Games Research Graduate Student Colloquium als Organisator, Respondent sowie Sprecher in der Session „Publishing for young scholars“ aktiv.

Die Konferenz steht in diesem Jahr unter dem Oberthema „Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures“. Die Fachtagungen der ECREA finden im zweijährlichen Rhythmus statt. Gastgeber der Konferenz im Jahr 2018, der dann 7. European Communication Conference, wird Lugano (Schweiz) sein.

Ansprechpartner Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit:
Dr. Daniel Nölleke
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Telefon: +49 251 83-24655
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)