Sofie Beisemann, M.A.

Research assistent in the project SIE
Portrait of Sofie Beisemann
© IfK | Julian Wortmann

Department of Communication
Room E 021
Bispinghof 9-14
D-48143 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83-21281


Consultation hours

by individual arrangement

  • Short CV

    Bachelor’s degree at the University of Mannheim in the program Culture and Economics: Media and Communication Studies and Business Administration, followed by a Master's degree in Communication Studies at the University of Münster with a stay abroad at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Master's thesis on "Social movements and the media: The case of the Last Generation – A computational content analysis". Worked as a tutor and student assistant during her studies. Since October 2023 research associate in the DFG project "Social Issue Emergence in the Hybrid Media System" in the team of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt.

  • Talks


    Scientific Talks

    • Beisemann, Sofie; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten : „‘[T]his lovely idea that Twitter is the marketplace of the new world [...] that's completely broken.” A qualitative interview study of politicians, journalists and activists on the role and change of social media for social debates on social problems“. 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Berlin, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Beisemann, Sofie; Unger, Said; Klapproth, Johanna; Davydova, Anna; Quandt, Thorsten : “Luring TikTok-Users into the right-wing rabbit hole via housekeeping and lifestyle content? Exploring #tradculture communities on TikTok”. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, .
    • Beisemann, Sofie : “Activists or Danger to Society? A Computational Content Analysis of German Quality Newspaper Coverage of the Last Generation”. 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, .