M. Saïd H. Unger M.A.

Research assistant in the Project HybriD
Portrait: M. Saïd H. Unger
© Nadine Daum | IfK

Department of Communication
Room 021
Leonardo-Campus 11
D-48149 Münster

Tel.: +49 251 83-24253

Consultation hours

by individual arrangement

  •  Research Areas

    • Disinformation
    • Social Network Analysis
    • Quantitative Content Analysis
    • Science of Science
  • Short CV

    Saïd Unger studied sociology and history in Jena before finishing hist master degree in sociology and social research at the University of Bremen with a thesis on "Why do We Publish Together? On the Relevancy of Topics for Academic Co-Authorship Networks in the Social Sciences."

    From 2019 he was an assistant researcher in the BMBF funded project "Aufbruch, Abbruch oder Durchbruch? Einflussfaktoren auf wissenschaftliche Karriereverläufe in den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften (ABD)" at the University of Stuttgart. Since December 2021 he is an assistant researcher in the BMBF funded project "HybriD - Echtzeiterkennung von Desinformationskampagnen in Online-Medien"in the Team of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt.



    • Unger, Saïd; Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Alternative epistemic authorities - A mixed methods approach to referencing practices of users in alternative online publics ’. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA) (ECREA), Ljubljana, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Features of disinformation: An interview study on disinformation perceptions with political, governmental, journalistic and economic decision-makers in Germany’. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Hijacking information flows through initiating topic drifts: Analyzing temporal patterns of how counterpublic actors shift discourses about climate protests by inserting disinformation narratives’. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, .
    • Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Against the mainstream but for what? – An automated content analysis of worldviews in alternative online communities towards climate change’. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Beisemann, Sofie; Unger, Said; Klapproth, Johanna; Davydova, Anna; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Luring TikTok-Users into the right-wing rabbit hole via housekeeping and lifestyle content? Exploring #tradculture communities on TikTok’. 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Institutionalizing Coping Strategies in a Changing Disinformation Environment? A Two-Wave Qualitative Panel Study with Political and Governmental Elites in Germany’. 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, .
    • Wu, Shangyuan; Unger, Saïd; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Defining “Alternative Media” in the Non-West: Uncovering Variations of “Alternativeness” in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East’. 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Navigating cross-platform crisis coverage: Temporal patterns of topic dynamics in the information flow between news media and social media platforms’. 74th Annual International Communication Association Preconference “A Computational Turn in Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges in a Cross-Disciplinary Field”, National University of Singapore, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Fine-Tuning disinformation detection between journalist and machine: Introducing a human-in-the-loop framework for conceptualizing artificial intelligence-based detection strategies against disinformation campaigns in journalism practice’. 74th Annual International Communication Association Preconference “A Computational Turn in Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges in a Cross-Disciplinary Field”, National University of Singapore, .
    • Quandt, Thorsten; Unger, Saïd; Wu, Shangyuan (): ‘The mainstreaming of ‘Alternative Media’. Transformations and limitations of a core concept in journalism research.’ 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) (International Communication Association), Gold Coast, .
    • Grimme, Christian; Klapproth, Johanna; Stampe, Lucas; Lütke Stockdiek, Janina; Unger, Said; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Human-AI Collaboration on Disinformation Campaign Detection in Social Media’. AI Research EXPO by CeNoS & InterKI, Münster, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): „Wettlauf um die Wahrheit? Eine Analyse der Diffusionsdynamiken von Prebunking Interventionen und Desinformationskampagnen in sozialen Netzwerken“. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Said; Quandt, Thorsten (): „„Und wenn wir uns als Politiker in diesem Moment nicht zurückhalten, […] dann schaden wir aber grundsätzlich dem ganzen System“. Eine qualitative Befragung von politischen Entscheidungsträger:innen zur Normalisierung von Desinformation in politischen Debatten“. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Unger, Said; Klapproth, Johanna; Boesch, Marcus; Stöcker, Christian; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘#Stolzmonat: How German right-wing actors hijacked the pride-movement to spread patriotic and anti-queer narratives on TikTok’. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Pohl, Janina; Unger, Saïd; Stampe, Lucas; Boberg, Svenja; Grimme, Christian; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Breaking Boundaries: Cross-Platform Analysis of User and Information Dynamics in the Case of German Climate Change Discussion’. 5th Symposium on Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media, Amsterdam, .
    • Unger, Saïd; Klapproth, Johanna; Pohl, Janina; Boberg, Svenja; Grimme, Christian; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Resisting Interventions: An agent based model of the effect of tie-dissolution on the diffusion of disinformation and prebunking interventions’. 5th Symposium on Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media, Amsterdam, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Unger, Saïd; Boesch, Marcus; Klapproth, Johanna; Stöcker, Christian; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Hijacking #Pride: How right-wing actors in Germany tried to piggyback on the pride-movement to spread patriotic and anti-queer narratives on TikTok ’. 5th Symposium on Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media, Amsterdam, .
    • Unger, Saïd; Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): „Alternative news, alternative experts? A topic model based comparison of epistemic authority between journalism and the Querdenken counter publics on Telegram.“ Jahrestagung der Fachgruppen Wissenschaftskommunikation und Journalistik/Journalismusforschung der DGPuK 2023, Passau, .
    • Unger, Saïd; Wu, Shangyuan; Quandt, Thorsten (): „"Alternative Media" as mainstream A longitudinal analysis of an evolving concept across time and space“. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppen Wissenschaftskommunikation und Journalistik/Journalismusforschung der DGPuK 2023, Passau, .
    • Unger, Saïd; Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘(Re)constructing Science – (Pseudo-)Science narratives in journalism and counter publics’. Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Saïd; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Crisis journalism as a pawn in the disinformation war? An automated content analysis of news media coverage on the Russian Invasion and its discussion in counterpublics’. Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Saïd; Svenja Boberg; Thorsten Quandt (): ‘Crisis coverage in journalism and counterpublics: Analyzing the shift of climate change narratives in polarized news flows’. Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff, .
    • Unger, Saïd; Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Tool Demo: topiconR - A tool for extracting characteristic words and documents from topicmodels and labeling them.’ 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) (International Communication Association), Toronto, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Unger, Saïd; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Attacked by Disinformation – Threat Perception and Coping Strategies towards Disinformation Campaigns by Political Elites in Germany’. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Toronto, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Saïd; Pohl, Janina; Boberg, Svenja; Grimme, Christian; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Countering Disinformation Campaigns: Analyzing Information Diffusion and Macrosocial Effects of Temporally Dynamic and Platform-Specific Intervention Strategies’. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Toronto, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Unger, Saïd; Quandt, Thorsten (): „Demokratische Destabilisierung durch Desinformation? Eine Analyse der Bedrohungswahrnehmung und Bewältigungsstrategien politischer Eliten in Deutschland“. 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Bremen, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Saïd; Pohl, Janina; Boberg, Svenja; Grimme, Christian; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Immunize the Public against Disinformation Campaigns: Developing a Framework for Analyzing Macrosocial Effects of Prebunking Interventions’. 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, .
    • Klapproth, Johanna; Boberg, Svenja; Unger, Saïd; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Targeted as counterpart? Analyzing actor constellations in alternative news media Facebook Posts’. 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, .
    • Unger, Saïd; Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘Between information laundering and emotionalization: Analyzing the sharing and embedding of alternative and mainstream news media articles in counter public telegram channels’. 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, .
    • Boberg, Svenja; Klapproth, Johanna; Unger, Saïd; Quandt, Thorsten (): ‘The Alternative Media Repertoire: An Analysis of Shared Alternative and Mainstream Media Content in Counterpublic Telegram Channels’. International Conference of the Research Association NRW, Bonn, .
    • Quandt, Thorsten; Boberg, Svenja; Unger, Saïd; Klapproth, Johanna (): ‘Scenarios of dark participation in online counter publics: Comparing anti-Corona movements on Telegram and Twitter’. Media and Publics, Roskilde, .
    • Unger, Saïd; (): „Soziale Netzwerkanalyse von Koautorschaft“. Quantitative Wissenschaftsforschung und Computational Social Science, Online, .